what was the relationship between helen and poe? who was helen?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : The Work of Edgar Allan Poe : One Thread

what was the relationship between helen and poe? who was helen?

-- Anonymous, February 28, 2002


I assume you mean the first short poem "To Helen" which Poe first wrote in his youth, presumably inspired by the Mrs. Stanard, deceased mother of a school chum who befriended and encouraged Poe's nascent poetic leanings. In general. most of the women are symbols of the ideal beauty to which the poet looks for Hope and inspiration. If they have any connection to real women in his life the poem eventually leaves that identification far behind. In fact Poe often reapplied the identification depending on the current female he wanted to compliment. Such as in fact the second "To Helen" to Miss Whitman whom he was courting as a new inspiration after his loss of Virginia.

-- Anonymous, February 28, 2002

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