new lizard in Texas? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
In the last year, we have a new variety of lizard around here on the Coastal Plain of Texas. It is a pale tan and brown. Looks like somebody glued tiny tan and brown beads on a miniature alligator. Textured speckles. More tan than brown. They like to hang out on the screens outside my computer room in the evenings and snag the bugs that are attracted to the lighted window.Anybody know if these have a name?
-- Rose (, February 19, 2002
Here ya go Rose. The Texas Reptile Forum these are the people to ask. Hope you come back and let us know what it is. I am jealous, it is a rare event to see a lizard here! LQ
-- Little Quacker (, February 19, 2002.
I saw the Austin Lounge Lizards a coule of months ago.
-- paul (, February 19, 2002.
'coule' can also be spelled 'couple'
-- paul (, February 19, 2002.
Horny Toad
There were lots Horny toads in Texas before the fire ants dwindled the numbers.
-- ~Rogo (, February 20, 2002.
I used to play with horned toads when I was growing up in Austin. Haven't seen one there in YEARS. Where my designated other works in the McAllen area, they still have them. He did find a collection of horned toad heads underneath the catwalk of a oil tank battery. He watched a while, and it turns out a hawk used the handrail as his perch while eating brunch, and dropped the heads from there.
-- Rose (, February 20, 2002.
the Mediterranean gecko
-- Rick#7 (, February 20, 2002.
Horny toads had a serious decline prior to the introduction of fire ants due to several reasons, mainly cats and cars. The fire ants did remove the traditional food source ants.
-- paul (, February 20, 2002.
Paul I am so JEALOUS! Lovem have most of their albums! But they don't come to Florida that often!
-- Mitzi Giles (, February 20, 2002.
so, Rose, did you find out what species the lizard is? Update Please? LQ
-- Little Quacker (, February 20, 2002.
Hey who found my baby alligator dressed for Halloween? I lost it in Texas. Ralph
-- Ralph Roces (, February 20, 2002.
Rose, when I lived in Austin (some ten years ago)a species of gecko were everywhere. Seems to me I heard they were a transplant from Indonesia. They are a prolific bunch and literally would be dripping off the eaves of our house. Keep us updated!
-- Terran in VT (, February 21, 2002.