Well, as you know, Lusenet is down quite frequently. If you are new to the forum it means that it is not just this forum that goes down but all forums on Lusenet. It has been rumored for quite sometime that Lusenet is outgrowing itself and at some point when we crash we WILL burn. It appears we are getting closer and many of the other forums are moving and we will be also in the near future. Not to worry, you will know where to find us and I will be sure and give you plenty of notice.At this time I am exploring our options. I'm not only looking at other forum based sites but am also considering our own web page. I am thinking along the lines of not only the forum, but maybe it could also consist of a page to be a place that you crafters could sell your wares at no cost for a small ad and photo. Perhaps we could generate the funds (which would be minimal-- approx. $50-75 a year for the website plus the cost of the forum software). This amount could be generated from larger ads. We would only take the amount of larger ads that it would cost to pay for the upkeep. No one associated with the forum would be paid any type of salary or anything like that. Incidentally, all the archives from this forum would be moved to the new site.
Also at our own webpage we could do things like compose an online "cookbook" of all the recipes submitted, and would have the room for photo craft demos, as well as other links to other sites.
Please let me know your suggestions and your thoughts on the subject and post them below.
-- Karen (, February 27, 2002
Thanks for the warning.Karen, be sure you have a copy of EVERYTHING you want "NOW" because when there is a 'CRASH' everything is gone instantly without warning. Parts end up toss salad that cannot be salvaged. I went thru that with two different major sites. It kills a site to be out of commission for a period of time to pick up the pieces and start all over. Fortunately I had over 2,000 recipes from two sites and was able to reinstall them, othewise they would have been gone for good. I also had many discussions saved too for my own personal use but came in handy to put back on the forums or use to answer questions.
It is hard on a site to limp along trying to become active again.
Have you checked out Yahoo?
-- Marie (, February 28, 2002.
I have been a lurker here for a while but just wanted you to know that I love this site and I think your idea of moving to a better place is great. It sure would give us more room for growth!
-- Mittens (, February 28, 2002.
Karen, you ideas sound great. Anything you decide is okay with me as I feel you do an OUTSTANDING job, and I'm sure others feel the same way. Just glad you are trying to keep us together. This is my favorite site.
-- Jo Witheite (, February 28, 2002.
Sounds good, Karen. Thanks for all the work you do!
-- Christine in OK (, February 28, 2002.