I did it! I found my future homestead property!greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Hi Everyone, I have found my future homestead property. It is a 5 bedroom on 6 acres in need of major work. I signed the contract yesterday and will be closing on the home on 1 June. The home was listed for 12,500 but they accepted my offer of 6k. The home is located in the middle of nowhere (Hurray!) there is a town about 20 minutes away with some services (doc's, grocery stores, school, etc..) and about an hour drive to a full service town. I plan on going to a lot of yard sales and flea markets to try and find supplies to fix the house. Looks like I will have to gut-out the bathroom and the kitchen so if anyone has any supplies out there they want to sell or get rid of let me know!Rita
-- Rita (rlynchjarss@aol.com), March 01, 2002
if you are in va let me know...email me.
-- julie (jbritt@ceva.net), March 01, 2002.
Rita Rita, You sound like a little kid at Christmas. I am so happy for you. I would love to be able to do some thing like that. Please keep us (or me) informed of every step along the way. This sounds so exciting.What STATE are you in.??
-- norris105 (queqid@att.net), March 01, 2002.
I'm so glad for you, Rita. I hope everything works out. It sounds as remote as where we are. I'm in town at the moment so my daughter can go to school, but we are selling the house and moving back to a ranch this summer. Can you live in the house at all or will you be in a camper or what? Be careful not to overdo with critters or a big garden right away while you are getting your house done. I've seen too many folk give up because they got overwhelmed. First things first, don't cha know. ;} Kim in CO
-- kim in CO (kimk61252@hotmail.com), March 01, 2002.
Isn't it exciting when you KNOW that it's the place you want?When we first came to look at the DunHagan property it was storming to put out the fires of Hell and all we could do was look through the gathering gloom from the gate but I *knew* right then that it was the place we were going to buy. Oh, we went through the home inspector's report and all the other things a prudent purchaser must do to keep from buying a pig in a poke. We made it over every hurdle though and today we live there and we love it.
The birth of your children and taking possesion of your homestead after having struggled for so long to gain it. I'm not sure if there are any other things that can really give you that charged "I'm alive!" feeling.
-- Alan (athagan@atlantic.net), March 01, 2002.
Holy cow, where did you find a house on 6 acres for only $6k???????We are looking at spending $100k +
We just happen to be in the one spot of Idaho that the lovely Bruce Willis managed to jack prices up on (he owns the local ski lift) Tracy
-- Tracy (zebella@mindspring.com), March 01, 2002.
Congrats!!!! We just bought our 40 acre piece of heaven!!!!! This is what we have actively been moving toward for the last 7 years. That good things come to those who wait thing. You all have a major jump on us cuz we have to start from scratch again with no house or fencing. Will get the horses home from the boarding stables and finally be able to have coffee in the morning on the porch watching them play and romp. Hope everyone is warmer than us today though. Dropped down below -20 degress F. last nite. STaying warm susan? handy
-- handy (nmhoofer@paulbunyan.net), March 01, 2002.
Right now I'm in Virginia but that will change very soon. I want to buy a camper and camp out on the property if possible while I am fixing it up but I may have to rent while I fix up the house. Renting a house would be fairly cheap and I'm sure there is plenty around. I plan on taking it a step at a time.I'm am just so excited and looking forward to becoming a homesteader!Rita
-- Rita (rlynchjarss@aol.com), March 01, 2002.
Rita, I am SO THRILLED for you! You're actually about to start living your dream! It will be hard work but it will be worth every minute of it! Please keep us all updated! suzy
-- Suzy in Bama (slgt@yahoo.com), March 01, 2002.
Glad you found your place in the country. We are still looking. You are right to go to flea markets, etc. Many people throw away good things. Also if you have a senior center nearby, many people donate good things to their centers and at fair prices. Check the want ads in your local paper; many items are free or real cheap. We envy you!
-- Hank (hsnrs@att.net), March 01, 2002.
In what state is the property you are buying?
-- Clueless (V@anonymous.com), March 01, 2002.
E mail me!1 I got alot of bathroom stuff if u can use it! Grizz!
-- Grizz in Western Maryland (southerneagle@yahoo.com), March 01, 2002.
Oh, that's AWESOME, Rita! I agree with the person who cautioned you not to do a big garden and lots of critters this year. Maybe et a few chickens so you can watch them peck around while you take a break from remodeling, that's always nice. But you're going to have SO MUCH FUN!! Lots of work and "Oh, I'm so sick of this!", but lots of fun, too! Wan what a feeling when you finally DO get to move in! Congratulations! I wish you were closer, I've got some plumbing fixtures and a tub/shower encloser I could give you!
-- Wingnut (wingnut@moment.net), March 01, 2002.
-- Blush (Romeo@heart.net), March 03, 2002.