hatching out chicks -inexpensive sourcegreenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
My newest project. Was at the livestock auction a couple weeks ago and they were selling eggs. Now I have no idea what kind of eggs they are exept they were brown. They were selling for .80 cents a dozen. I thought what the heck I will buy 5 dozen and throw them in the incubator. If they arent fertile then I lost$4.50. Well got around to candelling them tonight and 90% have embryos. Looks like I have to figure out where I am putting them in another week.
-- tracy (murfette@stargate.net), March 03, 2002
Wow,that sounds like a good deal.I just bought fertile eggs for about 80 cents apiece.And the fun part is,you don't know what you got til they hatch.Like a grab bag! Good luck with your hatch. Johna
-- Johna (marcnjohna@aol.com), March 03, 2002.
Wow that's so cool. I have 19 English Bantam eggs in the incubator. They cost me $8.95 for the 19 and one quail egg. I also have two of something else (maybe Rhode Island Reds). If I'm right, I should have two chicks next weekend and the others at the end of March. The reason I said I'm not sure what the two are is because the two eggs came from my cousin's chickens. Someone sold her "Bantams" that reach your knee. We haven't found out what they are yet. = Sheryl
-- Sheryl in NJ (all295@aol.com), March 03, 2002.
For my birthday I got an icubator from my grandparents and my daughter and her friend went and collected 5 eggs yesterday and we put them in as a test run. They will be Rhode Island Reds since that is basically all I have right now. I did order chicks from a hatchery they will in around the 18th and the ducks will come in at that time too and then the chicks will hatch a week later. Wow I will have a lot of chicks for awhile. I think I am gonna build a little chicken house because the one I have is gonna be to small.
-- sonneyacres (jtgt12@ntelos.net), March 04, 2002.
Our local livestock auction sells eggs too. Generally for consumption though. One night someone had put eggs in to sell for hatching. They fetched a nice little sum. More than the going rate for eggs to eat.I have sold Americana/Auracana eggs there too with them labled as fertile and fresh for incubating. They tend to get a little more per dozen.
The chickens I have now are McMurrays Barred/Plymouth Rocks. I would love to sell them for .80 each! I get $2/doz just selling them as eggs. I get $4 a bird selling to someone who will butcher and eat them. However, I've had an offer of $5-6 dollars for them when I'm ready to get rid of them in the fall when my spring chicks start laying.
I've been thinking I'm going to borrow a friends incubator and hatch a batch of barred rocks but at the same time order another breed from McMurray. I'm going to try selling the chicks at the stockyard when they get to be a few weeks old. (Not the McMurray chicks, my own.)
-- LBD, Maryland (lavenderbluedilly@hotmail.com), March 04, 2002.
The eggs that I bought were being sold for human consumption. I took a chance on trying to hatch them. Figured they came from someones farm and more then likely there was a rooster around. After reading past posts from people that were able to hatch out eggs from their fridge I gave it a shot. All I know is they are fertile. Maybe somelse gan try the same thing and see how it turns out.
-- tracy (murfette@stargate.net), March 04, 2002.
Tracy, I hope you'll let us know what you get when they hatch!
-- Bernie from Northern Ontario (bernadette_kerr@hotmail.com), March 04, 2002.