Horse Colic : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Last night my horse got out and ate about 25 lbs of oats and 25 lbs of chicken feed. I found out about this when I went out to feed this morning. I'm guessing it was more than 12 hours ago when he got into the grain. He doesn't show any of the "normal" signs of colic. I would like some peoples' opinion on this. I took him out and lunged him, he willingly walks, trots, and canters. There is no evidence of him rolling at all. He has gut sounds, he drank about 2 gallons of water (normally he drinks about 4 gal. in the morning) he's poopin', and he's munching on hay. He's outside 24/7 and he's in good physical condition. The temp last night was about 0 degrees (don't know if that would make a difference). He doesn't seem to be in pain, just maybe feeling like he has a full stomach. I'm planning on just keeping an eye on him for the next few days. Your opinion?
-- malinda (, March 01, 2002
whoa Malinda..I think you caught a good break. I really think he would be showing signs after twelve hours. It might be prudent to only let him have hay and water for a couple of days. If you do not think he is taking plenty of water in..salt him. It probably (if you have time) would not hurt to ensure he is active. Maybe lunge him a few light workouts today .. if possible.I think you and the gelding dodged a bullet today!! Have a great day!
-- Sher in se Iowa (, March 01, 2002.
You were very lucky, Malinda. I don't think he'll colic after this much time, but watch for signs of laminitis for a few more days. Get him to drink as much as possible, and I wouldn't grain him at all for for 2-3 days just free choice hay.My husband thought I was nuts when I made the old milkhouse a grain room, but for a horse to get into it from the barn they'd have to go through two solid doors.
Stacy in NY
-- Stacy (, March 01, 2002.
He won't be getting grain for at least a few weeks, he ate his share last night ;) Besides, I don't have any grain left. We have a Dressage lesson tomorrow, he usually gets a good workout then. I'm going to try to work him at least two more times today. Thanks for the quick replies!
-- malinda (, March 01, 2002.
Hi Malinda!I'm a dressage rider too (got a Holsteiner mare, how about you?). I'd suggest cutting back your horse's hay tonight and possibly tomorrow morning too, in addition to no grain, until you are absolutely sure there will be no ill effects from his bingeing. With 50 pounds of goodies in his belly he shouldn't miss his hay too much.
-- Kris in MI (, March 01, 2002.
Would mineral oil or vegetable oil help unstick the works? If he has good gut sounds you may be just fine. It just dawned on me that ALL my feed is in barrels outside the horse enclosure about 20' away from where they get fed. I'm sure they have figured it out in their beady little brains how to get to it. I will move them ASAP. Glad to hear that he is doing fine!!
-- Gailann Schrader (, March 01, 2002.
Malinda,He sounds perfectly healthy to me but this would be my advise if he does show signs of colic.
I wouldn't give him any work out just walk him around. He is really full and you might give him a really upset tummy, at least I get one when I jogg after I feast.
I have a horse that is really pron to colic. When he starts showing any signs kicking and biteing at is belly, coughing excessivly, etc. The first thing I do is get two bottles of pepto bismol or any other laxtive or antioxidantes and pepermint spirits down him as fast as I can. I have found with my guy that when he colics on feeds it is usualy a tummy ache. He also can't poop or pass gas, that is why I dump laxatives down him. If you decide to keep him up and hay him you might want to wet down the hay or some such with that temp. with the coughing they can be sensitive to dust. Also, if he lays down get him up right away and walk him around conitunaly, we had to walk a black mare for five hours once before she wouldn't lay down as soon as we stoped. If he does colic he might get cold in those tempetures.
I would doubt after 24 hours you would have to worry any but I would still keep an eye on him just in case.
just my two cents :-)
-- Mt Storm (, March 01, 2002.
Nevermind the colic- he could still FOUNDER!!!! Call your vet, like NOW. He may want to tube him with oil and give him some prophalactic anti- inflammatory drugs. Be alert for any heat in his feet and start hosing immediately if you detect any heat at all.
-- shakeytails in KY (, March 01, 2002.
I'm with shakeytails on this one!!! We had a donkey that did the same, but it went to his feet...BEWARE....hope he does alright.
-- Suzanne (, March 01, 2002.
You escaped colic, but he WILL FOUNDER!!! Get the vet out immediately to treat him for laminitis, there are things the vet can do to help prevent the damage that is coming. And it will appear, laminitis takes a while to appear but the effects are awful!
-- Annie Miller in SE OH (, March 01, 2002.
Another horse persons's two cents....Founder is still a strong possiblity, like the others said, call the vet!!!
-- Debbie in MO (, March 01, 2002.
Hi,I'm back again. Had to leave for work. My husband kept an eye on my gelding while I was gone. It's now been almost 24 hours since his eating binge. I've checked his feet periodically all day, no heat at all. I took him for a brisk 1 mile walk earlier today. I know that founder is still a possibility... I called my vet and of all things he is volunteering at the Ididarod (sp?) in Alaska! Won't be back for two weeks. But I left a message, he has someone filling in for him in the meantime. Anyway, I was going to say: in my experience with over eating like this case, founder can be warded off if: 1 - the horse is not obese to begin with. And 2 - the calories he ate are worked off.
Since he is nibbling on hay and pooping, I'm not worried that he is impacted. And since it has been almost 24 hours since he ate the grain, I don't think flushing his stomach would do much anymore. I did get about half a pint of mineral oil in him today. So, we'll see. Thanks for all your input and suggestions!
-- malinda (, March 01, 2002.