Some Thoughts About the Forum : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I have been reading over all the threads (or should I say obituaries) about the death of the forum. Poor forum...died so young and left behind so many family members, too..and now they want to up and relocate the forum's kids into foster care! Instead of "save the whales" the new chant has suddenly changed to "Save the Forum!!". Whatever shall we do???I don't know why I didn't see it coming, but I didn't, so I was as shocked as everyone else. It is only natural then to panic a tad. However, (now this is only my opinion mind feel free to take your best shot at me, as usual..LOL)I think all the talk about the forum dieing, moving the forum, etc. is just WAY too premature.
Ken has had some serious offers for a new administrator which he is passing on to Dave who will be the one making the decision for the replacement. So, problem number one solved -- the forum will continue...whew!!
As far as the new name, moving the site, new policies, etc., that really is something to take up with the new administrator. Since it will no longer be associated with Countryside magazine, it will really be up to the new administrator how things will be done.
The only reason I meantion this is is because of one thing...we shouldn't panic and go throwing out any old thoughts at this point out of respect for Ken. He has done an outstanding job -- one where he got far less credit than he really deserved. The poor guy is burned out-as in toast! Remember, he is still the administrator and as such, he still has to read ALL these posts and do the usual housekeeping on them. It is hard enough to keep up your job on the usual day-to-day threads let alone the flood of "what-if threads" now appearing.
I for one would like Ken to go out wishing he had stayed...not being glad he is done! What I mean is, we should just carry on business as usual and wait and see how it all plays out --- then panic!!! (LOL)
-- Karen (, February 18, 2002
DITTO! And very well said!
-- Lisa in WI (, February 18, 2002.
Well said Karen, We should stick around instead of scattering to new sites. I, for one, think the transition will be smooth. Best wishes!
-- cowgirlone in OK (, February 18, 2002.
I, for one, am going to dearly miss Ken!
-- Ardie/WI (, February 18, 2002.
Very nice post Karen! I do agree with you. I am also glad that...should this fold..others are ready to take up the reins though. This forum is the first and alot of times the only site I visit each day. I have learned so much here and all of you have been so very helpful. I guess I just do not want to be left behind if this closes down! Thanks again.
-- Sher in se Iowa (, February 18, 2002.
Karen, I agree. I think that the new administrator will have his/her work cut out for them, and more so than usual for people being so disgruntled. Hopefully they will rise to the challenge and maintain the old Countryside flavor and feel.
-- Rebekah (, February 18, 2002.
Karen,Very nice post. Very well said. You are very right about all of us going on as usual for now. Panicing right now won't help at all. I wish Dave well in choosing a new administrator. I know he will choose the person he feels will be the best for the job.
I do feel that when we get a new administrator, we should all make a point of occasionally letting that person know how much their efforts are appreciated. Ken, we should have done that more with you. You've done a great job and will be missed. Even the people who haven't always agreed with all of your decisions, if they're honest, have to admit you've always been honest with us and have always done your best. Thanks!
-- Murray in ME (, February 18, 2002.