Chicken "dust" : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I have 3 stop signed shaped boxes (about 4ft wide)in my spare room, 2 have about 30 chicks each and the other has 15 ducks. If I put a white sheet over these will it cut down on the dust and still let air in. I don't want them to get too hot, I have both windows opened about 3 inches. The temp here is about 50, cloudy and damp. Also, one box of chicks is about 3 wks old, would it hurt them to got to the dirt floor basement (stay in the box with heat lamp)? My DH is about to leave me over this I'm afraid, ha ha. thanks for your help

-- Lesa in Va (, March 03, 2002


Lesa, don't know 'bout the chicks but how old are the ducklings? Are they getting out to get sunshine every day? Well, when the sun does shine! LOL Ducks are creatures of fresh air and the thought of putting something over the top of their enclosure makes me uncomfortable. It is hard to tell as I can't actually see what is happening there and I don't raise my ducklings in the house. I know it is tricky isn't it, to figure out what it best for them. Mine stay in my "critter building" under the heat lamp, until they are about 3 weeks old and go outside every day, during nice weather, after the first week for sun and grass. After 3 weeks they go out to a duckling house, pen and yard with a light bulb in the 'house. Until they are fully feathered and then go out to the adult house at the pond, this is the arrangement. Hope this is at least a little helpful, LQ

-- Little Quacker (, March 03, 2002.

I think the three week olds would be fine in the basement as long as you keep the heat lamp on them.

-- mary (, March 03, 2002.

I haven't put anything over any of the boxes, waiting to see what you all think. The ducks have not been out yet, we just got them Friday and it has been raining every day. I will move the 3 week old to the basement tomorrow. thanks

-- Lesa in Va (, March 03, 2002.

Lesa, my main concern on the sheets is fire hazard. Be very careful that nothing is right next to your light. Also, I think the chicks need the ventilation. Once they have most their feathers, and the days are mild and sunny, you might set up a place for them to be outside during the days.

-- mary (, March 03, 2002.

well I was going to suggest giving the award for Most Patient Husband to the lady who took a grinder to a splitting maul, sharpened it into an ax in the mistaken belief that the "ax" was dull and then used it to whack off chicken heads- but now that I hear your story - wow! 60 chicks and 15 ducks in the spare room. I've raised both ducks and chicks in the house but have never attempted such numbers. you are a braver soul than me and your husband wins MPH hands down imho. we got our most recent batch of chicks (15) out the door about a month ago and we're still finding dust pockets. getting them out of the house as soon as realistically feasible (with adequate protection of course) seems like the best advice. take care.

-- B. Lackie - Zone3 (, March 03, 2002.

I had 25 (I DID NOT need this many chickens, the lady at the feed store said to get extra cuz some ALWAYS die) chicks in a box in the bathroom for two weeks in the beginning of June last year. There were large "discussions" from my daughters and husband about this situation. They were really cute for the first two or three days-then the smell kicked in, to make matters worse the door had to be kept shut all the time so the cats couldn't have "chick in the box" for dinner. Finally, even "do you want them to die" didn't work anymore and they were dispatched to the chicken section of the barn with the heat lamp. DH and I went to check them after about an hour and discovered a cat sitting on the 6' partion licking it's lips, so DH put wire from the top of the wall to the roof beams keeping cats and other hungry critters out--we never lost a single chick.

I haven't told anyone yet but I'm thinking of getting ducklings this year.

Stacy in NY

-- Stacy (, March 04, 2002.

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