plant pots - supplies : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Hello. I am looking for suppliers of pots and containers for plants that i can get in bulk any one know of any? Thaanks Vickie in S.In.
-- vickie (, March 02, 2002
I go to nurseries. Most of them have WAY too many to ever use and they usually will give them away. Last time I did it, I asked if they ever sold extra 4" pots. I walked away with 1100+ free. Gallons you can get alot but usually only 200+. I did get 1000+ one time. Just make sure you wash 'em out pretty well.
-- Laura (, March 02, 2002.
Check out the A.M. Leonard co. 1-800-543-8955.Everything one could ever need then some.Web site is We also use a company called Waldo&associates, can't find the catalog right now but they are in Ohio also.
-- Steve in Ohio (, March 02, 2002.
What Laura said. I filled a 30 x 40 garden shed with culls from a local landscape nursury. the pots range from qt size all the way to tree size. I filled my shed up in two days.
-- Jay Blair in N. AL (, March 02, 2002.
Might look at Gardner's Emporium,, they have bulk plant containers.
-- BC (, March 02, 2002.
And when cleaning used pots, make sure you use a bleach solution. I fill a large washtub (rubbermaid container) with very hot water, and a splash of bleach, and let them soak. This kills just about everything from plant and soil diseases to bugs.I read an article last year about washing used pots in your clothes washer - I hate to think how quickly that could clog the drains.
-- Bernie from Northern Ontario (, March 02, 2002.
Vickienot sure if you want the plastic or what. If you just want something to transplant to start taking the sunday paper. Then if you want 4" pots get a jar that is 4" diameter and cut the paper into strips so it will be wide enough to fold over the bottom and go up the sides however high you want. They make molds for this but I have found that the jars work great and cost nothing. gail
-- gail missouri ozarks (, March 03, 2002.
Vickie,If you need brand new flats, pots and supplies, go up to Indianapolis to Brehob's on the south side of Indy. Know what you want before you go as there is no "showroom" and these guys keep the pros going. Carl Brehob and Sons 3821 Brehob Rd Indianapolis IN 46217
Also in L-ville area, down Valley Station way there is Marasa KM Greenhouse 11203 Bearcamp Rd, Lousville, KY 502-937-9414, butr I have not been there to buy stuff from them. Check them out if they are closer to you or you visit kinfolk in the area.
If you are looking at 4" pots, don't buy the stuff in sheets that you have to separate -- they tear, break and are a major pain in the fundament. Water absorbing polymers are a Good Thing if you are preparing seedling for sale. Put the polymer crystals in your transplanting mix -- seedling get a much more even water supply and grow better. The polymer crystal really make your plants look better if you are wholesaling them to someone else.
Sara in IN 317-784-1442
-- Sara in IN (, March 03, 2002.