The Good, The Bad, and The : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I am so grateful that I don't live in the city and need newspapers and electronic broadcasts to tell me when it is Spring. A new lamb arrived last night. Saw my first grasshopper today. Warm sunshine and the happy pink faces of two wild phlox made Spring official.
-- paul (, February 23, 2002
Hey Paul,Saw my first housefly of the year today! Spring is sprung!!!
-- woodsbilly (, February 23, 2002.
My world is white another foot of it expected tonight.. Spring? Talk to me in April! (I'm just jealous!)
-- Bernie from Northern Ontario (, February 23, 2002.
Paul...I think that we never really had a winter here at all (SEOhio)...Days in T-shirts when we should have been in parkas. I actually saw a Red-winged Black bird at the feeder last week. Way too early for that!... We tilled the garden on Feb. 19th. That is really unusual! We are at least a month early there, in tilling. I don't know, just when you think the weather is gonna stay nice...ole' Mother Nature will pull a double whammy! We got a foot of snow on April Fool's Day one year. This weather is really making me antsy to get to work in the garden. It's been a long time since I planted peas, potatoes and onions on St. Patrick's Day...maybe this year!
-- Harmony (, February 23, 2002.
Saw the first lizard two days ago, and a swallowtail butterfly, one beetle, two ants, the first two bulbs (grape hyacynths) are up under the roses, days in the seventies, but still cold at night.
-- Katie (, February 23, 2002.
Had a housefly on me two nights ago. Have seen lots of Robins the past two days. Saw a Chipmunk today. The ice on the Connecticut River is breaking up. A moth was flying around the outside light last night. Had thunderstorms on Thursday. Hyacinths are coming up along with daffadils and daylillies. Chickens are sitting on eggs.Yup! I'm sure we're going to get a big snowstorm soon, because right now everything is to perfect.
-- george nh (, February 23, 2002.
I found a lady bug on the counter today. First one I've seen in I don't know when. I picked that little lady up very gingerly and set her outside.
-- Grannytoo (, February 23, 2002.
We haven't had winter yet here either. Have only had about 30" of snow so far. Had a goldfinch at the feeder yesterday and have been hearing the geese for the last 2 days. Our biggest snow last year came in March so I'm expceting the same thing this year.
-- Cindy in NY (, February 23, 2002.
Hmmm,I may have you all beat.Got a sunburn today working outside on the goat pen! Love this Texas weather! Johna
-- Johna (, February 23, 2002.
This has been the strangest "winter". Shod the horses yesterday; would've never pulled them had I known we'd have autumn all winter. Went riding for 3 hours today and got a bug in my mouth twice!
-- Debbie in MO (, February 23, 2002.
Had a big rain storm come through here yesterday. Brought with it some cooler temps (mid 60's). I'll take it as long as they give it. I fear this summer will be another swealtering one here in South Florida. Don't know what in the world (if anything) I should try to plant at this time of year. Finally figured out (after about 3 years) that I can't plant the way most of you do. Couldn't ever figure out why nothing ever made it to maturity (or ever sprouted at all). Then finally I decided "what the heck", and planted in October. Still didn't get much, but things at least GREW. Ate our FIRST ever cherry tomaotes on a salad the other night. O.K., so we all only got ONE tiny tomato each - ('cept for hubby - He got two - LOL) Had a few cantaloupe that tried hard to grow - weren't much bigger than a tennis ball but we ate those too. Hubby and son said they were good. Probably as to not hurt my feelin's seein' as how I was SO EXCITED! Frankly, I thought they tasted BLAH - not sweet at all. Got broccoli growin' out there right now too. (All of this I planted from seed.) I've never seen broccoli grow before. And while it's not as dark green as I feel it should be (guess the old soil is STILL lacking something?), I love to just look at it. The plants actually grew quite big - nice big green leaves and I wondered for awhile there if I had planted something I never new existed - like "leaf broccoli" or something because I never saw any broccoli stalks (spears, or whatever you call 'em) on there. But they are there now. Light green, but there just the same. Don't have a CLUE what I should do next with 'em. Should I leave 'em and hope they'll turn greener? Or is it time to cut 'em off and cook 'em? Any help would be appreciated. Sorry to intrude on Paul's post here. But this is what my spring is like. Happy Spring to all! :o)Blessings,
-- Greenthumbelina (, February 24, 2002.
Greenthumbelina, there's a much mis-used saying, but with green vegetables it's true - when they're big enough they're old enough. Baby vegetables are a big thing anyway - from zucchini on to carrots on to anything. Can't hurt to try. Enjoy!
-- Don Armstrong (, February 24, 2002.
A belated happy Birthday to you Don. Hope it was good and that the coming year is gentle.
-- paul (, February 24, 2002.