Rough out-takes in : LUSENET : Shooting DV Films : One Thread |
When watching out-takes on DVDs the shots aren't of the same quality as the finished product. Almost as if they had used a home movie camera to shoot the film. What do they do to films to make them look so finished and not as rough? Thanks.
-- Jill Henson (, February 20, 2002
hey jill, i don't know the name of this process, but this is the jist of why those outakes look bad. instead of spending alot of money processing all the footage, they make only a half process, meaning, it's cheaper and looks bad. they then edit the footage for the movie while it is looking "bad". after they have the film finished, the take the edited part and go through anohter transfer, or the will correct it digitally. that's why the feature looks great, but the outtakes or deleted scenes look not so great. it's a matter of saving money.josh
-- Josh Pickering (, August 25, 2002.