Honey...cooking usegreenspun.com : LUSENET : Cooking & Crafts : One Thread |
Honey may be substituted for sugar in your recipes for custards, mat glazes, frostings, pie filoings, cobblers, puddings, candied vegetables, and salad dressings.If honey is to be the main sweetener in cakes and cookies, it is best to use recipes especially designed for honey. However, you may use honey to replace part of the sugar along these guidelines:
Cakes: Replace 1/2 of the sugar (reduce the toal liquid by 1/4 cup for every cup of sugar being replaced).
Cookies: Brownies - May use honey to replace up to half the amount of sugar. (Reduce the total liquid by 1/4 cup for every 1 cup of sugar being replaced).
Fruit Bars: May use honey to replace up to 2/3's the amount of sugar. (Reduce the tola liquid by 1/4 cup for every 1 cup of sugar being replaced).
Gingersnaps: Replace no more than 1/3 of the sugar. Mix the honey with either the shortening or the liquid. Mix thoroughly to avoid a soggy layer on top. (Reduce the total liquid by 1/4 cup for every 1 cup of sugar being replaed).
Products containing honey brown faster, so reduce the oven temperature by 25 degrees F when baking with honey. SPECIAL CAUTION - Honey should not be used in foods for infants under 1 year of age.
-- Marie (prettyhollow@yahoo.com), February 19, 2002
just alittel add on noye,, honey CAN be used by infants and people with weakened imune systems,, AS LONG AS ITS BEEN COOKED,, raw honey shouldnt be used. Temps of 180' or more will be enough
-- Stan (sopal@net-port.com), February 20, 2002.