Does anyone have some G.P. puppies to a good home? (at reasonable price) : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Hello all,

I was wondering if anyone had some purebred G.P. puppies? It would be to a good home. Need guard dog, but also needs to be affectionate too.


-- Amanda (, February 23, 2002


Amanda,where are you?I am in s.e.Mo.I will have pups in about a month.very reasonable or trade for something.S.W

-- snow white (, February 24, 2002.


I have two G.P. females for sale, purebred, all shots, akc registered, 5 1/2 months old, raised with goats. E-mail me if interested.

-- kathy in NE Ohio (, February 24, 2002.

Sorry,my male &female are purebreds,but I did not buy the papers,to much dogs are farm dogs.they were raised with goats,chickens,rabbits&horses.before the dogs the coyotes never let me rest.note;they both have pink on their nose which is a nono for show.thanks for answering.sw

-- snow white (, February 24, 2002.

Just a thought here Amanda, make sure that the parents have been x rayed for displasia(both hip and shoulder). Do some research on the kennel they come from, a couple of generations back and make some phone calls. Can't hurt and might save you some grief. Good luck , how excited to get a new pup! LQ

-- Little Quacker (, February 24, 2002.

I've had a girl email me from Dodge City, Kansas, wanting a GP. Are any of you pretty close to there? I can forward on her email if you are. She said she would pay shipping if she had to. My friend has sold all of his pups allready.

-- Cindy in KY (, February 24, 2002.

I'm in Northern PA. Lost our shepherd this past summer..14 years old. Great dog and still miss her so. Would love to get another shepherd...purebred but AKC not necessary. Anyone near by with a resonable price...let me know !! Thanks !!

-- Helena (, February 24, 2002.

Amanda,my sire is just plain dam is bubbles because when she was a pup she would drink milk and have big bubbles come out the sides of her mouth.They are both 3years health problems.side note-a person who knows that I have pure but not papered dogs offered to sell me the papers to her dog,needless to say I do not spend to much for papers.S.WinMO>

-- snow white (, February 25, 2002.

The pups are due April 1st.Bubbles had 7 pups last year.keep in touch.we can work something out.I am more interested in good homes than anything else.sw

-- snow white (, February 27, 2002.

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