Why Doesn't The Persistent Cookie Work On My Machine

greenspun.com : LUSENET : MAME Action Replay : One Thread

I'm getting tired of adding my email address and name every time I create/reply to a message. I've clicked on the 'add persistent cookie' option many times but no matter what, it doesn't work. My Browser is IE6 and cookies are enabled - they work on every other site I visit. Any idea what the problem is and how to fix it?

Thanks, Tim

-- Tim Morrow (tmorrow@bipgond.net.au), February 28, 2002


I've that problem when clicking the board link from IE's, in netscape 4.78 (linux) it seems to work, but i thought i got it wokring in IE6 too i'll have to boot back in windows to check it out.

First try seeing if the persistant cookies work when you access


directly by entering the url in the box. When it was broken my name would be saved when accesing the link in it's own main frame or window, but the cookies wouldn't be remembered while in marps bottom frame. I think the reason they don't work is you set a cookie to www.greenspun.com while in a marp.retrogames.com frame and the browser screws it up . Try lowering the security settings in IE if everything else fails, that might do it.

-- Chad (churritz@crash.cts.com), February 28, 2002.

I now confirmed this is a BUG/Feature in IE6 (doesn't keep your addres and name where it should be because your creating a cookie for greenspun under a marp.retrogames addressed frame), in netscape this does works. your cookies do not get preserved if you access this board with in a marp frame. If you still like IE, I think setting the security settings to lower will fix this; but a safer fix is just to have a link you can click to that is not on marps site. the cookies are set correctly as long as greenspun page is in it's own main browser window and not in a frame.

-- Chad (churritz@crash.cts.com), March 02, 2002.

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