The forum is dead! Long live the forum!Like most of you, when I heard that the forum could end, I was sad because losing it would mean not having a great resource that has been quite valuable to me since I subscribed to Countryside Magazine several years ago. I contacted Ken and offered my services, and after some deliberation, got the job.
While monetary compensation might be a bit low, I think that ensuring the survival of the forum is worth the sacrifice.
You need to know a few things right off the bat:
- I do not plan to make significant changes to any of the forum's policies right away.
- I probably will not be able to do this job as well as Ken has, so don't get any unreasonable expectations.
- This forum's ownership is not changing from Countryside to me, It is transferring from Countryside magazine to YOU, in the collective, not individual sense. I believe that this will be a good thing when all is said and done.
- By making the transition in this way, Countryside and Ken have enabled us to preserve the huge base of knowledge that resides here. I will strive to make sure it stays there.
- As the new forum owners, you are ultimately responsible for the content here.
For those of you who don't know me, here are some personal facts.
- My name is Chuck Holton, I'm 32 years old.
- I spent four years as an Airborne Ranger in the U.S. Army, and another four flying helicopters in the Wisconsin National Guard while I was in college.
- I am married with three small children. You can see more about them at our family website
- For the last decade, I've worked as a stockbroker.
- In August of 1999 we purchased our dream "farm", north of Washington DC. We have been busy since attempting to raise things on it, mostly children.
- I enjoy travel, writing, and the study of world religions.
- I maintain a website aimed mostly at youth, called
I include this information for the purpose of introducing myself. I want to stress, however, that my intention in taking this job is to MODERATE your forum, not DOMINATE mine.
This forum will continue to be the great, fun place that it is if YOU will covenant with me to keep it that way.
The focus of this forum is Homesteading. If you have a question that pertains to the topics put forth here, feel free to post. IF you have a question about Limp Bizkit, go away.
A person's worldview affects every portion of his or her life. People tend to gravitate toward others who share their worldview.
One of the great things about country life and homesteading is that it brings together people of vastly different worldviews and experiences. For those of us who enjoy country life, the homesteading mindset flavors the worldview that we bring to it, which provides for common ground between people that would ordinarily disagree on most everything. This is one of the great things about this forum. I get to interact with people that I'd ordinarily never think to approach. The diversity that is represented here is part of the strength of this venue.
That said, if you hang around here long enough, you WILL get your beliefs challenged sooner or later. Even when we do the best we can to keep our religious or political views out of the conversation, your worldview is like your particular linguistic accent. If you were born and raised in Georgia, Wisconsin, or New Jersey, it's difficult to hide that fact once you open your mouth.
So expect to be offended from time to time on this forum. I will do my best to keep the forum somewhat family friendly and on topic, but that is about it. If you are deeply offended by someone's comments, I'd ask you to "take it outside" with that person, that is, contact that person privately and continue your discussion.
Let's do what we can to foster the free exchange of ideas without being rancorous.
The bottom line is this:
I look forward to the continuation of this forum. We've got a good thing going, let's not mess it up.
For the time being, let's not worry about where the forum will eventually reside, be it here on LUSENET or elsewhere. Changes may come in time, but let me get used to this new responsibility first. Hopefully any changes that will be made will only be for the better.
--Chuck (, February 18, 2002
Thank you, Chuck. I'm sure you'll do a fine job, and make it funny to boot!Stacy in NY
-- Stacy (, February 18, 2002.
right on Chuck. thanks for stepping up to the plate or jumping into the fire - whatever. this inspires confidence of a steady keel for the transition.
-- B. Lackie - Recently Re-Surfaced (, February 18, 2002.
Congratulations, Chuck! Glad to see all this wonderful encyclopedia of true life information will be preserved! I'll look forward to visiting here.
-- Christine in OK (, February 18, 2002.
Well Chuck, here's wising you the best. I won't bother to wish you no controversy in running this forum because we all know that's not going to happen but I will wish you an ability to handle it all with aplomb.So, since we can't keep the name Countryside, what's the new forum name going to be?
-- Alan (, February 18, 2002.
Chuck, thank you. You deserve MORE than a thank you. Tell me, IS it possible to sell ad space in a box in the corner? Since it apparently takes 2 hours a day, in my opinion you deserve the income this would bring in!
-- Terri (, February 18, 2002.
I know, that you'll do a grand job! Thank you for stepping forward! It's such a valued sourced of information and it would have been ashamed to have it dicontinued!
-- Debbie T in N.C. (, February 18, 2002.
ChuckYou've made a lot of folks feel secure and connected again; Thanks.
-- Rick in Southwest WV (, February 18, 2002.
Thank you Chuck. Liked your site too. And again, thanks Dave and Ken for giving the forum this option to continue.
-- Cindy in KY (, February 18, 2002.
You rule, Chuck. So glad you stepped up to the plate. One thing, though, if we had a question about Limp Bizkits, couldn't you just post it in the cooking category? ;)
-- Shannon at Grateful Acres Animal Sanctuary (, February 18, 2002.
Thanks Chuck! You are the hero of the day! I just hated the idea of drinking my morning coffee with anyone but you guys! Goody! And I just have to know......what is a limp biskit and what is rankorous? Sure wouldn't want to be rankorous. Doesn't sound good to me! heehee! It must be Ranger talk! Sure isn't Okie! Thanks so much for once more putting your life on the line for your fellow man! :~D! We will try NOT to be RANKOROUS! Won't we everyone!!!! What ever that is! heehee!
-- Nan (, February 18, 2002.
Limp Bizkits is a band, mostly alternative music
-- laura (, February 18, 2002.
Well, does everyone know what alternative music is but me? Sounds kinda funny if you think about it.....lots of bands are an alternative to music! heeheehee!
-- Nan (, February 18, 2002.
I told my husband last night that my money was on you, and I love it when I am right. Why did I think it was you? Cos in reading all the posts on the " Forum Closing " stuff, I never saw any posts from you, and I thought that was unusual (in a nice way) or you can call it woman's intuition!Anyway, congrats!! I hope you have an easier time than Ken did, don't get burned out, ask for help if you need it, and once again Thank You.
-- Carol K (, February 18, 2002.
Rancorous: Marked by bitter deep-seated ill will.
-- chuck in md (, February 18, 2002.
Hugs and wishing you enough Chuck. Big job to be sure. So glad that we aren't dead yet. (I really do still want the CD though, just in case ;>) Someone has said it, about asking for help, remember that there were other volunteers and please ask for help if you need it.
-- diane (, February 18, 2002.
Chuck,THANK YOU!! I'm sure you'll do a great job. I'm glad to hear that thinks will work out ok with our forum.
I like your family site. You have a beautiful family. The Kids are really cute.
-- Murray in ME (, February 18, 2002.
Sometimes our light goes out but is blown into flame by another human being. Each of us owes deepest thanks to those who have rekindled this light. (Albert Schweitzer)
-- TomK(mich) (, February 18, 2002.
Chuck - nothing I can say will come close to what I feel. So I'll just say thank you, and hope you understand the quantity and quality of emotion behind such small words.
-- Soni (, February 18, 2002.
Chuck , I agree with everything that Soni said. Many thanks. Thanks also for Dave and Ken for all they have done.Alison in UK
-- Alison Homa (, February 18, 2002.
Enjoying all the wonderful comments all you good people have to say, keep them coming and good luck Chuck and everyone else. Mary
-- Mary (, February 18, 2002.
Chuck, Thanks for taking on this job. I am new to the forum. I stumbled on it while searching for help with my goats. I was very sad when I found out the forum might be ending. So again, thanks.
-- Wendy Wetherall (, February 18, 2002.
Thanks Chuck. Looking forward to your assistance.
-- al (, February 18, 2002.
Chuck, when I read the news yesterday about the forum closing, and needing someone to take over, you were the first person who came to my mind. I am happy you decided to take this on. Best of luck to you. George
-- george nh (, February 18, 2002.
so, uh, just to get the ball rolling...IS IT OK TO CASTRATE AN ADULT PARAKEET WITH NO ANESTHESIA?
best wishes!
-- miserable-no-good (, February 18, 2002.
So, this is why you said not to worry. Thanks Chuck. I would hate to loose something I just found.
-- Corky Wolf (, February 18, 2002.
Well alright. Thank you (and my condolences) for putting up with us knuckleheads. For some reason, I kinda thought you were definitely one of the canidates for the job.
-- j.r. guerra in s. tx. (, February 18, 2002.
Thanks Chuck. I'm always nice on the forum. looking forward to many more helpful posts.
-- Ann Markson (, February 18, 2002.
Thanks Chuck!! We appreciate what you are doing!
-- cowgirlone in OK (, February 18, 2002.
Congratulations on getting the job, I hope you don't regret dealing with all us "brats" from time to time. We can get outta hand, you know, but we mean well. Glad to know that the forum isn't going away and I can still come here and ask a question or two. Thanks a whole lot for taking this on!
-- Cindy (, February 18, 2002.
I dunno Chuck so many rules already, I mean BE NICE???? I thought you said you were going to be reasonable? ;^) Best wishes Chuck they couldn't have condemed a better volunteer!
-- Ross (, February 18, 2002.
DITTO x 30+ + +. I would just be repeating everyone else. But of course you get kudos for being brave.Wishing you well,
-- Susan in Minnesota (, February 18, 2002.
Thanks, Chuck! So glad this will continue! Did you get so many requests for burning CDs of the archives that this seemed like the easy way out for you? :> You are so NICE to be taking on this job for all of us!
-- Jennifer L. (Northern NYS) (, February 18, 2002.
Chuck, you look and sound like a really nice guy and a great family man but are you country enough for us?Hope so. Good luck in all your endeavors, Terry
-- Terry Lipe (, February 18, 2002.
Thank you Dave, Ken and Chuck for your efforts to keep this forum going!
-- bluetick (, February 18, 2002.
Glad to hear the good news. May the Lord bless you in your new endeavor!!Marsha in PA-wife to Loren--Mother to 12
-- Marsha (, February 18, 2002.
Am I country enough? I spent the morning butchering goats, is that country enough? :-)
-- chuck in md (, February 18, 2002.
I want to add my congratulations!!! And I will try to be nice. Jenny
-- Jenny (, February 18, 2002.
Chuck, you were the first person I thought of when I heard about the Forum problem.Computer savvy and a homesteader. Best wishes. Bill from SE Mich
-- Bill Jaddatz (, February 18, 2002.
Congratualtions, Chuck! Your the man for the job! Best wishes.
-- Karen (, February 18, 2002.
THANK YOU SO MUCH Chuck - When I saw your comment about Limp Biskit I knew you were the ONE! :)
-- hmm (, February 18, 2002.
Knew you would do it Chuck (hoping too) Good Luck.Have we come up with a name yet?
-- Dee (, February 18, 2002.
-- jz (, February 18, 2002.
WOW. Everybody came out of the woodwork for this one. Too cool. My tummy ache has gone away now. Thanks Chuck.
-- Susan in Northern LP Michigan (, February 18, 2002.
Chuck, I was hoping it would be you. I think we can make this work. Let's everyone be nice and try to get along!
-- Rebekah (, February 18, 2002.
Chuck, What more can I add to all of the above---just another big thank you for volunteering your time. I just hope we're not going to all have to start putting moving pictures on our posts!
-- Katherine in KY (, February 18, 2002.
ChuckI for one am THRILLED to see you take over the site. I think you are very capable and articulate , so you should do well. I have also noticed you seem to be knowledgable in alot of areas... Nice to know you arent older than 33...blessings to you and to your future here in the forum... Kristean
-- Kristean Thompson (, February 18, 2002.
Whoa, I need to pay attention! Almost didn't scroll down far enough! Yo, Chuck, way to go. Thank you!!!!!!!!! LQ
-- Little Quacker (, February 18, 2002.
My money was on you being the one to rescue this forum.Every one was getting all worried but something told me you would save the day!!THAMK YOU SO VERY MUCH:-)
-- Shelly in WV (, February 18, 2002.
Kewl Chuck! I'm so glad someone has taken it over. It would have been a genuine loss for it to all go away.Since you say its OUR forum my vote is for keeping it here on LUSENET, without banners and pop-ups.
Thanks john
-- john (, February 18, 2002.
I guess Ill jump on the "chuck" band wagon and say: Chuck, you were the shoe in, and I had a specific feeling you (being computer literate, and take charge) would jump in. THANK YOU!!!!! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-- Kevin in NC (, February 18, 2002.
Hey! Another moderator with Wisconsin ties? Has to be a winner! Thanks for all the work that you've done, Ken, and welcome Chuck. Ken got more thank yous in the past three days than I've seen him get in the past three years. I guess that a lot us didn't appreciate what we had until we heard that we were going to lose it. Good Luck to you both.Forward! (Wisconsin's official motto.)
-- Martin Longseth (, February 18, 2002.
-- Jo in PA (, February 19, 2002.
Form one newbie to another (I more so than you), Congratulations!! Love your websites!
-- Pam in SE KS (, February 19, 2002.
Well, something had to change (that is not critical of Ken or Dave - more in awe of how they kept going so long). I'm glad you're it; and everything I've seen so far says you'll do a great job. You have my support.
-- Don Armstrong (from Australia) (, February 19, 2002.
Congrats, Chuck and thanks. Please tell Connie thank you too, for letting you give of your time to this "family". Much appreciated!
-- Annie (, February 19, 2002.
Chuck, probably nobody will scroll down far enough to read this, but I hope you do. As a former English teacher, thank you for taking over the forum. Your well crafted sentences and delightful vocabulary are an asset to the forum.
-- Rose the former English teacher (, February 19, 2002.
Thanks Chuck,keeping the ole metting hall open. Al
-- AL (, February 19, 2002.
Thanks! Chuck Indiana Country Friend Jack Bunyard
-- Jack Bunyard (, February 19, 2002.
Thank you Chuck.Polly
-- (, February 19, 2002.
Chuck-Thank you, and congratulations.
It's good to know that the forum will still be here- I think I'm mildly addicted
-- Kristin, in La. (, February 19, 2002.
When Ken said he had someone who was going to be good I immediately thought of you. Anyway, one of your funniest moments was when you had a pic of yourself in a flame retardant (note - not flame proof) suit. I laughed and fell down. Welcome and get your lasso ready... Change, though usually unwelcome, is what keeps us living. We'd be pretty bored if everything was the same....
-- Gailann Schrader (, February 19, 2002.
I don't have anything original to say, everyone else has already said it!! But I too, had a feeling it would be you. I'm so glad. You have always been so helpful to me with my computer idiocy. Thanks so much and welcome aboard. Everybody likes you!
-- Debbie in MO (, February 19, 2002.
Limped Biskets?? Is that where u forget to add somthing and there hockey pucks instead of biskets?? LOL Congrats Chuck!! Grizz in the other Maryland LOL!!
-- Grizz in Western Maryland (, February 19, 2002.
All this talk about biscuits ........ now I'm hungry. Way to go CHUCK!!! Thanks, from a fellow Marylander..
-- TonyG (, February 19, 2002.
Thanks for taking on such an awesome mission! I loved your family website and also the website Mission4Me. You are clearly a man who takes on difficult missions and follows through. Bravo!
-- Liz Rhein (, February 19, 2002.
Thank you so much, Chuck! I think Ken, Dave and crew have done a wonderful job in the past and have made a delightful choice in you as a moderator. Now for my 2 cents worth of advice...when there appear to be no more additions to this thread, print it out and paper the wall over your computer with it so that when we all become rancorous, you can remember that we really do appreciate you!
-- Sheryl in ME (, February 20, 2002.
Hi Chuck, Congratulations on your new position! Having watched Ken's mighty struggle (How long has he been moderator? Over a year, now, I think.), I have to say you're a brave guy for taking this on, and I really appreciate your doing it. I hope all goes well, and THANK YOU!!!
-- Laura Rae Jensen (, February 21, 2002.
Thank you, Chuck, and God bless!
-- Bonnie (, February 21, 2002.
Chuck, I am eternally grateful!!!! And you have my dream job - a stock broker! Thanks for taking over.
-- Michael W. Smith in North-West Pennsylvania (, February 24, 2002.
Hi there Chuck, how goes it?I know this'll be real original, but I'm DELIGHTED you've saved the forum & hope it doesn't get to be un-fun. There are many delightful (& some less...) folks here, but you know that... Many of us in the past & more in the future have delighted in it, so hats off to ya!!! Take care & best of luck. Yes, & the offer of a CD is delightful - sheckles are on the way!..................K-K-K-Katie.
-- K-K-K-Katie (, February 28, 2002.