Just closed on our land !!greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Can you believe...after a tentative closing date of Sept. 4, 2001, we finally closed on our 22 acres on February 28, 2002 !! We are so excited !! We should be living on it by the end of March !! We have a mobile home we are going to put out there...and the well and septic are already there !! Going out today to clear the overgrown brush from the original homesite...if it doesn't rain !! Now the "fun/work" begins !! WOW !! Still can't believe it finally has happened for us !! Just had to tell people who understand how it feels !! Thanks for listening ! Will keep you posted as we go along !! I have learned a lot from this forum !! You people are wonderful !! God Bless all of you !! Can you tell I am excited ???
-- Brenda in NC (CherokeeMaiden2@aol.com), March 02, 2002
Brenda, Congrats, it's a wonderful feeling to see a dream come true. Work hard, work wise, and enjoy every minute of it! Keep us posted!
-- woodsbilly N.C.Pa (coleenl@penn.com), March 02, 2002.
Way to go Brenda..its such an exciting time for you guys!! Please do keep us updated..so much work, but it does not seem like work when you are loving it so..does it?God bless and enjoy!!
-- Sher in se Iowa (riverdobbers@webtv.net), March 02, 2002.
That's so exciting!!! How about taking some before and after pictures to share? Best wishes
-- cowgirlone in OK (cowgirlone47@hotmail.com), March 02, 2002.
YES! Feels good, don't it! Enjoy all the little scratches and sore muscles - those are YOUR TREES giving them to you!
-- Christine in OK (cljford@mmcable.com), March 02, 2002.
Brenda, how wonderful. It is always great to be at the start of realizing your dreams. Twenty-two acres sounds great. Keep us posted on your progress and definitely take pictures as you go.
-- Colleen (pyramidgreatdanes@erols.com), March 02, 2002.
I am excited for you Brenda. ( alittle jealous, but excited.) Congratulations, and best wishes on your new homestead. We will pray for you. Kristean
-- Kristean Thompson (pigalena_babe@yahoo.com), March 02, 2002.
Thanks for all the good wishes from everyone !! We will definitely be taking LOTS of pictures and would love to share them ! But wouldn't you know...it rained all day yesterday, so couldn't do any clearing !! "The best laid plans of mice and men " or is it "Murphy's Law" ?? So, we just went out and bought the chain and lock to go across the front of the driveway so when it is cleared, we can keep out unwanted visitors ! So still made progress ! LOL Won't let rain keep us down ! Thanks again !!
-- Brenda in NC (CherokeeMaiden2@aol.com), March 03, 2002.
Congrats and welcome home!!! It's always great to hear someone's finally on their way!! (Especially a fellow tarheel) Keep us posted!
-- gilly (wayoutfarm@skybest.com), March 04, 2002.