Have you ever used EarthBoxes?greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I havea specialized application that needs a big container garden that can be moved at the end of the growing season. The EarthBoxes look interesting- but are expensive! What is your experience? thanks
-- seraphima (seraphima@ak.net), February 25, 2002
Sorry about my typing. I broke my right arm (humerus)and so am down to hunt and peck.
-- seraphima (seraphima@ak.net), February 25, 2002.
Earthboxes seem like a complicated solution and very expensive for what they are. I'd go with 5 gallon buckets(all you want for free in many areas), with a few small drain holes drilled and a couple inches of gravel in the bottom.
-- Dave (something@somewhere.com), February 25, 2002.
Hi Seraphima,I checked the archives under gardening, containers and found the following two sites for inexpensive homemade earthboxes:
http://earthboxes.50megs.com/ http://www.users.qwest.net/~user15805/bobs_box.html
They look like the same item, but one site has real photos, and the other has drawings. Hope this helps!
-- Laura Rae Jensen (lrjensen@nwlink.com), February 25, 2002.
How did you break your humerus? I shattered mine way up high coming off a horse almost 2 years ago. It was an awful first 3 weeks, the first week the bone shards just rubbed together. Slept sitting up for 4 weeks. How are you doing?
-- Debbie in MO (risingwind@socket.net), February 26, 2002.
fell on the ice down the driveway. breaking it didn't hurt- just the aftermath!
-- seraphima (seraphima@ak.net), February 26, 2002.