BUT... We're not ready to announce who it is quite yet. This will give them time to work up an introductory statement and post it. However, I think you will be very, very pleased with Dave's choice. Turn over will be fairly rapid.Ah, the suspense. Speculate all you want.
-- Ken S. in WC TN (, February 18, 2002
YEA!! Can't wait to meet him or her!!
-- cowgirlone in OK (, February 18, 2002.
All I see is smoke and mirrors on this whole thing.
-- BC (, February 18, 2002.
So, does this mean that the "forum lives"? If so, then GREAT! I've learned so much from all of you and I hope it continues. Best wishes
-- c.d. (, February 18, 2002.
the most distressing thing in this , to me , isnt that the forum had to be changed over , but the statement , that so few of the forum participants are countryside subscribers , well, gang , you all should step up to the plate .not pointing fingers , and dont want to see a ton of "oh i am a subscriber " type posts , but think , if this is a valuable resource for you , why not pay the piffling sum of 20.00 to get a subscription?, its a good magazine from a bueatifull part of the country, from folks up in the northwoods who know what its all about.BTW, i look forward to the Dairy goat journal turnover , i cant wait!!!
-- Beth Van Stiphout (, February 18, 2002.
Glad to hear it will be continuing... Thanks to Countryside and to Ken for the wonderful job - I've learned a lot.
-- Trisha-MN (, February 18, 2002.
What will we do without Ken to corral us? I don't think I can handle the intenseness of this situation...
-- Gailann Schrader (, February 18, 2002.
Well talk about feeling manic. . . first I read the site is going down . . . then maybe not . . . then probably not, if we get the right person . . . then we have a WINNER!. All in the space of five minutes (I gotta play catch up on Mondays at the office). I'm spent.
-- j.r. guerra in s. tx. (, February 18, 2002.
resuming deep running/lurk mode...assessing fast shifting circumstances from a distance until things settle down. goodluck and adios. for the time being.
-- B. Lackie - Zone3 (, February 18, 2002.
Good for you. Glad to hear we will continue to participate. Now all you folks make sure you subscribe to Countryside. $30 for 2 years is a great bargain. If you don't think so, split the fee with a neighbor or donate to library, etc. when you are done. Maybe you can qualify for a tax rebate or something. Keep the forum alive by supporting those who bring it to you or we may lose it. Good lessons to be learned by all. Thanks for all your help to make this the greatest ever!
-- Hank (, February 18, 2002.
Boy, this situation has covered alot of ground fast. I, too, hope it moves forward. I log on every day during my lunch break at work and catch up on all of you, your lives, problems and answers. I didn't discover this forum for years after I started subscribing to the magazine. And I wouldn't think of dropping the mag. In fact, I'm going to order a gift subscription for someone just to show my support. The forum has helped me in innumerable situations. I once spent $40 to take a sick hen to the vet. They said that they couldn't tell me if she was infectious to the rest of the flock until they ran another $150 worth of test. I protested that this was not a pet, but a farm animal. They read me the riot act about respecting the rights of all animals as living things. Gees, I grabbed my chicken, paid my bill and never looked back. If I had known about the forum then, I could have gotten the answer in 30 minutes. I went home and took a sample to the lab where I work and examined it myself. I get paid to do this on humans. The hen was passing urate crystals and it cleared up without intervention. Later when I learned from you good people about putting vinegar in the drinking water, the problem cleared up and I haven't had a recurrence. I hope that this type of info will continue in the mag. I don't see that much of the question and answer column there so I come to the forum. And I suppose its the real-time response that makes it so useful. Thanks for all your efforts up to this point, Ken. Its been the best way for me to spend a lunchbreak in many years.
-- Dwight (, February 18, 2002.
I hope this Forum will continues, I learned so much from it, I felt that I was weird all my life, because I always was a homesteader, and this forum and your magazine make me normal, I got a lot of friends, and I feel so happy with it. And I want to tell you, me and my friends subscribed to your magazine because this forum, so I think this forum its having a positve impact in your mag. Thanks very much. Ralph.
-- Ralph (, February 19, 2002.