Native American Web : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Just thought I'd share this site with you, it's one of my favorites. It contains interesting uses for natural materials, and good recipes. native tech
-- cowgirlone in OK (, February 20, 2002
One of my favorite sites, too. I hadn't been there for awhile. Thanks for reminding me of it.
-- IndyAlly (, February 20, 2002.
Thank you cowgirlone in OK for listing this site. I like reading up on hitorical Native Americans and their ways. I know a book editor that would also enjoy this information. Thanks again.
-- j.r. guerra in s. tx. (, February 20, 2002.
Oh thank you! I see where I'll be spending a bit of time!!
-- Ardie/WI (, February 20, 2002.
I'm glad you are finding it interesting. The recipes are great for anyone that likes to forage like I do. Best wishes!
-- cowgirlone in OK (, February 20, 2002. on_of_peace
-- George (, February 20, 2002.
Funny how most of the recipes made in the oven don't list what temperature to put it at.
-- ~Rogo (, February 20, 2002.
This is great! The kids and I are going to spend the summer doing a Native American unit study and preparing for the fall rendezvous re-enactments in our area Thanks!
-- Tana Mc (, February 20, 2002.
Thanks for the website. I love anything on Native Americans. I now have it bookmarked.
-- Sheila Smith (, February 20, 2002.
-- al (, February 22, 2002.