How many have received their Backup CD's yet? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I've sent out about thirty CD's so far, about half of them in the last couple of days. Some went out this morning.How many of you have received them? I had requests for nearly 100 backup CD's, but have only received payment for 30. Did some of you change your mind? No problem if you did, just let me know.
--Chuck (, February 28, 2002
Is it to late to put in an order?
-- Susan (, February 28, 2002.
I just got mine today (2/28/02),Thanks
-- TomK(mich) (, February 28, 2002.
If I got this CD could I look at it off-line? How?
-- Anne (, February 28, 2002.
I'd like to order one too, if it's not to late!
-- Jo in PA (, February 28, 2002.
The cds that I've been sending out contain the entire website, including the archives, up to Feb 12th. You can access it anywhere that there is a cd-rom drive, and don't need to be connected to the internet.This comes in handy if you only have internet access at work, or if you want to be assured of being able to tap the knowledge base in the (unlikely) event that the forum dies.
It's not too late to order one, simply send $4 to me (Chuck Holton) at:
13236 Executive Park Terrace Germantown, MD 20874
At some point, we may raise the price of the CD a little to help defray the costs of operating the forum on it's new venue, but we haven't decided exactly what to do yet. It's currently not meant to be a money making venture, aside from covering costs of creating the cd's.
-- chuck in md (, February 28, 2002.
Chuck - I sent my $$ out, but in the e-mail you sent me, your adress was only the name of the firm, then Germantown, MD and no zip code. I got the code and just sent it to the firm name. Will this get to you? If not, I'll resend it if I get it back. If I don't get it back, then I'll assume it got to you.
-- Soni (, February 28, 2002.
Chuck, are you kidding? Only $4 for the archives on CD? What a deal. My check is in the mail.
-- Fran (on MD's Eastern Shore) (, February 28, 2002.
I am one of the "old guys" on this forum, having been around since before Algore invented the internet. I certainly want one, and I appreciate your endeavors. Should I admit that I raised more home grown protein than we actually needed last year? Can you take some of the profits from our labors to help folks with a lesser year (profitabilly)? I'm willing to put a few extra bucks into the pot for my friends who had a lesser year. Maybe next year, I am the one with a shortfall. This is how we are a "virtual" family. Let me know - I'll happilly help my friends, and expect that they will do the same for me should I need their help. Good luck - friends. Good luck to anyone who might need asistance in planting or other endeavors. Good luck to those of you who might want to trade or receive seeds. I do not want to get political here, but I must state that some folks,usually liberal, are less than honest. Don't know how this works, other than kow-towing to the liberal end of the spectrum. I have considered quitting this forum, with projected greatest apologies to those who despise my attitude of advocating the ultimate in individual liberties. Sometimes we are right - sometimes wrong. I have an opinion as to my attitude in this "jihad" with my good friendly Muslim acquaintanes. There are many good and friendly Muslims! Cherish and support them. There is a plethora of bad and unfriendly Muslims. Torture and kill them! It's not the religion - it's the attitude. Unfortunately, the good Muslims are outnumbered by the bad at something exceeding even odds, or at least if we are to trust our press, a dicey trust under the best of circumstances! But remember that the good guys exist (I mean the good folks who happen to follow the Muslim beliefs) - don't put them in the company of the extreme [expletive deleted] just because of religious beliefs. There ARE good Muslims. They have just been suppressed to the point of extinction by the BAD Muslims.Pussycat Potentate
Dear Pussycat, Feel free to go on without making any sense on this forum. However, Please refrain from using inappropriate expletives that require us to spend time editing your message.
Sincerely, The Management.
-- Brad (, February 28, 2002.
Still Chuck, it obviously doesn't open in a Word file....HOW would you open it? Just click 'run'?
-- Anne (, February 28, 2002.
Got mine right away, thanks Chuck. Sent the check a couple days later, you should have it by now. If not let me know. The CD works great. Much valuable info there.
-- Betsy K (, February 28, 2002.
I received mine last week. Thanks.Dennis
-- Dennis Mountain (, February 28, 2002.
Anne, to get mine to run I inserted it into the drive and could hear it humming.......then went to "My Computer" (which shows all the drives etc) and the Countryside CD showed in my D drive. I clicked on that and it showed the content of the CD. If you click on the "Countryside forum" the 2-11-02 day comes up with the whole list for that day. Scroll to the bottom and you access the entire archives of the forum. Pretty cool!!!
-- diane (, February 28, 2002.
Anne,To open the cd, using windows, simply navigate to your CD drive under the "my computer" icon, and find the "index.html" file, and click on it. It will open in your browser, and you will think that you are looking at the forum on the internet, just like you are right now. The only difference is that it will stop at Feb 12, or perhaps later, if I burn a new master before you get your money here. In any case, the archives will be there, and you can view them in your browser without being online.
-- chuck in md (, February 28, 2002.
I got my CD today (2/28/02) in the UP of MI. Thanks Chuck :0)
-- Maggie (, February 28, 2002.
Got mine today. Thanks Chuck!
-- Susan in Northern LP Michigan (, February 28, 2002.
Hi, Chuck, got mine a couple of days ago also, and sent you my payment today also. I didn't expect to get it until after I had sent you the payment, it was a nice surprise. Thanks!!!!
-- Gina NM (, February 28, 2002.
Got mine. Added a couple of bucks - because. Iappreciate you doing this for us. God bless you keep up the good work.
-- charlie (, February 28, 2002.
Thank you. I am not a whiz at some of this. I figure I'll have to send in my cash now!
-- Anne (, March 01, 2002.
can we pay with paypal?
-- steve (, March 01, 2002.
Haven't received mine yet, but if you will re-post your mailing address I'll send the money now. Jill
-- Jill (, March 01, 2002.
Thanks Chuck. When I replied to your e-mail, I got a failure to deliver. So I'll answer here. Good thinking on the payment first thing. I am sending $10.00 in a money order to cover your costs and failure to pay of others (or inability). Thank you so much. Great idea. Jill Faerber
-- Jill Faerber (, March 01, 2002.
Hi Chuck:No I haven't sent it in yet; I tried to do my own backup ala Karen's post here on Feb. 12, but I'm not sure if it worked. When Greenspun went down, I tried to open it from my favorites, but got a "Unable to read page" - type message. Someone on another site gave me some clues to what I might be doing wrong (didn't change system to work offline, in case you were wondering), so this weekend, I put on my lucky hat, stick out my tongue just so and try this again. If this doesn't work, I'll order a CD from you.
Sorry, very rude of my not saying anything about this earlier. Have a good day and you are doing a great job moderating this menagerie of opinions.
-- j.r. guerra in s. tx. (, March 01, 2002.
Current circumstances are tight. Can those of us that can't order now order in the future?
-- Sandra Nelson (, March 01, 2002.
Still waiting...
-- Sharon/WI (, March 01, 2002.
waiting for mine to get here.
-- Cindy (, March 01, 2002.
Hi ChuckI received mine, but it tries to run with Acrobat reader!
I clicked on my computer, and kept clicking until I clicked on the index icon.
The security warning box that says "load" or "save to disk" has acrobat reader shown on it as a default program!?
Any tips?
-- Rick in SW West Virginia (, March 02, 2002.
Chuck, I received my copy Monday. Thanks. I used Paypal to pay you. For those who don't know, is a good way to send anyone who has email money.
-- Randall E. Ingram (, March 02, 2002.
Chuck, I just sent my check. Thanks for the reminder and for your willingness to undertake such a project!
-- Liz Rhein (, March 03, 2002.