2.8 ackers for sale South Central Pa near the Md Bordergreenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Hy i got this land for sale!! All open farmland Small wet weather spring in the rear of the property!! Good soil!On a paved road Homesteader frendly area !! Work avalabile nearby!! ! My son was gonna build there but moved away!!Posible owner financing!!
-- Grizz in Western Maryland (southerneagle@yahoo.com), February 24, 2002
Hiya Grizz,How far is this from the Cumberland/Flintstone area?
-- Laurean (cranston_06010@yahoo.com), February 24, 2002.
about 15 to 20 miles
-- Grizz in Western Maryland (southerneagle@yahoo.com), February 24, 2002.
are u familiar with Flintstone?
-- Grizz in Western Maryland (southerneagle@yahoo.com), February 24, 2002.
Grizz, Sounds sooooo tempting. Do you have any idea how far from Baltimore, Maryland this piece would be? Or would that not be a feasible commute everyday? As you can tell, I know NOTHING about the area. What's the going price? Can you give us any more details?Blessings,
-- Greenthumbelina (sck8107@aol.com), February 24, 2002.
Baltimore is about a 2hr comute from here !!Winchester Va Hagerstown Md and Fredrick Md are about 1 hr!!Cumberland Md is about1/2 hr!! Alot of people do comute to DC and Baltimore from here everyday though!
-- Grizz in Western Maryland (southerneagle@yahoo.com), February 24, 2002.
Greenthumbelina,It is quite a commute but it is on interstate prettymuch the whole way. Get out the RandMcNally or something and look at the towns and interstates.
We looked at a property out near Hancock, MD. 10 beautiful acres with cleared land and trees and a small stream that made it's way to the Potomac about 3 miles away. The place had an older mobile home on it that was clean and in good shape. There was newer 2 door garage separate from the trailer. I think it was selling for $64,000 which sounded really cheap to us who live closer to Baltimore (carroll co.) but the according to other prices in the area was a little higher than it should have been. We did not buy it though I woiuld have loved to. It was just 3 miles from the Potomac River and the bike path (old towpath, now Historic National Park thing)
Western MD weather is a tad worse that central MD because of the mountain range dividing western and central MD. Also, have heard that the interstate roads get bad in the winter between Hagerstown and Frederick.
Grizz, The place sounds interesting. The owner financing sounds nice too. How much are you asking? What is the address of the place so I can check the tax record in PA on the place. You can email me privately. The addy works.
-- LBD, in MD (lavenderbluedilly@hotmail.com), February 24, 2002.
Hi again,Although I am currently in Iowa, I grew up across from at Rocky Gap.I had to fly back this past Sept. for my dad's funeral. It had been 16 years.
You sure do live in a beautiful area, I admit to feeling claustrophobic in the mountains! I will put the word out to some friends, and hopefully this will generate a buyer for you.
-- Laurean (cranston_06010@yahoo.com), February 24, 2002.
Thanks Grizz & LBD for the insight. I really appreciate it. Not sure if I'll be needing it right now though as some more unexpected changes have come up for us and we may be "stuck" right here in South Florida for awhile longer than we originally thought. Will keep you posted. And thanks again for your help.Blessings,
-- Greenthumbelina (sck8107@aol.com), February 25, 2002.