Ken, can you tell us how many applied? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Ken, was wondering if you would tell me how many applied for the position of administrator? How many men? How many women?I am also wondering (if there where other applicants) why Chuck was chosen since he is so new around the forum and only homesteaded since 1999???? Also he has had several posts deleted (both here on on other forums)? According to your previous post, I thought folks had until February 22 to let thier intentions known? Something here just doesn't seem right. Mind you, we won't be giving Chuck any flax, he seems like a nice enough guy, but some of us were wondering what is going on? If you wanted Chuck from the start why didn't you email him and ask him directly and not get everyone all upset about the forum thing? Also, did you email other forum off shoot administrators and asked if they wanted the job? Did any of them apply? I also know Chuck is one of them born again Christians (so extreme that is why his posts were deleted) guess that means that there will be more free for alls around here.
I know this is not a democracy and you and Dave can do whatever you want, and I don't mean any disrespect to you, Dave or Chuck...just wanted to know how many applied and what the process was. I truly am sorry to see you go Ken.
-- Susan (, February 19, 2002
If in the event that Chuck chooses or tries to turn this place into a "My God is bigger than your God place" instant and total destruction will be the order of the day. There are Druids, Wickens, Jews, Athesists, Egnostics who will not put up with a Jesus only place. No closed minded system operator will last very long; nothing personnal Chuck; just do not try to smear your personal beliefs here. I have spoke for many and if you do not belive me, take a poll. The Hindus, followers of Allah, people who study Budda, those who belive in Thor, Native Americans whom have a Great Spirit to talk with will not accept a closed minded version of reality. If you can accept and operate within these guidelines; Welcome, if you can't: Good By.
-- mitch hearn (, February 19, 2002.
"When you are in a state of non-acceptance it is difficult to learn. A clenched fist cannot receive a gift, and a clenched psyche, grasped tightly against the reality of what must not be accepted, cannot easily receive a lesson." John RogerVaya con paz Ken.
Welcome to the perfect storm Chuck.
-- paul (, February 19, 2002.
Not to worry, I know Chuck and he won't be pushing anything on us. He really is a very nice guy and wants this to more of an "our forum"...not a forum where we do it "his" way. He is also very kind and very fair. This will be an even greater place to be!
-- Karen (, February 19, 2002.
Susan, using words like "one of them" is not very good manners. And "guess than means" is simply jumping to conclusions. Chuck said this is our forum, everyone's. I didn't read any rules about having to be a certain religion to participate. It's up to us to get along.And Mitch, no one asked you to "accept" any religion to post here, maybe go back and read Chuck's first post since taking over.
From the beginning of Chuck joining us here, we have seen how talented he is in HTML and the internet. He was my guess for taking over, based on his expierence and knowledge. As long as I've been here, Fuzzy was the only one who came close to knowing what Chuck knows. He is very capable of doing this job. Give credit where credit is due.
-- Cindy in KY (, February 19, 2002.
Sheesh - obviously some people are never happy unless they can think up something to b---- and worry about. Why don't we just relax and enjoy the forum. We can discuss problems if/when they arise. CHILL folks!
-- Joe (, February 19, 2002.
Mitch,Chuck is the new "head guy" so don't think you are in a position to dictate to him.Secondly I enjoy reading [and learning] about other folks' ideas, dreams and beliefs. Guess I may be odd these days but always thought that a discourse of ideas was good for the body and soul.Homesteading and the way of life have different and deeper meaning for some than others,I see nothing wrong with a discussion on such matters,If I don't care to read about something I move on to the next post,no harm done to either side.
-- Gary (, February 19, 2002.
mitch, YOU ARE A REAL D.H.! Not for your beliefs but for the way you expressed yourself. Who said he will "push" his religion on us? YOU did. Not him. I hope he is more lenient with the editing and deleting of the posts when they merely contain one sentence about religion or a religious figure.Thanks Joe. You're right on the money.
-- Mike in Pa (, February 19, 2002.
Mitch...I think you mean "Wiccan", not "wicken".Hey folks...can we give Chuck a chance, please? Do we want him to regret his offer after only two days on the job?? He practically saved our forum! Heck, I'm not a Christian, but IF Chuck ever did start preachin' (which I highly doubt!), I'd consider it a small price to pay for all of the other great stuff he contributes.
-- Shannon at Grateful Acres Animal Sanctuary (, February 19, 2002.
-- CORDWOODGUY (, February 19, 2002.
I'll agree with the others who say lets give Chuck a chance to run the forum first. Subsequent development will reveal if there's going to be a problem or not.........Alan.
-- Alan (, February 19, 2002.
I thought Chuck was pretty clear in his "introductory statement" about what his goals were for the forum - So, let's give him a chance - I'm looking forward to it. ;)
-- hmm (, February 19, 2002.
Where is Ardie when you need a good "OY VEY!!!!" heehee! YOu guys are a hoot. Let's give the guy a chance. In his new position as Chief Baby sitter he should be our hero. Just can't please everyone all the time....and some people you just can't please ANY of the time! :~)!!! If you happen to be one of those....SMILE....and here are some hugs for you OOOOOOOOOOOOOO !
-- Nan (, February 19, 2002.
It's truly amazing... a few days ago it was SAVE THE FORUM AT ANY COST... please SOMEONE step forward! Now it's second guessing... how many were interviewed.. how many men.. how many women... how many blacks.. how many whites... how many pagan... wiccans and on and on. Some people will never be happy. Give them a million dollars and they gripe 'cause it wasn't two million.What difference does it make that he's only been homesteading since 1999? How many years does it take to be accepted? Or are some standards different for different people. " Judge not lest ye be judged" means that you are held accountable by the same standards that you would hold someone else accountable...
It used to be that a person ( man or women ) with Christian values was someone to be looked up to and yes, respected,... now he's/she's a target to question everything they believe in.
Just my opinion but God speed Chuck...
-- Ken in Maine (, February 19, 2002.
I agree with Ken, It doesn't make any difference how many people applied. Chuck being a new person to homesteading isn't even an issue. He's here to learn right along with the rest of us. Lets get on with sharing our homesteading ideas. Best wishes!
-- cowgirlone in OK (, February 19, 2002.
From someone who lurks most of the time..... I too thought Chuck was the logical choice, and was not surprised at all with the announcement. I have the utmost faith that all will go well with him at the helm.
-- Laurean (, February 19, 2002.
Thank you Ken for your words of wisdom. We are supposed to be building up one another, not tearing them down. That's the idea of this forum, and life too, to help others. Give Chuck a chance and give him your support and kindness.
-- Pat (, February 19, 2002.
Susan, you are not the only one with concerns.
-- Me, too (, February 19, 2002.
As Grandpa used to say, "Why waste time and worry now, when you can wait and see if you really have something to worry about!" Don't go borrowing trouble. He was the logical choice for running the technical side of the forum...he is LIGHT YEARS ahead of most of us in THAT field! He can be helping in HIS field, while we are out "standing" in OURS! heeheehee! HI CHUCK! DON'T WORRY, I SUSPECT YOU ARE TAKING THIS ALL IN STRIDE WITH YOUR MILITARY TRAINING! Just do the best you can do and it will all blow over soon. DON'T SCARE THE POOR GUY OFF YA'LL! WE NEED YOU CHUCKLES!
-- Nan (, February 19, 2002.
Good grief you guys just be thankful he came to the rescue I'm sure he will do well by all of us. If he gets out of line we will just beat him with a big stick. heheheSeriously give the guy a chance before you put him down at least he had enough guts to step forward and take hold of the ship. Sally
-- (, February 19, 2002.
As my husband would say: "some of you would complain if you were hung with a new rope"!
-- rose marie wild (, February 19, 2002.
WOW! Some of you are turning this into a huge drama and it's getting real silly. Things don't need to be this hard, it's just a simple message board going through a few minor changes.I'm sure Chuck can amply handle all this chatter but give the guy a break please and quit making a big deal out of nothing.
-- Dave (, February 19, 2002.
-- Nan (, February 19, 2002.
Well this thread is getting almost as many responses as the one I put in here asking advice, about "throwing in the towel, on my homesteading life. Thanks to all the e-mails, I took a good hard look at what I was doing. I respect the opinions of everyone who takes time out of their busy lives, to see if any of our fellow kindred spirits in the cause, need some help....I do hope Chuck has the ability to be a little more gentle with the delete key. A few times I have made Biblical references in simple questions, not trying to convert anyone to "my" religious views. This forum should continue on for the good of the people who use it...Good Luck Chuck!
-- Harmony (, February 19, 2002.
Well, once again....someone posts something...others read between the lines....someone adds something nasty...and they are off and running!When I read Susan's post I did not take it as being mean or resentful toward Chuck. I took it as someone just wondering how the decision was made, and I think that was a ligetimate question. I have had communication with Chuck so I know he is an outstanding guy and will do a great job. But I see someone here who does not know Chuck and is only wondering how the decision was made. If he was the only applicant - then fine, if there were others then why did Dave choose the new kid on the block if there were other applicants here for a long time, were not a trouble maker, has not had posts deleted, and had HTML and other computer skills, etc. and/or was the decision with already having in thier heads it would be a man..not a woman. I don't see Susan saying anything against Chuck (in fact she said she meant no disrespect toward him), just someone with a question and maybe even a concern. I think the problem started with Mitch's post and everyone took what Susan said in offense.
I think even Mitch's post (although...well, let's just say.."to the point") may have been taken very poorly. Mitch is also an outstanding guy and has contributed here for a long time. Everyone is a tad edgy when you don't really know what to expect.
Just think we need to look at things here from all view points and remember things don't always come out in type like they do in the our heads -- so give someone else the benefit of the doubt.
-- Karen (, February 19, 2002.
Don't y'all worry about Mitch. I like him. He can take it and dish it out. Reminds me of an old platoon sergeant I used to have...if he was cussin' at you, you knew he liked you.Susan, I can tell you that I wasn't the only applicant, though I don't know for sure how many there were. I sent Ken and Dave a resume, which you are free to review if you like. To tell you the truth I was sort of hoping they'd give it to someone else, not because I was unwilling to do the job, but because I already have a pretty full plate. I know that at least one of the applicants was a woman, but I think it would be pretty absurd to believe that the job was earmarked for a man. The appointment wasn't fixed, I can tell you that, so please don't go looking for scandal where there isn't any. My qualifications for running the forum? I'm diplomatic, friendly, and combat hardened. Oh, and I know some stupid HTML tricks. Good enough?
As for being a Christian, I'll make no bones about the fact that I am. Does that mean I'll start censoring every bahai, buddhist or wiccan witch of the west? Not hardly. I am intensely interested in the intricacies of culture as affected by different worldviews, and really enjoy meeting and learning from people of other faiths. My question for you is, why would my being a Christian make me unfit to administer a forum with a homesteading theme? Would a Druid be better qualified? It sounds to me like you may be making my faith an issue, but I'm not. I already maintain a website devoted to what I believe. I don't need another one.
Let me just reiterate. ANY FAITH is welcome to post here, as long as the information posted can vaguely be associated with homesteading and the country life.
You had every right to ask the question you did. I'm not sure I completely answered it, but I hope you'll give me a chance to set your mind at ease with regards to how the forum will be handled.
Relax and enjoy yourself. Please! :-)
--Chuck (, February 19, 2002.
I don't know who else "applied" but I was one of them. I did it because I was very fearful that the forum would go down, moved or whatever. It was a very frightening thing for me to do, since I have in one way or another angered just about everyone who has ever participated on this forum. I asked Ken to not reveal that I had, and he was obviously gentleman enought to honor my wishes.I was completely and totally relieved that someone else got the job. I have watched Doreen, joy and Melessa do wonderful jobs, so I knew that even though I didn't have all the "tricks" easily available, I trusted that I could ask them.
I personally don't believe that ideology had anything to do with the selection process. If that were so, I would have been the most logical choice, cause I piss everyone off.
Now, all that said.........if Chuck moves the forum off Lucenet, people have the archives saved. That was the big one for me. I believe to say that the archives would be deleted was one of the most mean spirited things to be said on this board. It was not necessary, because they could have locked down the forum and left the archives. That HAS altered my opinion of some people greatly.
Chuck has reached out to those that have left, at least some of them. We will see if that is truly universal. I sure hope it is. If I were to have a mission statement it would be that I would have tryed very hard to restore this forum to what it once was. I have homesteaded all my life, and I am reaching social security age. I lurked here from January to November before I had the courage to post. At that time I jumped in with both feet and have been on a wonderful learning experience ever since. I made some mistakes and said some things I wish I could take back, but that is life. It has taught me to really measure my words.
Chuck...........I really appreciate that you are taking us on and I hope that this can be a great experience for you. Sincerely........diane
-- diane (, February 19, 2002.
Well, I don't know who the other applicants were, but I can say that I applied. I don't think that Chuck's getting the position had anything at all to do with his being a man, he was much, much, more suited to the job than myself. He is more computer savvy, more qualified, and I think will do a much better job of holding things together and will command more respect. I'm glad he got the job and I think he was the right person. Just look at the way he handled this question, with tact and diplomacy. Give him a chance, I don't think you'll be dissapointed.
-- Rebekah (, February 19, 2002.
I wish to thank each and every one whom responded to my informal poll. Yes I spoke direct and deep; thats how you get real responses. The answers were "give him a chance" not "I would accept a bit of religion" here which is the attitude I wanted to expose. Chucks opening statement states that this forum now belongs to us and yes he is skilled in puters far beyond the most of us. The life lessons, the experience of dealing with others, the swift mature decisions will make or break the person in the "big chair". The majority of us are middle age or beyond, we have firm grasps on life and it realities and will accept a moderator with these same skills. Sorry Chuck if I bumped your apple cart a bit but now you have a firm view of where we are this lifetime.
-- mitch hearn (, February 19, 2002.
Congrats chuck!! Im sure ull be fine at this!!!The rest of us need to band togther and suport the forum instead of wondering what if!!! Again Congrats Chuck!! Grizz in the other Maryland LOL!!
-- Grizz in Western Maryland (, February 19, 2002.
Chuck, why is your post above mine? Thats not the way it was entered yesterday. How can you respond to a post that came AFTER yours? Welcome to your baptizm by fire.
-- mitch hearn (, February 19, 2002.
Nan, I gave up following this thread after the first two or three posts! Even an "oy vey" wasn't enough to express my feelings then! Yes, I have concerns...some of you know them, but I'm doing a wait- and-see right now.
-- Ardie/WI (, February 19, 2002.
Well mitch, I CAN TAKE A BIT OF RELIGION. Don't try and turn the posts around. It's not like there was a poll taken. Let's have it..a poll to see if we can "take a bit of religion" ... you athiest [expletive deleted] ... you wanted straight and to the point ... you got it!
-- Mike inPA (, February 19, 2002.
Now I'll say OY VEY!!!!
-- Ardie/WI (, February 19, 2002.
Mike, I wasn't part of Mitch's private email poll, obviously you weren't either. I can tell you that there was a private email gal poll, none of us were surprised the job went to a white christian male. We are all hopeful that the old crew will come back in, it will take a couple of weeks for everything to settle back in. My philosophy in life is always that someone can be fake for a month, even perhaps two, but everyones real personality comes out eventually, Chuck will reveal himself to us. Like you have Mike! :) Vicki
-- Vicki McGaugh TX (, February 19, 2002.
After exchanging a couple of e-mails with Chuck, I've decided to post here some . Those who want me to, that's nice. Those who don't, I'm sorry, but I wasn't asking your permission. There I got that out of the way. I have a few things to say. 1) I believe someone suggested a poll and then coopted all the answers to the original question and called it a poll. In my opinion that is no poll. A poll should be in it's own thread so that Everyone has an opportunity to answer. 2) Please, Christians don't lose your tempers here so that others have the chance to point fingers. If you want to make sure that for once you are a squeaky wheel, squeak nicely. 3) I still won't leave my faith at the door and I still believe in free speech. While it is true that Chuck is now the owner and can make his own policies, free speech still means I can always walk away. 4)I fully recognize that many of you don't care whether I do walk away. 5) Even so, I loved this forum! I know that you can't go home again, but sometimes you can live in the same place you did before in a different way. 6) (treading across the hot coals gingerly)God Bless!Little Bit Farm
-- Little bit Farm (, February 19, 2002.
heck, there was a poll and I wasn't included??? Now I am really hurt!! ;>)
-- diane (, February 19, 2002.
Now Mike, which part of PLAY NICE didn't you understand? Don't tell me..."He started it!" Sheesh. That's it! I want a raise! :-)
-- Chuck (, February 19, 2002.
Mitch, you second post there sounds like you thought you were speaking for "the majority of us". Well count me out of your majority because I'm not middle age or beyond YET, and I have NO firm grasps on life and or it's realities. It's just a forum, dude.
-- Cindy in KY (, February 19, 2002.
sorry Chuck dude...................90 days before you get a raise!!! ;>)
-- diane (, February 19, 2002.
Oh, and Mitch, I just wanted to give the impression that I was SO on top of things that I could answer questions before they were asked! :-)...and there might be more of us "Pepsi Generation" kids out here than you suspect!
-- Chuck (, February 19, 2002.
Wow. A lot of posts since I last checked ... hot topic? Anyway, I think there is a lot of people here that won't mind the choices/changes Chuck will make, no matter what they are/ if any. I just didn't want Mitch speaking for us or making it sound like we were speaking for ourselves by not "screaming for religion".Those who don't, can learn to tolerate them just as I tolerated having a post deleted when it merely contained one religious statement on a lengthy response to a homesteading question.
Anyway, I'm glad to be here.
-- Mike in PA (, February 19, 2002.
Mike in PA, I saw your post before the expletive was deleted. Oh my, you're certainly a mature one now aren't you? I'm soooo impressed! You can swear, wow. It's people like you who give true Christians a bad reputation. Your actions are no better than those of the Muslims who kill innocent people.
-- rose marie wild (, February 19, 2002.
Hey Chuck, that resume means you were like 19 yo when you were instructing at West Point. What did they let you teach?
-- NA (, February 19, 2002.
I apologize for my sarcasm. As most of you know, that last post was not a usual one for me. I guess having a sick child and husband for a week, it's gray and raining here, I'm stuck inside for the umpteenth day in a row, and when my husband gets home I get to go have a cavity filled at the dentist, is making me a little crabby and sarcastic. But anyway, Mike, like you said: straight and to the point, you also got it.
-- rose marie wild (, February 19, 2002.
Ooooooooh Boooooooy! Ardie, I second that last OY VEY!!!!! Some of you guys could use a nice big hug or maybe a little sunshine. Chocolate maybe? REMEMBER: UNITED WE STAND, DIVIDED WE FALL! DON'T LET US PROVE THE PESSIMISTS RIGHT! OKIE DOKIE!!!!!!!????????
-- Nan (, February 19, 2002.
I was an E-5 (Sergeant) Fire team leader, just returned from Panama, when they sent several of us to West Point to teach infantry tactics to the yearlings (just finished first year) at their summer camp in the mountains, Camp Buckner. I believe I was 20 at the time. The cadets at USMA get one week to experience every different branch of the army, (infantry, armor, signal, aviation, etc) all summer long. At the end of the summer they have to choose which branch to "track" for the remainder of their term. My ranger buddies and I teamed up with some SF guys and ran a platoon a week through various exercises, patrolling, ambush, raid, reconnaissance. It was a lot of fun. Looking back, that does seem like an awful lot of responsibility for a 20 year old kid, but the Army does that. I was already jumpmaster qualified by then, used to being in charge of whole plane loads of men and equipment for nighttime parachute drops. Ahhh...Those were the days....
-- Chuck (, February 19, 2002.
Hey KEN, is that you I hear snickering? Shame on you! heeheeheehee! Better stop kicking up those big ole heels or someone will catch you celebrating!
-- Nan (, February 19, 2002.
Oops, sorry Chuck, I was referring to what Ken must be feeling about all of this commotion and not having to deal with it! Hang tough big guy! The rowdys will settle down! At least we can hope so. heehee!
-- Nan (, February 19, 2002.
Welcome Chuck--I'm "one of those born again Christians too"...imagine that. I found this whole list of posts somewhat amusing. Hey everyone we all like the life beyond the sidewalks...what's the problem?
-- Sharon (, February 19, 2002.
Praise the Lord and pass the ammo, eh Chuck?I'm so sick of you born-again block heads whining about "free speech". THE FIRST AMENDMENT ONLY APPLIES TO THE GOVERNMENT, NOT PRIVATE INDIVIDUALS OR GROUPS SUCH AS THIS FORUM! Dave, Ken, Chuck, or whoever is the moderator has every right to delete any post they want to without any reason whatsoever. How would little bit farm like it if I went over to her forum and posted hymns to Satan? It's free speech, right? If I raise goats to sacrifice to demons then it's about homesteading, right?
-- Yeah, right (, February 19, 2002.
Cookies, milk and a nap anyone??
-- Ardie/WI (, February 19, 2002.
Susan, you asked a very legit question and Chuck gave an honest and direct answer. A long time ago we used to be able to hash out subjects such as this without all the name calling. Seems that even though Chuck is fairly new here, he would have fit in just fine of the CS forum of long ago. I sincerely hope that with him as the moderator and hopefully some of the old posters coming back, we can once again have the CS forum we used to have. It'll be worth it.
-- Annie (, February 19, 2002.
(Psssttt! THAT was funny!!)
-- Sher in se Iowa (, February 19, 2002.
Thanks, Ken.
-- Ed Copp (OH) (, February 19, 2002.
Ok Ok, I will admit it...this is the most interesting thread we have had in a while....and please "Yeah", do take your medications and stop sacrificing those are making a big mess! heeheehee! This is lots more fun than cleaning out my basement. That is what I was supposed to do today! heeheehee!
-- Nan (, February 19, 2002.
RosemarieWild, So what you're saying is that I slipped as a Christian. Yes I did. I said ####, or another word for manure. In the heat of the moment I said what I was thinking ..... SO DID YOU. But to relate a name to that of killers???? What are you thinking. And to call me "not a true Christian" because I slipped and said something I regretted? I guess you aren't a "true" Christian either? You have my sympathy if you're going through a tough time nut truth be told, so am I.
-- Mike in Pa (, February 19, 2002.
Oh dear - I'm not sure that Chuck is ready for this bashing about that is going on right now. Mike - and RoseMarie - maybe both of you are closer than you think in terms of going through a bad patch. Aren't Christians supposed to forgive each other? If so, and all these folks here that claim to be Christians, need to pay attention to that little detail. Personally, I like LittleBit's posts, and Mitch's and Doreen's (who left before I was committed to this forum. Like the play on words there? I don't know what the forum used to be like, but it sounded nice from all the reminiscing I hear about. I am sure that Chuck will do just fine once he gets used to all of us and our individual ways. It doesn't matter to me that he's young or hasn't homesteaded for centuries. It does matter than he said he's a Pepsi Generation Kid, when I live in the midst of Coca-Cola country :>) - but I can overlook his lack of education on such a fine product as co-cola. Let's just get along for a day or two and see what happens. I am so glad that we have this forum and each other to talk to.
-- Cindy (, February 19, 2002.
I was new to this forum and got some great advice yesterday from you all. Now I read this and don't really want ANYTHING to do with this forum if this is the maturity level of you all! Why would I want advice from people who behave like this and don't have anything better to argue about??
-- Rebecca Gallant (, February 19, 2002.
My apologies to the folks here that are Christians, I just read what I wrote again, and thought that it didn't come out right. I meant to say "those who are Christians" need to forgive. but then I thought why should that just apply to Christians when we got all these other religions too, so should have said "we all need to forgive" each other and start over. There, I hope I didn't offend anyone - sometimes I write faster than I think and this was one of those times.
-- Cindy (, February 19, 2002.
Thanks for volunteering. Don't make him quit with your negative comments. We are glad to know the forum will be alive and well. If you don't like the comments, turn the computer off and go do something productive.
-- Hank (, February 19, 2002.
cabin fever sweeps the forum
-- B. Lackie - Zone3 (, February 19, 2002.
Hey, you guys.....this was an interesting discussion for a bit...don't get upset with one another. And those of you that are new to the forum...don't let a few people scare you away. Everyone has a bad day now and again. This really really isn't a big deal in the scheme of things folks! We will all get through this together. Of course you will forgive one another. You probably are already regretting taking your bad day out on one another. Family IS like that. That is why this forum is so different. It is like a family. Some kids just squabble more than others. Good kids are Christians and they squabble, so being a Christian doesn't prevent it. That is a normal human condition. It does get better with maturity, but doesn't ever go away! Just smile! Drink your favorite beverage....coca cola, pepsi, or DR PEPPER! heehee! and realize that we are all in the same boat! Smile ya'll! Don't take yourselves sooo seriously! Oh...I am middle aged! heeheehee!
-- Nan (, February 19, 2002.
Ooooh, I should also say that my husband and I are Christians too. Not just the kids...duh! Ya' know, that feels nice to be able to say that without it getting deleted! :~D! Have a nice night all! Hope that whoever you are and whatever doctrine that you can LOVE one another! And be kind one to another.......:~)!!!!
-- Nan (, February 19, 2002.
Seriously...and I AM trying very hard to be serious, this has been one heck of a day in here. I've laughed and walked away, only to come back and marvel at the complexity of different personalities! I have to say that I'm hoping it doesn't start up again for awhile and we're kind to each other. Life is so short and we never know when we'll not see some person post again. Hugs to all and God bless.
-- Ardie/WI (, February 19, 2002.
I actually read all of this message thread.Wow.
I'm a small-time dirt farmer, so I probably don't qualify as a real homesteader. I don't really care. I have some advise to offer people from time to time. Hope they take it in stride - sometimes it's opinion, sometimes it's facts, sometimes it's an error on my part. Hope everyone takes it in stride. I learn a lot from other folks, hope they learn something from me sometimes.
I have my religion. Don't care to really share it's name, just try to share it's teaching - by example. Don't really care what yours is. Big deal.
I can't spell well. I don't want to take 'net time to spell check. I'm not quite middle aged depending on your use of the term (I need to send this message _very_ quickly tho!). I don't figure anyone cares about my family or life much - around here. All - big deal. From my name you can figure I'm male, if you saw my last name you could take some good guesses at my heratige - big deal. I don't care who's what color or sex - just what's your opinion or point or info?
My one weakness is animal rights activists - I just totally loathe them. I would be most likely to react badly to those messages & get myself in trouble here. It's a deal to me I guess. :)
Forum changes can be tramatic to some people. I really hang out more at farm machinery forums. Three of my favorites changed in the same month. ( & - changed, broke, & never bothered to fix itself until everyone left) Both good ones went from simple, easy to use & logical message systems to registered, difficult to follow 'professional' setups. Amid the protests, ytmag went back to a good, simple message forum. lost a lot of good message posters by totally ignoring what people wanted. And is still there, but I haven't seen a real message in 2 years... So, Chuck, glad you took the job. If I don't like the way things are run, I'll mention it & fade away. I assume I'll like the new as well as the old, & you won't really hear from me.
As to the rest of the messages in this thread? What the heck? I don't even understand what anyone is talking about, much less care. _No one_ here is talking for me. It is a message forum - I talk for myself! :) Me, I just ignore the riff-raff messages. Would be nice if others would too. Mostly it's just people looking for attention. Ignore it & it quickly goes away most of the time. Most of these 'disagreements' can be handled privately in e-mail, not on this public server. If there is no real e-mail address with the message, then I've always figured there is no real message either, so forgetaboutit.
Have a good one Chuck, & good luck with it all. Back to answering a few farm-type questions, & ignoring this type of thread for me...
-- paul (, February 19, 2002.
Thank you Chuck for coming on board and taking over the helm, so to speak. I for one am grateful that the forum will continue and I felt all along that you were the best qualified. Trust me, the dust will settle! Now I'm back to the barn. Lambing time in earnest!
-- Kate henderson (, February 19, 2002.
The one thing that can keep anyone's pressure from reaching the pop-off point is to punch the back button when common courtesy is forgotten. Bad manners is often excused as plain speaking, but bad manners just the same. Let's all just back off a little and wait til we're hurt before we holler.
-- charlie (, February 19, 2002.
whines cause I want my cookies and milk and whines some more cause I don't wanna nap!
-- LurkyLu (, February 19, 2002.
Now that the only smoke circulating around my computer is from my pipe, I've forgotten what the question was! Amazing how quickly things happen in this new world technology. In just a few days, this forum has gone from lots of hand-wringing about worry that it will cease to arranging for a turpentine party, tar and feathering, and a lynching. Tried Ardie's suggestion with cookies and a nap but didn't have any milk. Used rhubarb wine instead but the peeing match still continued on the forum.Looking back on all that has transpired from this question, I've never seen so many people willing to shoot themselves in the foot just to have something to b**** about. Ken retires on 1 March, as I have deduced. Then Chuck takes over. There's not a d**** thing that says that he can't use this time to study all of the posts and get a feeling of what really is going on with the people who are the regulars and he could just say kiss my *** and pull the plug. There's not a single one among us who have a cent invested in this and yet everyone wants to control what we get for nothing. It's called looking a gift horse in the mouth but then I would guess that not a one of you would even know how to harnass a team or know what it's like to have your toes stepped on by a Clydesdale. But you all certainly know how to b**** and moan about something that hasn't even happened yet.
Personally, I don't care if we do or do not have a "freedom from religion" clause that many would like. Being "politically correct" does not give me one more tomato from my garden nor give me an added pair of squabs from my pigeons. And all of my home made wines don't taste any better, or worse. They don't care if I'm Catholic, wife is Lutheran, and son is Methodist. We could go to extremes and kick out all mention of anything that might offend someone. This forum started off with some great "homestead" questions and quickly became a venue for story telling and griping. Probably nothing wrong with that except that this was a forum, not a chat room. And proof of its success is that it is getting out to a tremendous mix of people all sharing one thing in common, having a computer and internet access. In the process, as one post mentioned, we have melded into a group of people ranging from deeply religious to athiest and all stops in between. And it is always so easy to sit at a keyboard and throw verbal punches when you know that your foe can't bloody your nose in return. Where's Will Rogers when we need him to teach us some common sense again?
Here's what I suggest. We've got a lot of chicken farmers on the forum. Gather up as many feathers as you can. Some of you builders get a gallon or two of tar and a 10 foot 4x4. Then we can all get together at Chuck's place and run him out of town in high fashion. And you pro-guys can bring along a good supply of ammo so that all involved can shoot themselves in the foot. Then you could have something to complain about and blame Chuck for your own actions since he hasn't done a thing wrong yet.
Now where'd my wife hide that jug of rhubarb?
Tally Ho!
-- Martin Longseth (, February 20, 2002.
How much of that Rhubarb wine did you drink Martin??? :~)! As for the Clydesdale......when my hubby and I first got married, my horse tee teed in his boot when he was cinching up the saddle...but I am smart enough to keep my feet out from under the horse! heeheehee! And as for the other stuff......this too shall pass.....sometimes it passes like a kidney stone, and sometimes it passes like a gentle summer breeze! This is just more like a kidney stone! ;~)!
-- Nan (, February 20, 2002.
i think you will do a great job. i am also glad the forum lives. everybody take a deep breath. i for one could do with less stupid posts on todays stumper and whats for dinner. why don't you create a chat room somewhere and go there. i want homesteading and gardening stuff. i also wish everyone would read the old archives to get there questions answered. is mitch just mad he didn't get the job?
-- don't speak for me (i don't care@i don't, February 20, 2002.
Hmmmmm.......what's for dinner is on another forum....isn't it?? Oy vey, someone is trying to either be funny or start trouble!(Going to make some more cookies!)
-- Ardie/WI (, February 20, 2002.
nah, mr. mitch is just mr. mitch. riding roughshod over all & sundry. just his style,eh?uhh, ms. ardie got any macadamia nut or butterscotch bars left? i took my nap, uh huh, i did,+yawn+ +blink+ +blink+.
mr.chuck if you do after all want some flax, i'll get you some seed.+smart-alec grin+, from one who has plenty of typos too.
the only thing i wish for this forum is that the states had a decent rail system so that we could physically meet once in a while, boy howdy that would be a pow-wow /hoe-down to remember!
-- bj pepper in C. MS. (, February 20, 2002.
hmmm, welcome to the frying pan chuck,personally, i dont care about religion on here, i am secure enough in my own faith , that someone elses doesnt hurt or offend me .
i would like to know how many folks applied for the job , but only out of curiosity, since , i didnt get around to applying quick enough.
i think folks need to give chuck a chance to show what he can do , forums this large are a huge oroborus, and if everyone is cruel and petty it will never continue, think before you post something, are you contributing to the demise or the improvement of the forum by your words ? you know the whole part of the problem or solution question?
diviseivness will get us nowhere!
and , if there is a time limit on how long you must be a homesteader before you can be here, then many of us are in deep doo doo.
and , if you turn your homestead into a farm , are you still homesteading ..... lets get real, the person who took over the forum needed to be open minded , fair and honest , as well as having the time and interest to maintain this monstrositiy of info , and the computer savvy to keep it all going .
lets see what happens. at the worst we can all dance as rome burns, but i dont think it will come to that
-- Beth Van Stiphout (, February 20, 2002.
Ha Ha! What's for dinner? and the stumpers are on Country Families, which is a completely different site... Which you don't have to read by the way... People!
-- Country Families reader... (, February 20, 2002.
Well Chuck, did you paper your wall with the "Welcome" thread yet? It looks like you're gonna need the positive reinforcement already because we're off and running at the mouth in our usual fashion!! I love this forum. I don't understand why some people get so upset about something typed on a computer screen by someone they don't even know. If someone walked up to you at the grocery store and said the same thing you'd just look at them like they were crazy and walk away. Here, we bicker like a bunch of cabin-bound kids! I have to admit though, when I am cabin-bound (hypothetically speaking), all the squabbles make funny reading. Keep your sense of humor, Chuck and make SURE you paper your wall with that "Welcome" thread!
-- Sheryl in ME (, February 20, 2002.
Wasn't this post directed to Ken? Unless I missed it, I haven't seen a response from him. Possible he hasn't even read it; and probably better off for it. It would only serve to reconfirm how glad he probably is to be rid of such nonsense as this. Ya think maybe it shoulda been sent personally to Ken via his email addy rather than posted here?Blessings,
-- Greenthumbelina (, February 21, 2002.