A Perfect Day ... For Fishing :-)

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

This was such a beautiful day here in Kansas! Sun shining, warm weather, a little windy but not so much that you couldn't get something done around the homestead. Well, I acomplished several tasks on my list of "to dos" and realized that this was a perfect day for something else - FISHING!

So my mom loaded the fishing equipment up in the old Dodge pickup, we went into town to get some bait and set out on our way! We have a favorite bass pond that's about 20 miles from here - we hoped to get lucky there. Got there and fished several of our "proven spots" without any luck other than one small perch. After not getting any bites and with the sun setting lower in the western sky, I asked my mom if whe wanted to go to the city lake that was on our way home. We hadn't been there before so I figured we'd locate it and know how to get there the next pretty day we had some time free.

We found the lake without any problems and since we had a bit of daylight left I asked mom if she wanted to give it a test try before we went home (REAL silly question to ask mom, since she's a more avid fisherperson than I am even!!!). After about an hour of test trying, we left with a nice mess of channel catfish and a perfect ending to a perfect day! It gives me pleasure to share it with you!

-- Phil in KS (pemccoy@yahoo.com), February 23, 2002


yummmmy.... fishing and dinner, my favorite... thanks for sharing with us. Kristean

-- Kristean Thompson (pigalena_babe@yahoo.com), February 23, 2002.

I can't wait till it's warm enough for me to go fishing again. I spent most of last summer fishing. I love fishing!

-- george nh (rcoopwalpole@aol.com), February 23, 2002.

Fish would be those critters under the 8 inches of ice we still have right? Kansas is winter free in Feruary? You can fish!!?? Lucky you. Kinda makes up for all those tornadoes! I got an old bass boat last fall and hopefully we'll get it fitted out and going this summer, I can wait. Not patiently; but I can wait.

-- Ross (amulet@istar.ca), February 23, 2002.

I'm just dieing to get on the water. Last year I didn't get to fish much, this year will be different. Great trout waters in this area, and good bass fishing waters too!

Reaqlly looking forward to spring!!!

-- woodsbilly n. c Pa. (coleenl@penn.com), February 24, 2002.

I'm just dieing to get on the water. Last year I didn't get to fish much, this year will be different. Great trout waters in this area, and good bass fishing waters too!

Really looking forward to spring!!!

-- woodsbilly n. c Pa. (coleenl@penn.com), February 24, 2002.


-- woodsbilly n c Pa. (coleenl@penn.com), February 24, 2002.

That sounds so nice Phil! I'm one of those people that love to go fishing, whether I catch anything or not. I'm content sitting on the bank day dreaming, and if I catch a fish, it's a bonus. Best wishes!

-- cowgirlone in OK (cowgirlone47@hotmail.com), February 24, 2002.

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