animal and flower wood cut-out : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I am looking to do some woodworking crafts,making animal and flower cut-outs in wood. I need patterns for these. Maybe if someone could just trace the pattern on a piece of newspaper with a magic marker. I could send postage for patterns or sase. Leave a message here and tell me what you have in patterns. Thank You So Much. I would like to make yard signs,wall hangings, ect. If you have seasonal,thats ok too.fall,easter,christmas,ect. I just need to be able to cut them out and trace around them on my piece of wood. Birds,rabbits,cats,squirrels,deer,flowers, any kind of animal or flower.
-- Susan (, February 27, 2002
Susan, I think you are going to have a really good time doing this! Wood is wonderful isn't it? My favorite things are whirrly gigs and bird houses. I found a lot of patterns on the web by typing in what I was looking for in my search engine. Also found some fun books at Home Depot and other hardward stores. And you can get catalogs(like Cherry Tree) that carry some fun, inexpensive patterns too. Good luck, I know you will enjoy it. LQ
-- Little Quacker (, February 27, 2002.
Hi, Susan;Check out and
Many scroll saw companies offer downloadable patterns. Do a Google search on 'scroll saws' or 'scroll saw patterns'.
There's another company I've ordered patterns from in the past but can't think of their name and don't know if they're on the web. When it comes to me, I'll let you know.
Good luck
-- (, February 28, 2002.
Susan, I just checked out a book from the library with tons of patterns in it. Been waiting almost a year to get it! Also have a bunch of my own. If you send me your snail mail addy, I'll make you copies of some, too. Jan
-- Jan in Co (, February 28, 2002.
Try coloring books - many of them have quite interesting animal drawings that could be adjusted to make patterns.
-- Soni (, March 03, 2002.