Just a thought (on religious postings)greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Okay, I have been coming here for a while now. I come here for farm realted and homesteading advise. Since the change in " hands" so to speak, there is an awful lot of Christian related material posted. Yes, I believe in God, but that is a private issue for me. Why must we relate almost everything here to our personal relationship with God, and not just post and answer questions about homesteading? Has something changed that I don't know about? Isn't there a Christian Homesteading Forum? I'm just asking. I wonder how many non-Christians are interested in the posting here. I think it is great that some of you have strong beliefs, but... And please don't quote the Bible to me, I stuiedy theology for four years...I'm well versed. Julie
-- julie (jbritt@ceva.net), February 27, 2002
I agree and lets keep it homestead related.
-- randy in central missouri (rwybrant@coin.org), February 27, 2002.
where is the christian homesteading forum?
-- randy in central missouri (rwybrant@coin.org), February 27, 2002.
Julie, there was a lot of fighting over Christian posts here, and Ken decided that they didn't belong and started deleting them. That caused a lot of ruffled feathers, and several people left the forum. Now that it's changed hands, the Christian posts are reappearing. Personally, I don't care. I don't agree with a lot of the Christian stuff that's posted, but I do have the power to just skip over it and look for the info that does interest me. Some folks feel they need to preach in every post - and that's fine, too! Just skip over it if you don't like it.
-- Cheryl in KS (cherylmccoy@rocketmail.com), February 27, 2002.
Seems that the Country Families forum (click on Lusenet, above, for the forums list) welcomes Christian-themed postings. I agree, this particular forum should stick to homesteading specifically...though I am guilty of mentioning God in a post once in a while, myself.
-- Shannon at Grateful Acres Animal Sanctuary (gratacres@aol.com), February 27, 2002.
In my humble opinion, if a person doean't want to read a post about religion, one should not click on that post. That simple. No fuss, no bother, just move on!
-- Ardie/WI (ardie54965@hotmail.com), February 27, 2002.
Are we not all adults ? How about if because I didn't like goats I thought no one should mention them .Well I don't believe they are a homestead animal ! Well to some saying to keep god out of post would be the same thing .Everyone is welcome to include there beliefs in a post , as an adult I have the choice to read it or not .Do I have to agree with you ? no , should I respect your beliefs ? yes.
-- Patty {NY State} (fodfarms@hotmail.com), February 27, 2002.
I agree with Julie but I also generally agree with Ardie. It seems unlikely that this forum will remain as topical as it was when Ken was here but things change.Being one of the more vocal protesters about the direction the forum was going in the before-Ken-as-moderator days my opinions about this haven't changed. If the thread is clearly labeled "religious" or "Christian" we have the option of reading it or not. I don't have any specific objections to the mention of God like God bless or whatever either.
When a topic like "My Goat has worms" turns into "My Goat used to have worms but since I was born again the worms are gone" that invisible line is crossed. As long as the threads stay topical and those who wanna convert the world do so in threads clearly labeled as such, no big deal IMO.
-- john (natlivent@pcpros.net), February 27, 2002.
The problem with religous postings is that they eventually turn into straight preaching with no homesteading info whatsoever. I for one would like to see the religous postings limited to the religous orentated forums. I am not offended by statements like:"Thank God the tornado missed us" or "HE was with us throughout...."; its the ones that are trying to tell us "God said it, that settles it" that displays a level unacceptabilness for me.
-- mitch hearn (moopups@citlink.net), February 27, 2002.
We have been subscribers to Countryside Mag for years and thouroughly enjoy it. When we finally got a computer and got online we were excited to find this forum because there are a lot of good topics of discussion about homestead related subjects and they help us out. I have answered a couple of questions in the hopes of helping others as well. But, I just looked at the cover of the Countryside magazine and it says "Countryside and Small Stock Journal". Period. I don't see anything that says "Countryside and Small Stock and Religious Journal". If you people that want to stuff your beliefs down other peoples throats want to sound off, PLEASE go somewhere else. I don't want to have to sift through all your rantings and ravings just to find something useful to a common sense person looking for sound homesteading advice. You can't tell with a lot of posts if they are religious in nature or not till you open them. It's almost like they try to trick people into reading their, for lack of a better word, B.S. I believe in a higher power to be sure. But I'm not gonna choke you with how I feel. Please do me the same courtesy. Thank you.
-- Steve (borgia@northernnet.com), February 27, 2002.
Hello Folks,Lets not start this all over again! Did you people realize that was one of the reasons that the forum changed hands? Too much arguing and complaining about religion.
Sincerely, Ernest
-- http://communities.msn.com/livingoffthelandintheozarks (espresso42@hotmail.com), February 27, 2002.
Julie, I have to agree with Ardie. If you are not interested in the religious posts, just move on. Although, in the environment that I work in, I must admit to being encouraged to see people living and breathing God in their lives. That is how Christians are supposed to be. Until you work or live in a Godless atmosphere, you won't realize how horrible the absence of God is. I think that's supposed to be one of the main tortures in Hell, isn't it? And, as homesteaders, who live close to the land, the presence of God is more apparent. I am not (unfortunately) a very religious person, but the posts don't have to be opened if you don't want.
-- Judy in IN (whileaway3@cs.com), February 27, 2002.
I think you're being a bit oversensitive to the issue. I haven't seen an 'awful lot' of Christian postings. Seriously, about 5% of the posts mention those things? Is that really a big deal? Nobody is shoving anything down anyones throat. Get real, this is a internet message board. You have complete control over what you read. I'm not a Christian and I've never felt threatened or offended by reading the small amount of Christian related messages here. I doubt any other non-Christians with a realistic view of things is going to stop posting here just because of a few Christian related posts.
-- Dave (multiplierx9@hotmail.com), February 27, 2002.
I think the point being raised was that unless the thread was specifically religious and labeled as such, to maybe keep religious references to a minimum. That seemed to work quite well before.
-- GT (nospam@nospam.com), February 27, 2002.
ok, but how did body peircings turn into religion, and why was it not labeled? Just wondering...why would someone assume that the poor girl was less than Christian if she put holes in her bod?
-- julie (jbritt@ceva.net), February 27, 2002.
Hmmmm, well for some reason Chuck has decided to NOT delete the religious posts, and herein lies the problem. What so many Christians DON'T understand is all the preaching turns non-Christians off to God, it DOESN'T usually CONVERT them. As an Orthodox Christian myself, I find the types of Christian posting here against my personal religious beliefs, and hate opening a file to find out about goats or gardening and having to read an out-of-context ecumenical "christian" comment. I must say, I agree with not posting ANY religious stuff here, other than the generic, "Thank God" or "God Bless!" or "Thank the Goddess" etc... I mean, honestly, how many of you would really appreciate a pagan posting, "I'll do a spell for you!"? That is how they feel about, "I'll pray for you!" It doesn't hurt anyone if you pray for them, but you don't need to tell everyone you are doing it.And that is just my opinion.
-- marcee (thathope@mwt.net), February 27, 2002.
I don't mind religious topics. It's naive to think that you can have a strong religious conviction and that it won't filter into other parts of your life. Kind of like once you are a homesteader it changes how you thnk about so many things that may not be directly related to homesteading.What I don't like:
- When a non religious thread is flooded and overrun with religious debate.
- When, on a religious (actually any topic)thread, one side of the argument get overbearing, sometimes they don't even listen to the questions brought up.
- When on any thread, someone comes in and says, well I don't do this because I'm a Christian, here is the bible verse to back me up- this much is OK with me!- but then it degenerates into, and Christians don't do this. If you're a Christian you won't do it. If you're not a Christian I'm praying for you so you won't go to hell. That may be the way you see it, but it's incredibly rude and tactless.
- A little bible verse on a non religious topic is one thing. Turning the whole thing into a religious debate is another. If you want to discuss the religious aspect of the same topic, I have a suggestion- start a NEW topic. Call it something like, personal beliefs about tattooing, for example.
- Right now, we are in a period of transition. My personal view is that if we want this forum to stay afloat, we had ALL better practice some restraint, more than we usually would. If you usually would be tempted to write a while sermonette, settle for a short sentence and a bible verse. If you usually would want to jump down the throat of someone who is acting self righteous, control yourself. Go away from the computer and post when you have your feelings in order. It's easy to vent your temper here, with people you can get rid of by turning your computer off. If you really have something to say to someone, and it doesn't belong on the forum e mail the person privately and work it out.
- Any kind of nastiness or name calling shouldn't be posted.
-- Rebekah (daniel1@itss.net), February 27, 2002.
Hi folks. Chuck here.Let me try and answer your question, Julie. I appreciate you bringing this up.
Many of the people who come to this forum are devout Christians. Many are not.
Being a Christian isn't something that one keeps confined to church on Sunday, it's an all pervasive thing. It permeates everything that a Christian is and does. Trying to get a devout Christian to divorce his faith from his life is like trying to give a speech without using any verbs. It just doesn't work.
I'm doing my best to allow people on this forum to express themselves. I'm trying to be very sparing with the delete key, since what really causes the most problems (according to my research in the archives) here on the forum is when people have their posts deleted. Having your voice denied is worse than having someone disagree with you.
The thing that makes this forum so interesting is the same thing that makes it so difficult to moderate. It is a place where people from the right and left overlap. We have a common interest in homesteading, the conservative Christian homeschooler and the tie- dyed, environmentally conscious liberal. This makes for some wonderful, diverse discussion, and it's one of the things that I love most about the forum.
To the Christian: You will do nothing but turn the unsaved away from Christ by being un-tactful in your witness. We are called to be salt and light, not sunburn and pepper spray. Please keep this in mind when you post.
Mitch and I don't agree on much, but I have to agree with one thing he said: " I am not offended by statements like:"Thank God the tornado missed us" or "HE was with us throughout...."; its the ones that are trying to tell us "God said it, that settles it" that displays a level unacceptabilness for me."
Christians: We're not in the business of SCARING the hell out of people by hitting them over the head with our beliefs, but rather LOVING the hell out of them by making them feel better when they are among us than when they are elsewhere. Let's strive to be effective in this. If you have something to share with your Christian friends that does NOT relate DIRECTLY to homesteading, there are other forums for this.
To the Non-Christian: Please understand that even when the Christian writes something that you feel is "shoving it down your throat", they don't do it to offend you, actually, it's quite the opposite. They really belive that they have something worth sharing. Something that would improve your life forever. They are sharing these beliefs in a spirit of love, so please try to tolerate them as such. They mean you no harm, but just the opposite.
To all: Please try to stay civil, no matter what. I ask you this for a selfish reason, it simply makes my job of referee so much easier.
I'm going to continue to try to go easy on the delete key as much as possible. If you see something that you think is questionable, please bring it to my attention through a personal email.
Help me out here, BE NICE.
--Chuck (reply@mission4me.com), February 27, 2002.
Just Move OnWhat's so hard about this? I personally like the freer atmosphere here and not just about religious posts. When you get really picky about posts then things get very subjective and arbitrary & imho that's how things were b.c. (before chuck). I had a post deleted and had a few email discussions with the former moderator. While it's not an easy job to moderate, the arguments to delete my post mainly escaped my understanding of logic. Furthermore, I saw similar posts before & after my post NOT deleted. Go figure. Personally, I much prefer the more easygoing, freer atmosphere that's currently the case.
I agree with other posters - I have no interest in goats (no offense to goats) - so I don't usually click on goat posts. I don't go here for spiritual enlightenment & altho I'm am believer, oftentimes I don't click on religious posts. The only conflict I see is when someone starts a thread along these lines stirring things up. Honestly, I don't understand...spring's coming and we'll all be plenty busy. This is so.....we'll maybe we've all just been inside for winter too long.
It might be a good idea to go outside and practice some deep breathing with spring just around the corner.
Peace to all. And kudos again to Chuck.
-- zeb (wrangler@jridgeranch.com), February 27, 2002.
We recently moved into our new homestead. Fortunately for us we landed among the friendliest bunch of people I have ever encountered. Many have stopped in to see what we were up to. Invited us over to see their place, and just to welcome us to the country. Not once has anyone brought up religion or politics. Quite obvious, subjects than encourage more divisivness than inclusion. Perhaps they realize that beyond all the labels, we are all one. My experience has been that those who are mature in their beliefs will let their lives be their message. Those more vocal remind me of adolescents who insist on letting you know what they "know" because they're not to sure at a deeper level.I hope we are able to discuss the things we share such as gardening,animals,family....you know, homesteading subjects, without getting too sidetracked. peace jz
-- jz (oz49us@yahoo.com), February 27, 2002.
zeb...forum means to discuss...ask a question means...ask a question. Marcee me too. Chuck, thanks, you ANSWERED my question...I do agree on one thing, come two months from now we will all be too busy! 21 days till spring!Juls
-- julie (jbritt@ceva.net), February 27, 2002.
I try to be pretty easy going about folks mentioning in passing their faith - any faith. As Mitch said you want to thank God the twister missed your house that's fine with me. Want thank the Goddess for sending you a fine spring that's fine too. I personally do not discuss my faith online but that's me and I don't try to tell others they shouldn't either. I think we should all be tolerant about these things.What gets me nettled about religion is when it's used to hijack other people's non-religious threads or is used to attack others. Want to talk about how God, the Goddess, who/whatever led you to homesteading? Start a seperate thread on that topic, don't hijack someone elses particularly when the original post is not on that topic. That sort of thing begins to rapidly degrade the usefulness of this or any other forum and begins to waste the time of all of us who come here for practical purposes.
There's much to be said for civility in public areas such as this even when you feel compelled to witness, testify, evangelize or judge. Like Chuck said, BE NICE. If you can't be nice take it to private e-mail. Better yet, turn your machine off.
-- Alan (athagan@atlantic.net), February 27, 2002.
I agree with Patty from NY - I don't like goats, so I skip the goat information -Do goats have to do with homesteading?? To SOME people, yes....to others NO.
Does God have to do with homesteading?? To SOME people, yes....to others NO.
If you read the title of a posting & it appeals to you - Read it. If you read the title of a posting & it doesn't appeal to you - Don't read it.
If you get into a posting & find out it's about something you don't want to hear about, then click your BACK button.
It's quite simple.
There's a lot of stuff that gets posted on here that is not "related" to homesteading. So, quit picking on people who mention God.
Sheesh! ;)
-- heather (h.m.metheny@att.net), February 27, 2002.
These things are one of the reasons I'm so glad I'm not a part of any organized religion. I have no reason to be offended by a Pagan offering a spell anymore than a Christian offering to pray for me. I've shared in meals prayed over by Christians from Amish to southern Baptists. Did the same for lunch with the Hare Krishna once. I've gone to a dojo with a friend and received 'The Divine Light' from Mahikari. I've gone to Jewish temples and participated in events with friends and have let myself experience many different religious practices and beliefs. It's all good. It all comes from the heart in good faith.
-- Dave (something@somewhere.com), February 27, 2002.
it's been spring here since January. Been transplanting seedlings for 2 weeks now. 74 degrees at 10am this morning.
-- Dave (something@somewhere.com), February 27, 2002.
Many diffirent paths, same destination..... I have been blessed to have known many diffirent people from many diffirent faiths, my life has been enriched by each and everyone of them. Peace.
-- Terran in VT (homefire@sover.net), February 27, 2002.
THERE ISN"T MUCH TALK ABOUT GOD EXCEPT IN RESPONSE TO QUESTIONS LIKE THESE! There really isn't! Some people continue to say this but far less than 5-10% is religious related except in a post like this. If you don't like it, then skip over it and read the next post. What's the big deal???I might not like "goat talk". There is a lot of that here and I don't own goats. I think I'll protest! No, I move on to another question/reply. Religion is a part of homesteading for MANY people and is what this country was founded on.
-- Mike inPa (smfine@yahoo.com), February 27, 2002.
I cannot understand why people get upset over the beliefs of others. Just about everyone believes what they believe 100%. I don't think we should be offended if someone tries to share what they believe with us. It seems that people are always offended by Christianity and they overlook the other beliefs people have. For example, when is the last time you got really offended at someone when they tried to convince you that chemtrails were the biggest threat to survival on this planet. Would you get mad and start an argument over that? Usually not. We just walk off or end the conversation.Isn't it our human pride that needs to justify ourselves and our beliefs in front of others? We need to win the war of words with our clever speech. So many arguments are motivated by this pride. We get offended by the beliefs of others when those beliefs suggest their is something wrong with us (ie... we are sinners) Then we get mad and feel we must defend ourselves. Who cares.... No one has ever suceeded in shoving thier beliefs down the throats of someone who does not want them -anymore that you can make a toddler swallow spinach. As long as their are other people in this world their will be differences of opinion on nearly everything. Maybe somewhere out there are people who still believe the world is flat! If you met such a person would you try to convince them otherwise. Most of us would! We all share our beliefs in various ways and we all cram our beliefs down others throats occasionally. It is only when those beliefs center on religion (or politics) that we get all huffy. If we are not interested in reading a post once it turns religious we can exit the post.
I think it would be harmful to make rules about what you can and cannot post on this forum. I have been guilty of posting questions on this site that are not homestead related. Country people often have alot of wisdom and that wisdom may carry over into other areas of their lives. So why would it be inappropriate to ask other questions on this forum? Most of my non-homestead related questions I have posted here I got great answers for - like how to get cat pee out of carpet for example.
Many people love the country and homesteading because of their love for God's creation and love being close to the created world. The American Indian's beliefs permeated his whole life and how he related to the natural world around him. Isn't it the same with Christians? If we don't agree so what! We are free to believe what we want in this country. THat is what makes it great. It is a country where the feminist can stand next to the Amish woman in line in a grocery store and they are both free!
Read up on history and you will see that people have been putting Christians to death for centuries for "cramming their religion down others throats". Then "Christians" would put pagans to death for not swallowing. Come on folks! Let us feel free to share our beliefs without fear of being verbally slain. You are FREE to agree and you are FREE to disagree. But you are FREE. That is the great thing about it. So enjoy your freedom and let others enjoy theirs.
In closing, I used to be very offended by the beliefs of others and so I am can relate to those of you who have a problem with some of the posts, but I think it is something we can get over. Besides, spring is coming and their is work to be done!
-- Tiffani (cappello@alltel.net), February 27, 2002.
As most well studied people know, to be free you give up freedoms. Remember,this is a homesteading forum. AND, to be politically correct, it is Native Americans. This is a dead horse.
-- julie (jbritt@ceva.net), February 27, 2002.
Some say, just don't read the posts if you don't want to read about someone elses beliefs/religion. Well, I just HATE it when I get to the END of a post and the post-er trys to suck me into their version of their holy book, their religion, their church. It's a cheap way to flaunt your "holier than thow's". I am a church goin', God loving person, but I keep my preaching to myself. YOU CAN'T "FIX" OTHERS. So please stop trying.
-- Susan in Northern LP Michigan (cobwoman@yahoo.com), February 27, 2002.
I agree that if I was not interested in a goat thread, I would skip over it. But if I asked a question on gardening and Vickie or Bernice came on to that thread or any other thread and told me gardening was wrong, I should be raising goats instead, it would be ridiculous! They are both experts on goats, as are many others, but they only answer questions asked on goats and the threads are clearly labeled!!! Get the drift? And for the record, I believe in Christ, but I get so weary of the fighting that usually happens when the preaching starts up, that it does make me turn off the computer. But should I have to on a homesteading forum?
-- Annie (mistletoe6@earthlink.net), February 27, 2002.
I absolutely HATE IT when someone tries to tell me what I can read and what I can't. I don't agree that ANYONE has to right to sensor what movies contain, what books are written and what art is created (even if I think it is trash). I am an adult. I can read. If I see a post that says "Religious" on it, I can just choose not to click on that post. What is SO HARD about that? I reserve that right to censor my life, myself. Don't want anyone else doing that for me. So, if anyone wants to quote the Bible, the Koran, Confuscious, Mother Earth News or whatever, I do not mind. The fact that I might regard a "supreme being" as someone who is less than sane is just my take and I don't mind anyone elses view. That is what makes America so great! Be cool, we can handle a different point of view. Little Quacker
-- Little Quacker (carouselxing@juno.com), February 27, 2002.
Chuck is absolutely correct. BE NICE. Why do some folks have such a hard time with this? Sheesh...If you don't like someone's post, take a deep breath, skip to another post, and voila! You are now free of the offending post. Works every time....
-- Liz Rhein (merhein@shentel.net), February 27, 2002.
if I were a troll this thread would be fun. but I'm not.exiting - (stage left)
-- B. Lackie - Zone3 (cwrench@hotmail.com), February 27, 2002.
"Heavans to Murgatroid"
-- Rick in SW West Virginia (Rick_122@hotmail.com), February 28, 2002.
Hardi-har-har Rick! Thanks for the laugh.http://www.yesterdayland.com/popopedia/shows/decades/saturday_1960s.ph p
-- HBarbera (hanna@barbera.haha), March 01, 2002.
Okay, I will begin byadmitting I have not read every thread. Very seldom do I have the time.This may be asking too much, since I do not know what is involved to accomplish it ~~ but ~~ is it possible to find all these
threads , orsneak attacks within a thread , that you all are talking about? They could then be posted (On a new thread, with the appropriate title, of course~~) and the % (factual) of these posts given??!? This is probably not even possible, but it would certainly either - a. Support the argument being made here, or b. Put to rest the argument being made here.Just a thought.
-- Wendy@GraceAcres (wjl7@hotmail.com), March 01, 2002.
Oh Chuck, thank you sooo much for what you posted on this thread. I am with you 100% on it! I recognise that non-christians and christians have a common interest in homesteading, and that is just the way the world is. We must deal with each other in here just as we would speak to our neighbors over the fence line.Tolerance and acceptance is a big issue these days. Openness to the opinions of others is verbally supported everywhere, by everyone. Why does it seem to me that if a Hindu would come in here spouting his Hinduism at every turn, his overt efforts at proselytising would be more tolerated than a Christian's same efforts?
What is the definition of tolerance, anyhow? It used to mean that we must allow everyone the freedom to express their religious beliefs, without us demanding them to shut up out of personal differences. But now, tolerance seems to mean the opposite. It seems now to mean that I MUST become "religiously correct" in affirming everyone else's religion as equal in value to my own. This naturally results in public negative opinion towards old-fashioned, fundamental Christians publicly and openly expressing their faith. Fundamentalism seems to be the modern BoogyMan, because it refuses to embrace the politically correct ideas of all religions being equal in value.
If I believed in any religion other than that Jesus Christ is the ONLY WAY to heaven, my religion would be allowed to be promoted in public. People would not be offended at my religion. But since I believe that Jesus Christ is the Only Way to the Father in Heaven, public opinion sees my religion as dangerous, and not worthy of the guarantees of the first ammendment.
So it boils down to this. Tolerance is the new mantra. But the new tolerance is something altogether different from the old tolerance. Now, tolerance means I must STOP saying that fundamental Christianity is the ONLY TRUE RELIGION. The new politically correct tolerance is intolerant of my religion.
I hope this forum can reflect the old definition of tolerance, instead of the new definition.
Thanks again, Chuck! And I Thank God you are the new moderator! You are in my prayers!
-- daffodyllady (daffodyllady@yahoo.com), March 01, 2002.
Susan, I understand if you dont want to hear us talking about Christianity. But really, in the real world, you have the responsibility of removing yourself from the vicinity of the one who offends you by their exercise of free religious speech. Why cant you do in here just as you do in the real world? I would think it would be even easier in here, as you can first check who is the post-er, and have your little list as to whom you find offensive, and just avoid them.I am sure you will find me as one of those you find offensive. Please bear with me. I readily acknowledge that I fall short of the example of Christ in graciousness. Especially when I am PMSing. (I know, God makes no room for PMSing women to live sinfully in the Bible. I am working on it.)
You certainly have the freedom to avoid those who offend you. But I hope you can be tolerant of me, as I am of you. I am who I am. I am a Christian to the core, and everything I do and say comes from who I am. If you hate who I am, I understand. Jesus himself was rejected by certain people who hated his message.
But we still love you. We forgive you if you hate us.
-- daffodyllady (daffodyllady@yahoo.com), March 01, 2002.
I've come to the conclusion that there is something wrong with me! You know, I read almost all the threads, just for my personal entertainment. I enjoy learning about everything, whether I'll ever use the information or not. If I read about someones beliefs about religion that don't coincide with mine, I find it interesting anyway. I don't get a mad urge to convince that person that he or she is wrong and I'm right! I think it is called tolerance.Also, this is JUST a forum. It isn't plasma!
-- Ardie/WI (ardie54965@hotmail.com), March 01, 2002.
I agree with many of the posts in this thread. I would think that it would be best if we would identify a thread when we start one as a religious topic. In other threads if a comment as thank God or whatever is appropiate then fine if you feel that a religious belief is important engough to discuss then start a new thread stating the old thread and add that this is how you see it in a religious sense.I believe in the Bible but have many problems with religion which I think is simply a persons interpretation of the Bible. Like I said I believe in the Bible but do not always agree with what someone else may think it means.
I also want to reenforce what part of what Chuck posted in "lets be nice" I really think that almost all religions believe in doing that can't we try to observe that. gail
-- gail missouri ozarks (gef@getgoin.net), March 02, 2002.
If someone identifies themself as a Christian I will approach the subject as such.If someone posts something that is not overtly Christian, I will respond as such.
Christianity is personal but it is also corporate among the body of believers. We are to be able to account for why we do something and have a Biblical reason for it. We are to hold each other accountable.
Someone asked about society degenerating...I gave my opinion on it. My opinion on society will reflect my religious beliefs.
If someone posts a question about what some might be doing for Summer Solstice...I don't have to even read that post much less respond to it because I know ahead of time it has nothing to do with me.
If someone wants to make an issue of a thing, I generally ignore it. I am to busy to argue stuff when most of the time people don't change their mind that way anyways.
-- LBD, Maryland (lavenderbluedilly@hotmail.com), March 02, 2002.
It seems like alot of this stuff is left over from the old days. Now with a new moderator the "limits" and new rules are being tested.There's a zillion things in Daffys posts in this thread that I could reasonably (imo) dispute but it's pointless.
Some "Christians" seem to like to think they're being persecuted or not tolerated. As they might like to say "Its a love the sinner, hate the sin" kinda thing. There are many kindsa Christians and most don't feel compelled to "convert" others or prove their "rightness" or self- righteousness" to those who don't agree with them. Their "Christianity" is tolerated but certain behaviors are not.
It boils down to simple manners and mutual respect. If yall want respect and tolerance it's not unreasonable to expect the same for others who differ from you.
-- john (natlivent@pcpros.net), March 02, 2002.
Maybe folks should just start posting pornography. If anyone finds it offensive, just skip reading it. You know...nothing inherently wrong with it or anything. Freedom of speech and everything.Whatever happened to good *manners*?
-- sheepish (The_original_sheepish@lurking.com), March 03, 2002.
Personally I have no problem with some religious postings, Hoot's posts come to mind. He says right up front that it's religious and I can read it or not. Most of the time I do read his posts. I also don't have any problem with our resident Buddhist here, and just finished a book by Karen Armstrong called Buddha. On the other hand, I can relate to those who do not like religion forced upon them. Here's a small example: Where I currently work there was a manager who was a "Christian" who pushed me and pushed me to attend "his" church. It became almost like if I didn't attend "his" church, my life was going to be miserable. I couldn't avoid him as he was my manager. So finally I told him that I couldn't attend his church as I didn't believe in organized religion. Well you'd a thought that I said I didn't believe in GOD or ALLAH or whatever each of you want to call the Higher Being. So he completely turned me off of going to 'his' church with the constant beratement to attend. I ask that each of us be tolerant on this forum. Gosh, we all like some aspect of homesteading and that is why we are here. Some like goats (me!) and some like cows, horses, gardens, etc. I don't mind references to God, (I figure I can use help from any and all sources, no matter what the source is named). And for those who want to do some "witnessing, preaching, spell casting, or whatever), just start a thread like Hoot and warn the audience beforehand. Kinda like the ratings for movies- so we have an idea of what is being discussed. I do agree that it is not very nice to take a post and turn it into a religous rant of whatever kind, so if you gotta preach, start a new thread. We can all get along, believers and non believers alike. It is not a HARD THING TO DO as we are all hooked on the same thing, homesteading, countrylife, and trying to do it without making so many mistakes. Let's just keep it civil, please.
-- Cindy (colawson@mindspring.com), March 03, 2002.