How long have you been coming to this forum? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I have noticed a lot of mention about "Old blood" and "Newcomers" It got me curious about how long each of you have been visiting the forum.I started my visits in November 2001.Right from the start I was made to feel at home by so many of you.
Since the beginning I have felt some of your frustration. I have laughed with you and I have learned from you, with you.
I do stray to other forums, but like a dog wondering, I am never gone for long, and I always find my way back home.
-- george nh (, February 22, 2002
Feburary of 2000. I lurked for a while before starting to post. I don't know why I was so hesitant, but the whole internet thing was new to me then.
-- Cindy in KY (, February 22, 2002.
Since the Fall of '99. Haven't posted much in the last 9 months or so though.
-- nobrabbit in KY (, February 22, 2002.
I think I started posting a bit last year in February...don't really remember. I lurked a long time before that.We've been getting the magazine Countryside for over ten years.
-- Ardie/WI (, February 22, 2002.
Me thinks it was around Dec of 2000 or there about..when you get to be 50 you loose things like your memory and I cant remember the other things.LOLGod Bless and have a Great weekend.
-- Charles Steen (, February 22, 2002.
Since the spring of 2000 I have been lurking here. I come by every day to see whats going on. I sure am glad this forum is going to continue. I'll be here learning from "them thats doing". john
-- john (, February 22, 2002.
Summer of 1999. I also was lurker for quite sometime before I got the nerve to post. This is the first place I go in the morning, last place at night and frequently check in between!
-- Karen (, February 22, 2002.
Been posting for about a year, been lurking longer. I've been lurking long enough to know that being a "Newcomer" is not a bad thing. There are bad feelings between some of the "Old Blood". This is why some left and started other forums on Lusenet such as "Country Families" and "Freedom! self reliance". I have noticed some of them posting back over here now that Chuck is the moderator. Which is great! I also enjoy meeting new posters, they have interesting ideas too. I think this can be a nice place again. Best wishes!
-- cowgirlone in OK (, February 22, 2002.
Hi ,Been here since summer 1999-left for a while over the "Joel thing". Didn't post as much after Ken took over,just didn't feel as welcome. Daryll
-- Daryll in NW FLA (, February 22, 2002.
We got our computer in January 2001. This forum was the first place I headed. I've found no other forum to compare with Countryside, same as with the magazine.
-- sherry in Arkansas (, February 22, 2002.
You know, I couldn't remember so I looked into the Archives to see where I was. I found myself under rabbits and the name D Tur. April of 2000. I'm sure I was on longer then that but don't know how to see. Someone once said you could see how many times you've posted but I can't remember.
-- Dee (, February 22, 2002.
I started posting here in November of 2000, it was the very first place I went when I plugged in my computer. As a side note, I was never involved in any of the troubles, and didn't start Country Families because I had any hard feelings about anyone here at Countryside. I still check in here every day and post when I get a chance. Country Families is just a place to talk about non- homesteading issues!
-- Melissa in SE Ohio (, February 22, 2002.
A little over a year for me, my 1st direct email was from Stan, he asked me "why did you wish me food poisoning?" [which I didn't, he had me mixed up with someone else] but I didn't get mad, I just changed the subject and told him,"gee, you reminded me of someone...," and it blew over, I think it was in the middle of all the fighting. So I think we are ok with with each other now, if not don't tell me just let me live with the fantasy....
-- Thumper/inOKC (, February 22, 2002.
I was here for a short time before Joel wrote "The Founding Fathers" post, which according to archives was March 18 2000. One of my first posts was on feminism.Little Bit Farm
-- Little bit Farm (, February 22, 2002.
Hi George, I found this forum through a y2k site, so I know it was mid 1999, can't remember the month though. Took me a little while to post till I got up the nerve.
-- Annie (, February 22, 2002.
Mid-1999 for me. Probably as soon as I saw it mentioned in Countryside. First answer sometime in 2000 and first question about the same time. Met a lot of nice people, and a few jerks, along the way. Certainly happy to see that's it's going to be around a while longer.Martin
-- Martin Longseth (, February 22, 2002.
I've been coming here since july '01 when we got online my husband lurks here too, been reading CS since '85 had all issues back to the year 1970 till the house burn't what a loss!!
-- Sherrie R.Clifton (, February 22, 2002.
I think I've been visiting the forum since July or August 2001. I get the countryside magazine and love it. I visit the forum daily and get great advice and love reading everyone's posts.
-- Anita in NC (, February 22, 2002.
Summer '99, soon as we got our 'puter! Don't know how we found it, but glad we did.
-- rose marie wild (, February 22, 2002.
Since 1999.Changed email address in 2000
-- kathy h (, February 22, 2002.
Since fall of 1999, I've seen a lot of good folks come and go.
-- kathy (, February 22, 2002.
Started the winter after my husband died in 1998. We had been getting the magazines but when we bought our first computer, then we checked this forum out. Think I'm addicted to it - I come here at least twice a day. :-)
-- Pat (, February 22, 2002.
Started lurking Jan. 2000, first posted October 2000.
-- diane (, February 22, 2002.
I got my computer Oct. 26, and that was the day my addiction started.
-- Debbie in MO (, February 22, 2002.
We got our computer Dec. 2000, but took me until May, 2001 to figure out how to do anything but use E-mail. I have an overextended learning curve. LOL Lurked until mid-summer of 2001. Although we have taken the magazine for close to 15 years. I check-in almost every day but only post occasionally, still learning more than I have to contribute. I think Chuck's way of reorganizing the New Question page is excellent. When I was first on here, it took me months to find the Archives.....that 'ole learning curve again.
-- Marie in Central WA (, February 22, 2002.
I remember the Y2K posts,pre- and post, so I must have been posting in the fall of '99. The oldest posts seem to disappear even from the archives though (am I mistaken about this?) so I'm not sure exactly how long it's been.
-- Rebekah (, February 22, 2002.
Starting reading posts at the library sometime in the early fall of '99, because I remember the Y2K posts.
-- vicki in NW OH (, February 22, 2002.
Jan 2000 was when I started coming here.
-- Jay Blair in N. AL (, February 22, 2002.
I'm not going to spend a lot of time searching for my first post but it was sometime in the Fall or Winter of 1999. I was spread over seven or eight different forums answering food storage questions.........Alan.
-- Alan (, February 22, 2002.
I started reading here in the Summer of 2001. I've posted a few times but mostly a lurker and learner.
-- Jean in No. WI (, February 22, 2002.
Only a few months. I used to visit a lot of different bulletin boards but one by one they were updated with fancy html, UBB (good greif how I hate UBB formats)banner ads that took forever to load, pop up windows, fancy log ins, secure private heavily moderated, (this board is so refreshing; some of you don't know how draconian BB's can get) I like this simple open format and from what I've seen most people do. Your pretty much free here or at least as free as you can reasonably expect to be. I never use a fake name, I'd probably forget I wrote the post and answer myself! is my real E mail address, if I write something you don't like (or do) you can let me know. Might not do you a whole lot of good but I'll read what you say. Not trying to be snobby, some prefer to use a fake name and addy, and that's fine with me too. It just wouldn't fit in to my cluttered life to remember the details. This board is only great because of the people who come here; the diversity of answers I've gotten has been most helpful! I hope I fit in.
-- Ross (, February 22, 2002.
Found this place a couple of years ago I think, when I was looking for y2k ideas. Rarely go anywhere else. Isn't time to.I used to post under my real name until I wised up a bit about privacy.
-- LBD in Maryland (, February 22, 2002.
I first started in feb 2000 then due to health and finaces had to go offline in nom 2000 then came back online last month.
-- gail missouri ozarks (, February 23, 2002.
Proudly lurking since September or October of 1999.
-- Sharon in SD (, February 23, 2002.
Since fall of 2001. Have been getting Countryside since 1999! Love both the forum and mag! Darlene
-- Darlene in W WA (, February 23, 2002.
Since the summer or '99---posted under "homesteadmama"--being for the most part pretty quiet by nature--do a lot more reading than than posting!
-- Lynn in Wa. (, February 23, 2002.
Since Jan. 15, 2002 to be exact. This is the first place I came as soon as my computer was hooked up. Don't think the poor thing had a chance to warm up yet! I'm hooked. Check the site out morning, noon and night. Just love to see what's going on. Everyone here is just great. Feel like I've been here for years. It's just great to find others who think like me. I live in a non-homestead area. It is very rural here, but the thinking is "I had to live that way as a kid and I ain't living that way as a adult". We have a mostly older population around us.
-- Jo in PA (, February 23, 2002.
April 2001. Did a search on Google for something to do with mastitis and this forum popped up. And here were all of these people like ME!! Wow! Been here ever since. :)
-- Jennifer L. (Northern NYS) (, February 23, 2002.
Well, since I don't remember things so good these days, I went on over to google and did a search. First post they have on there for me was May 2000. I have loved this site since the day I found it. Keeps an old city-slicker like me happy and hopeful. I have learned a WEALTH of info on this site and plan to learn a whole lot more. I feel like this is family. I mean after all, alot of you were there when I "birthed" my first loaf of homemade bread! Couldn't have done it without you. What great "coaches" you all are! Yep, this old gal plans to stick around til one of us ain't no more. When I DO finally make it to the country (and I KNOW I will - someday), I want to be able to share it with all of you (Not to mention that I'll need you more than ever). Many thanks to all of you that have held (and continue to hold) my hand through this process. I will be forever grateful. :o)Blessings,
-- Greenthumbelina (, February 23, 2002.
This is my first post! Seemed like a good question to take the plunge on. My husband and I have been Countryside readers for years but just recently broke down and bought a computer. I started visiting the forum just in time to find out that the forum was closing. I'm so glad everything worked out. Okay,hope I did everything right!
-- Kathi in Mo. (, February 23, 2002.
The spring of 73, right after being released from prison.
-- Mark in N.C. Fla. (, February 23, 2002.
Can't really remember for sure 8-10 months as close as I can come.Glad it's going to stay. People are great when you need help or advise.
-- Linda in Indiana (, February 23, 2002.
Been visiting this forum since 1/1/01. Been a magazine subscriber since '77. Both are great!!
-- Marcia (, February 23, 2002.
I first found the forum in the fall of 2000. I lurked for a while before I started posting. This is always the first place I come when I go online.
-- Murray in ME (, February 23, 2002.
Been here since April, 2001. My first post was about hanging clothes outside on the clothes line. Almost time to start doing that again. Been through three different e-mail addresses and one name change. Have been a subscriber to Countryside for too many years to count. Love this forum and really enjoy several of the others.Wishing you enough.
-- Trevilians (aka Dianne in Mass) (, February 23, 2002.
I remember that post, Dianne. That's good for me, especially since most of the time I suffer from CRS :-)!!
-- Marcia (, February 23, 2002.
First posted here in mid-1999, but didn't really post much else until early 2000. Now I don't post much once again.
-- Joy F {So.Central Wisc.} (, February 24, 2002.
I really don't remember, but I think it was about August or September of 2001.
-- Christine in OK (, February 24, 2002.
Can't remember exactly. Since 98 or maybe 97 whenever we bought the computer. I hardly ever post, but read almost daily. Don't know what I would do without being able to hear from good country folks.
-- Dian in TN (, February 25, 2002.
May 2000. A co-worker & long time subscriber, showed me her March/April issue of Countryside magazine. Like it so much, I got my own subscription! In reading it, I saw the website address. I've been mostly a learning browser, but have posted a few times. Best forum around, with good folks, willing to help when help is needed. Can't find that very often these days.
-- Pam in SE KS (, February 25, 2002.
According to the statistics page, this forum didnt BEGIN until June of '99, so seems some of ya have been here long before it even existed! :)
-- Earthmama (, February 25, 2002.
I don't know just when I first posted, but I do remember threads preparing for the Y2K scare. I haven't been back in a while ~ life piled up and computer decided to take a break. *grin* But it's a great place! I remember now how much fun it was when I was here before!
-- Wingnut (, February 25, 2002.
I started around early fall of 2000. I don't think this forum had been going too long before then and if I remember right there were some people already gripping about getting too many newcomers then. I just figured the old timers will pass on and I will be the next generation to put my two cents worth in.
-- r.h. in okla. (, February 27, 2002.
sometime mid 1999, about 100 years ago
-- K-K-Katie (, February 28, 2002.