Whats a good 37mm wide angle/fisheye lense?greenspun.com : LUSENET : Shooting DV Films : One Thread |
I've been checking out the Kenko super wide angle lense for 37mm camcorders. It's affordable and the reviews says that its pretty good. Does anyone have one, and if they do could they comment and give info about it.
-- SlimFatBoy2002 (allenleahy@msn.com), March 02, 2002
I just got a Kenko fisheye lense. i got the one with model number sgw- 043. seems like a very good lense. i still have to wait to test it out during a skate session but around the house, i get shots i didnt think were possible with a camera. i would recommend it, and for only 50-60 bucks, its not a big bang in your wallet. easliy attaches too, just screw it on.
-- George (yourblocksonlock@hotmail.com), December 19, 2002.
I've had .43X for not to long now. My opinion on this lense, Macro .42X Ultra Wide Angle converter lense, is awesome. I'd get these unbleviable shots with this badboy. But ive also noticed that when you apply your wide angle to a different camera, the degree of sight from the wide angle can vary. I had this 96 Sharp camcorder. I noticed that when i attached the wide angle to my camcorder, i didn't get the same wide view that you would get when just looking through the wide angle by itself with your eye. I then recently bought a new camcorder, a Samsung. When i attached the wide angle to the Samsung, you wouldn't believe the angle i got. It was sooo good. It was just like looking through the wide angle with your eye. So remember, that the view of the wide angle depends on your video camera. Check it before you buy it.- Christian Cano
-- Christian Cano (droopymonkeyjr@yahoo.com), November 25, 2003.