Pittsburgh PA: Why SO expensive?????????greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
How are people justifying $35-$50K per acre for land within 40 miles of Pittsburgh PA? Is there nothing cheaper???
-- Mark A Campbell (ellwood1@directvinternet.com), February 27, 2002
Forty miles south of Pittsburgh will almost get you to West Virginia. You need to look in all directions and maybe a bit farther out. Land priced like that sounds like it's owned by a developer that's looking for folks who want to build megabuck houses.
-- Darren (df1@infi.net), February 27, 2002.
Also you might want to look in southeastern OH for cheaper prices
-- hmm (h.m.metheny@att.net), February 27, 2002.
Or try Canada. With the current exchange rates, you're rich!
-- Bernie from Northern Ontario (bernadette_kerr@hotmail.com), February 27, 2002.
Check out the northern panhandle of WV. Within a 40 minute drive to Pittsburgh. Weirton, New Cumberland, New Manchester, etc. Don' forget near Steubenville Ohio, another 10-15 minutes.
-- Anne (HealthyTouch101@wildmail.com), February 27, 2002.
We live within 45 miles of Pittsburg and we have seen property here in Southern Indiana County selling for $500-$1000 for undeveloped land per acre. Developed land is more, but, no where near $35-$50K per acre.You can check out some homes and land listings on the Indiana County Multi-list.
Marsha in PA--
-- Marsha (Thankful4Jesus@excite.com), February 27, 2002.
A native son weighin' in here; there is a development boom going on and the urbans are sprawling out. I would suggest that the rising prices are directly attributable to that. "Undeveloped land" is a dirty word to our county leaders here and most folks here are buying into it.
-- nature boy (natureboy@beatemback.com), February 28, 2002.
I'm an hour south of Pgh. Wanting to sell 2.5 acres/ house & outbuildings. 49,000. VERY low taxes. Near blacksville WV. Presently have 5 goats & 35 chickens. Happy as a pig in poop, but want to go by a daughter in Green Bank WV.
-- Elizabeth Quintana (rockshelter@webtv.com), March 02, 2002.