Farm, Pasture, Land Wanted WY, SD, OH, WV, Will consider any : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Hello, First I want to say what a wonderful source of information this is! I am so glad I have found it We are looking for good pasture land for horses. We currently are living in south Western South Dakota, Would like to find pasture some where near here. Or in Wyoming, Ohio, Or West Virginia... Property with Home and out buildings would be great, but not a must have.. Really need to find something Reasonably Priced! IF in the SD or WY area would like 50 acres plus in the WV or OH are would like 30 acres Plus I look forward to hearing from you Thanks Sara
-- Sara Puskarich (, February 23, 2002
Since you're already in Western SD, you probably know that Wyoming doesn't have much pasture land, since it's classified as a semi-desert to desert throughout the state. Water or lack thereof is our biggest problem. We are entering the third (3rd) year of drought and there may not be enough irrigation water to go around. Montana is in a similar situation. I advise you to look elsewhere.
-- al (, February 23, 2002.
Have you considered KY. Farms are forever being auctioned and or broken up in smaller parcels for resale here in southcentral KY. Check with the realtors, for example, Bryant Realty or Cumberland Co. Realty in Burkesville, KY
-- n.l. (, February 23, 2002.
land and taxes are cheap in North Dakota!
-- Novina in ND (, February 25, 2002.
And, ND has WATER!!
-- al (, February 25, 2002.
We have 32.5 acres in OH. Fenced in new electrified high tensil. Has pond, spring and is bordered in the back by a creek. Couple excellent house sites. Monroe County (southeastern OH)Email address is real
-- homestead2 (, February 27, 2002.
Please give me a call at 605-390-8662, or email to above address. I can help you in finding land to fit your need. Thanks, and have a GREAT day!
-- Tom Blain (, February 27, 2002.
Hi,We have a small farm for sale in central West Virginia. It has 40 acres, mostly wooded, but with a nice meadow and some pasture around the apple & berry orchard. The farm has a small, sturdy ranch home, a well house, and a 50' x 70' metal barn. The asking price is $83,500, or best offer.
We have a small web site for the farm, and are glad to answer additional questions by e-mail or phone, if you're interested.
Thanks, Jenny
-- Jenny M. Sullivan (, March 04, 2002.
I deal land in Saskatchewan, about 400 miles from S. Dakota. I have 3 parcels with pastures; 80ac lightly wooded with 55ac alfalfa, US$25500; 66ac alfalfa/pasture with light woods US$21500; 80ac- 50ac farmland, 30ac alfalfa, 400yds from lake, fruit trees, US$27500. And Saskatchewan has lots of water. Can you beat that!
-- Alexander Levin (, March 05, 2002.
Hi Sara, We are looking to sell our house here in Minnesota. 5 miles from a small town and 35 miles from Alexandria. Very secluded, lots of out buildings, excellant pasture set-up, would be a great place for horses-automatic water in the pasture. The house is a 4 bedroom, ranch style, entirely remodeled! Can send pics upon request.....hope you will consider, and have a great day-- CJ
-- CJ (, March 13, 2002.