nursery growing trays - where to get them? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I'm just getting started with my plan to sell vegetable starts/transplants at the local farmers' markets this summer (I'm in upstate NY). I've been looking all over the internet for small growing trays (like the 6 or 8 pack trays), but can only find huge ones (starting at 36!) from online suppliers. Any suggestions? Thank you!Andrea
-- Andrea Gauland (, March 01, 2002
If you're thinking about the inserts that go into the trays, Nolt's Produce Supplies at (717) 656-974 has them. They offer them in ten configurations that fit a standard 1020 tray. The inserts come in various sizes that range from one cell to six cells.That means in a 1020 tray you can have from 6 to 72 individual cells. They also have the plug flats you're talking about which range from 50 to 512 cells.
-- Darren (, March 01, 2002.
The complete number for Nolts is (717) 656-9764.
-- Darren (, March 01, 2002.
I have hundreds of them....if it didn't cost a fortune, I'd send them to you...FREE......
-- Harmony (, March 02, 2002.
D&L Growers suply in Leola Pa I dont have there number but they suplly greenhouses alo over the Northeast!
-- Grizz in Western Maryland (, March 02, 2002.
Mellingers has all sorts of inserts and flats. I placed an order on a Wednesday night and had them by Friday. Go to or call 1-800-321-7444.
-- Katherine in KY (, March 02, 2002.
Check out BFG supply in Lancaster (outside Buffalo). They carry everything You'll need 1(800)883-3234. Their prices are in the average range. If your starting on a shoestring don't be to proud to go begging at some of the local nurseries. There is generally a pile of used packs laying around that are useable. You might get lucky. Don't overlook any 2",3" or 4" pots that may be available. A lot of folks don't want to buy a six pack of cherry tomatoes or zucchini. Individual plants can easily sell at a premium price. Perennials can also be a real profit machine. Good luck.
-- JJ Grandits (, March 02, 2002.
OK, just got in from cutting trees and my brain is still chainsaw buzzing. Your post mentioned selling this summer, I hope that was a mental typo. If you want to move your plants have them ready to go a week or two before memorial day. Here in WNY sales drop off sharply after the end of the first week of June. By then everyone pretty much has what they need.
-- JJ Grandits (, March 02, 2002.