Looks like your blue jeans will be coming from China soon.greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Did you know most of the denim used in America has been made in America up till now? Most of that was made in Ms. My mother tells me today that the old Erwin mills (now Baldwin) have been sold off to the Chinese and that the mill in Stonewall, Miss. will be closing after more than a century and a half. She said all their other mills will be closing too. Over 800 jobs in Stonewall, gone. My greatgrannie, Alice, went to work in that mill when her husband died of pneumonia, leaving her with three little children. She took 4 yr old Ada to work with her, left 3 yr old Edna at home to keep house, farmed out my grandpa, Willie,(age one) to relatives. grandpa started working in that mill when he was old enough (4). During the depression he worked there as night watchman, even tho he was a trained electrician, to make sure his family ate. When WWII started the mill bosses wanted to get the old steam generators going so they called in the "experts". Nothing worked so they were going to junk the generators. Grandpa asked if he could try and they said "go ahead". He got them going and became head electrician of the mill. He worked there until they insisted he retire, then he went to work for the post office. He worked until he was 85. He lived to be 94. His mama was 98 when she passed. My mother and her brother and 6 sisters all worked at the mill at one time or another. I feel very sad over this. Mississippi was already economically depressed. I guess we will see our blue jeans go down in price a few cents as they will probably use slave labor in China. Can't say more, crying already. Kim in CO
-- kim in CO (kimk61252@hotmail.com), March 01, 2002
-- Mike in Pa (smfine@yahoo.com), March 01, 2002.
after I went to bed last nite I realized that I said "Baldwin Mills" it's Burlington. Kim in CO
-- kim in CO (kimk61252@hotmail.com), March 01, 2002.
I just wish my jeans were a few sizes smaller!
-- Ardie/WI (ardie54965@hotmail.com), March 01, 2002.
The Vanity Fair plant, which was Wrangler and before that Blue Bell, in the little town of Oneonta where I live near, closed its doors after more than 50 years of making jeans in January....meaning 650 LOST THEIR JOBS here..... IN Alabama that day close to 3000 lost their jobs in jeans plants....I have talked to every federal and state governmental official I've interviewed about it ever since and they are all so good at "passing the buck" saying they voted against NAFTA but one vote doesn't mean much.....yuk! Our politicians have sold us out and big companies are just following suit!
-- Suzy in Bama (slgt@yahoo.com), March 01, 2002.
Just another reason to make sure you're buying American. Any new clothes that I buy are Carhartt (made in US, no longer sure about the fabric though). Everything else comes from thrift shops.
-- jeff (jeffcantara@hotmail.com), March 01, 2002.
Don't think for a minute that retail prices will go down because labor prices will be lower. The corporation will just increase their profit margin.
-- Cathy in NC (planet10@gloryroad.net), March 01, 2002.
If you buy clothes at 21 of the top US retailers with the made in the USA label on them them, you are probably already (unware) wearing clothes that are actually made by Chinese people, Chinese Factories, and Chinese Material. Do Not be decieved by the made in the USA Label! The Commonwealth of the Northern Marianans Islands (under the USA Federal Government) has hundreds of Chinese factories making clothes for the biggest retailers in the US using Chinese Slave labor. And they get away with the made in the USA Label! Check out the Human rights group GlobalExchange for details.
-- Ken Rush (rushwiz@aol.com), March 02, 2002.
I love it when something says" material made in USA but sewed in China" or somewhere else. Guess it's cheaper to have slave labor sew the garments. I think we have been sold out for the cheaper prices...we are all guilty of this. But still try to buy American made or Union made...I know...Unions are a sore spot with some of you...but have always done OK with our families.
-- Helena (windyacs@npacc.net), March 03, 2002.
This is exactly why we only buy used. Even jeans and I pick plenty out of garage sale free boxes that can be patched and used for years. I HATE HATE HATE having to buy anything new and avoid it like the plague. Thank goodness for thrifts and yard sales. Avoid corporate greed as much as possible and live on used everything.
-- Sandy Davis (smd2@netzero.net), March 04, 2002.
Buy American when you can, but you still must be careful! For instance, Levi's jeans, with a heritage that goes back many years, is firmly established as anti-gun! I would rather buy Chinese than Levi's! At least we know the political feelings of the Communists. Levi's are in the Socialist, and dominant wing, of the Democrat party. As a Libertarian, I support the man (OK, politically correct dingbats, women, too) rather than the party. But I must add that I find a few Republicans to be opposed to my views, but a plethora of democRATs willing to usurp my rights. Daschle epitomizes the worst of the worst. Friends in ND - please neutralize that mammalian solid waste elimination orifice. PLEASE! From the Maine Pussycat ---
-- Brad (homefixer@SacoRiver.net), March 04, 2002.