how to hatch duck : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
i was wondering the tempature and what else i would need to do with my duck eggs to hatch them out of an incubator. if you could help me that would be great. thatnks amanda
-- amanda c (YEE_HACOWGIRL@HOTMAIL.COM), February 18, 2002
I'm half way done with my very first set. I was told 99 degrees, 65- 70% humidity.
-- chuck in md (, February 18, 2002.
Here are a couple of links on incubating eggs basics: Virginia Cooperative Extension, State Univ.,, this link has a link for incubating problems. “The novice poultry producer will usually encounter problems when incubating the first batches of eggs. Fortunately, causes for most failures can be diagnosed and corrected. A separate diagnosis chart has been prepared to assist in solving incubation failures. Refer to this chart at”
-- BC (, February 18, 2002.
An important item to getting good hatches is to feed the hen properly before you even begin collecting eggs. Click Here and scroll down to the chart showing temperature, humidity, etc.
Ducks take 28 days to hatch; Muscovys take 35-37 days.
-- ~Rogo (, February 18, 2002.
Amanda, you have some good advice and some good sites already. I would add to this, check in at, General Waterfowl Forum. We talk about incubating a lot and there are some great links there to help you through this. Like "Quackers Home Page and Blue Hen Farm". Have fun and good luck, LQ
-- Little Quacker (, February 18, 2002.