Cow town,N.J. Where is it and ??? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Will try my post again. Where is Cow Town in New Jersey located and easiest way to ge there from N.E. Pa.? Also I hear they have a poultry auction? What hours and what days of the week do they have it? Any other poultry auctions around the area? I have to take mine to Orensborg, or Middleburg here in Pa. Do not know of any other close by, any help will be appreciated. Mary
-- Mary (, February 23, 2002
I'm not sure of the exact location, but if it's where I'm thinking of, it's the home of "The Cowtown Rodeo". I haven't been there in 20+ years, but it's located in the southwestern part of NJ. It's not too far from Philly. I believe it's located in Somerset county or in that general area. I think you can get to it from the Jersey Turnpike or 295 that runs through that area.Try this website:
Hope it helps.
-- Fran (on MD's Eastern Shore) (, February 23, 2002.
After you reach Phily take either the Ben Franklin or Walt Whitman bridge over to NJ. Head south on either I676 or I76 to I295.Cowtown is on Rt 40. Rt 40 runs east-west from near the Delaware Memorial bridge to Atlantic City. There's an exit off I295 that's the last one before the Memorial bridge. That puts you on Rt 48 which runs east to Rt 40 where Rt 40 doglegs south to the NJ turnpike. Take Rt 40 east towards Woodstown.
The rodeo will be on your right heading east. I'm guessing it's about 15-20 miles from where you get off I295.
If you take the NJ Turnpike there's an exit to Rt 40 but you're farther south. I'd take I295 (no toll.)
-- Darren (, February 23, 2002.
Not sure when the auction is but the flea market is fri sat and sun the rodeo is on sat nites in the summer!! Thers a poultry auction in north jersey il find the name for u !! Grizz
-- Grizz in Western Maryland (, February 23, 2002.
Livestock cooperative auction market of n jersey Hackettstown nj on wensday rabits ducks chickins and eggs dont have a phone number though hope this helps
-- Grizz in Western Maryland (, February 23, 2002.
In Canada, if one says "CowTown" they mean Calgary!
-- Tracy (, February 23, 2002.
Hackettstown auction is on Tuesdays. It's about two hours farther up from Cowtown so that is probably still your best bet.
-- Dee (, February 23, 2002.