Do you know any crafts for people with arthuritis? : LUSENET : Cooking & Crafts : One Thread |
My grandmother has arthuritis in her hands real bad. She use to do all kinds of craft work, but it is hard now. She would need some type of craft with large, easy to hold items. Any ideas?
-- Lucy (, February 28, 2002
I've seen crochet hooks with big grips on them. if I think of any more,I'll post again. there is a type of rug making using a hook but I can't think of the name. That hook has a large grip also.
-- Ardie/WI (, February 28, 2002.
Punch hook rugs may be a possibility. Not sure how much pressure is needed to push yarn thru the backing.Rubber grips are available for crochet hooks to make them larger. Purchase by size of hook.
The rubber grips for crochet hooks could be used on artist paint brushes too.
Check the office supply stores for large fat ballpoint pens, your grandmother will love them. Would make writing easier for her.
-- Marie (, March 01, 2002.