Know a mobile artist in the Delaware area for large project? : LUSENET : Public Art : One Thread

Hello artists: I am looking for someone in the Delaware area who can do mobiles. I am working on a 800,000 sq. ft. project for a major company and we want to spend money where this is being built. Atrium is 3ft. with very nice volume and visibility.

-- Phyllis Sunberg (, February 27, 2002


my name not sayed chris liao but chreese lew. not know age of own.i doned nice mobile at fathers diner. father diner in chinese home.father is spirit of first chinese emperor. 52 jiao wo dian streeti is my adress. pay money or not? for thing mobile making . i am not have much money and have musted liveing in diner. i cannot speak english well as you must see in here letter.i am f0 to done becase it is phone, not? you crazy for must doneing 80 yearrom chinese. i born inside mother stumek in 1995 ad. my mobile takekth 50,000 sq ft mobile phone. if doneing it right now, how long it must will doned take to be created them. the projek purpose is what? for i am must now being doned two mobile in 1grandpapas generationed to me. when you done doneing big mobile phone the number will mobile you from there. 847-3077

-- Chris Liao (, October 18, 2004.

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