Apology from River Bend Lodgegreenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Okay folks, here's the deal.I spoke to Gloria from River Bend Lodge on the phone. She's a forum newbie and didn't understand how it worked. She thought that she needed to post her message under several different categories for anyone to see it. You all....errr....educated her well.
She was about in tears when I called. She asked me to extend her most sincere apologies, and promises not to do it again. Actually, it would be amazing if she ever comes back.
She seems to be a nice person, just a little unaware of forum etiquette. She's a lot like all of us, trying to make a living in the country.
I invited her to post her ad (ONCE!) on the barter board. Please accept her apology and don't hold her ignorance against her too badly. She really didn't know. Now she does. End of story.
Thanks, and be nice! ;-)
--Chuck (woah@mission4me.com), March 01, 2002
Oh dear!!! lol! Well, I didn't mind it being posted once...I guess we all make mistakes. Hope she'll come back.
-- Rebekah (daniel1@itss.net), March 01, 2002.
Oops! Caught in the act of being ourselves! Sorry Gloria, but ya gotta be a gluttin for punishment to live here!
-- woodsbilly nc Pa. (coleenl@penn.com), March 01, 2002.
An honest apology rights many wrongs. Tell her not to feel mortified too long and to jump back into it- we've all stuck our foot into it before. Amy
-- Amy Richards (amysgarden2@earthlink.net), March 01, 2002.
Ditto, she is NOT alone! I have been there and I am sure I will be again! LOL Don't seem to stay outta trouble for very long. Wonder if Gloria and I are related? LOL LQ
-- Little Quacker (carouselxing@juno.com), March 01, 2002.
Apology accepted and notified my list it was a mistake.
-- David in North Al. (bluewaterfarm@mindspring.com), March 02, 2002.
"Crow is always best eaten while still warm!"
-- Martin Longseth (paquebot@merr.com), March 02, 2002.
Sometimes we just get carried away.......welcome to the wacky bunch gloria, and I am sorry for your tears. Keep coming back....nice of you to call her Chuck........still don't know who the woman was who was defending her in my mailbox, which was what REALLY set me off and got me spamming back. But hey, if that is the worst mistake we make, we are going pretty good IMHO.
-- diane (gardiacaprines@yahoo.com), March 02, 2002.
I am Sorry, but, I don't see why Gloria can't do her own apologizing. I can understand her confusion, maybe, but there are directions. She can write to the forum and apologize. I would like to hear her words. Chuck thank you for your work on this but she is an adult and can dig herself out of her own hole.IMHO,
-- Susan in Minnesota (nanaboo@paulbunyan.net), March 02, 2002.
Human foot in mouth disease is more common than colds. And we've all been there.
-- VickiP. (countrymous@webtv.net), March 02, 2002.
I find it difficult to believe that she is that naive. Hopefully, we taught her something. I agree with Susan, in that an adult would have taken responsibility for her actions. She shouldn't need Chuck to post her apology. (He IS such a Sweetie!)
-- Ardie/WI (ardie54965@hotmail.com), March 02, 2002.
Some of us may need to learn to accept aplogies gracefully, no matter what form they come in.
-- Gail Brinkley (dinsmore@qtm.com), March 02, 2002.
I am with Susan and Ardie on this!!! So, IMO, before anyone, here or anywhere else finds it necessary to judge those of us who fought back last night, the mail I got was not from some naive little newbie!!!Also, some of us who were involved in the ruchus, had also had a HUGELY BAD EXPERIENCE yesterday as a result of spamming people on this board. (check the truthcafe thread).
-- diane (gardiacaprines@yahoo.com), March 02, 2002.
I have no problem with forgiveness. But are we to send Gloria forgiveness through Chuck too? Sorry I stand firm, she needs to send an apology to the forum in her own words as an adult. Now don't get me wrong I am NOT a nasty person by any means, but we are all, mostly, adults right? If Gloria chooses to post future threads I'll be happy to contribute to them in a civilized manor. I just think she owes the forum as a whole an apology, she knows she screwed up.Susan
-- Susan in Minnesota (nanaboo@paulbunyan.net), March 02, 2002.
She has now posted an apology. You can find it here
-- Joy F {So.Central Wisc.} (CatFlunky@excite.com), March 02, 2002.