Nebraska ranch for sale with owner : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I am offering my ranch for sale. 148.38 acres of rolling hills in the scenic Niobrara River canyon lands of north central Nebraska. Just a half mile off the popular canoeing river lies my ranch which consists of about 110 acres of native grass pasture and the rest in trees.There is a 1993 double wide mfg. home on a partial basement and cement block foundation, with a large front deck. 3 bdrm, 2 bath, all appliances, wood burning stove, other furnishings negotiable. Also has propane central heat & central air conditioner. There's also an attached 8x14 greenhouse, a 3-sided pole barn and 8x12' storage shed, a 300 gal. gas tank & propane tanks.
The pastures are fenced and cross fenced. Sandy soil, no rocks. Mostly native prairie grass but some lush orchard grass in the vicinity of the ponds. There are 4 ponds, 3 are stocked with bass, catfish and sunfish. Biggest bass caught last summer was 4 lbs., 3 oz. The ponds are fed by a clear, cold spring creek that originates just a few hundred yards upstream. Two of the ponds can be completely drained for cleaning or harvesting fish. They are cold enough for rainbow trout stocking. There also is another stream that crosses the width of the property. Abundant and pure water. Ground water is at 20 feet. All utilities in place. Nice garden area with water hydrant & separate 30' well with working pitcher pump. Has some huge cottonwood trees, oak, box elder, pine, cedar.
I am located 27 miles from the nearest town, 9 miles from a country store/post office & K-8 one room school.
2001 taxes: $975.58
Reason for selling: It's getting to be too much for one person to handle. If a buyer is found, I intend on moving into another house on the property that is legally separated from the other tract and contains 11.6 acres. I would offer this property on a "right of first refusal" to the buyer when I eventually move out. It's important to find a buyer who would nurture and appreciate this property and is easy to get along with.
Price: $125,000. Owner will carry a 15 year contract with a 20% down payment.
Email me with any questions. View photos of the property at:
-- bruce (, March 02, 2002