Latest edition of Camera Classic - focusing on M - where.. : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

This might have been up before, but I would like to know where I can get hold of this magazine in the US



-- Patrick (, February 18, 2002


Pat, the US distributor is 'Zoom America' 1-800-535.6745 or info@zoom-

I live in the UK and got my copy last week - it is truly excellent, with some superb illustrations charting the development of the M - essential for those interested in collecting or simply the history of Leitz.

Nice picture of the IIF with M mount too!

-- Giles Poilu (, February 18, 2002.

hudson news ( in ny ) carries it . One on 57th , another on 8th . It's ten bucks . P.s Ivor Matanle's Classic Cameras book covers old cameras much more thoroughly .

-- leonid kotlyar (, February 18, 2002.

Why are they showing a screw mount Leica on the cover of an issue ful ly devoted to the M cameras?

-- Lucien (, February 19, 2002.

Lucien- Take a closer look. See the release button on the side?

I didn't know they ever made a IIF with M mount. Is this a one off/custom modification somebody did?

-- drew (, February 19, 2002.

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