Very smooth M3 : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

I'm a long-time Leica screwmount user, and I've looked at a lot of old M's over the years, but none of them had the feel of my IIf or IIIf. I just handled a double-stroke M3 that had the smoothest, quietest shutter of any camera I've ever handled, quieter even than Rollei TLRs I've used. The shutter curtains on this camera are dark grey, not black. This is a cosmetically rough camera, but it's giving me GAS. Any comments?

-- John Fleetwood (, February 20, 2002


Umm... who cares? No offense, but it's just a camera...

-- Anon Terry (, February 20, 2002.

I didn't realise cameras could give you gas.

-- rob (, February 20, 2002.

IMHO my M3 is way smoother than my M6.The shutter though of the M6 is definitely quiter,also 35+ yrs younger!The M3 appears better built,but its gonna be a long test!As for comparing to a Rollei,I take it you mean the TLR,6x6 thing...Well the old ones are quiter and way smoother than the new ones.Thats my opinion and a little experience.I had severe complaints about a review i posted about the "new" Rollei's. So I did get hold of one for a longer period.My negative opinion remains.Leicas are really handbuilt,so they are kinda individual,which makes them have individuality.I used to prefer the M3 over the M6,but seem to use the M6,almost continuously now.

-- jason gold (, February 20, 2002.

GAS is Gear Acquisition Syndrome for you non-musicians. By the way, it's only a $600 camera.

-- John (, February 20, 2002.

A correctly serviced M3 does have just about the nicest feel to it of any camera I have ever handled. If the finder is in good shape as well, sounds like it would make a good shooter. My M3 is actually a bit too nice cosmetically, and I find I baby it too much because of that.

-- Andrew Schank (, February 20, 2002.

GAS, very cool. I have a 3 year old M6ttl and while "quiet", my wife has an early M3 double-stroke that seems way more quiet. Maybe it is just the quality of the shutter sounds that makes the M3 seem quieter. I'd like to see a test with a decibel meter. The M3 shutter sounds damped, while my M6 sounds metallic. Maybe the M6 will smooth out over time.

Although they are practically the same camera, the M3 has a nicer feel and look than my M6. I don't think you'd be sorry for using an M3.

-- jeff (, February 20, 2002.

John. I agree. Older Leica M cameras have a brass gear train, which, when the camera is properly adjusted, gives a lower pitch thud than the more recent cameras. The sound of these older cameras, when in spec, is smoother and more pleasing. But be aware that this camera is 40 or so years old, and you will have to have it CLAd and brought up to specs.

the only other comment I can make is regarding the double-stroke M3. Until you really get used to it, you will find that you advance it a single stroke and then try to take a picture and the shutter won't work. This happened to me because every other Leica I ever used required only a single stroke. It is annoying, but not a serious problem.

-- Eliot (, February 20, 2002.

I assume it is a matter of what you are used to, Eliot.

I own a SS and a DS and when I use the SS I often find myself trying to make an extra stroke after the first and only necessary one.

GAS ? Funny thing. Many infected people around here I have noticed.


-- Iván Barrientos M (, February 20, 2002.

Ivan, just take shorter strokes. ;<)

-- Bob Fleischman (, February 20, 2002.

Getting back to the music of the camera, I can't help saying that I've never found my TTL especially quiet. My kiddies old Nikon F70 is quieter. I guess I'll just have to wait till I get an M3. Or M2 or M4 if they're just as quiet (as an M3).

And now for my next new posting here.

-- Michael Kastner (, February 21, 2002.

As for John's GAS problem: John show me the $600, and I will remove your GAS problem.Oh, and you can get the M3 also.

-- chris williams (, February 21, 2002.

Thanks, Chris. I have to launder the money first, so my wife doesn't find out.

-- John (, February 21, 2002.

Thanks the real trick, getting the wife not to find out!

-- chris williams (, February 21, 2002.

John and Chris, I guess we're already three in that subdivision :o

-- Michael Kastner (, February 22, 2002.

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