New name for this : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
It is obevious that heroic efforts will be made to save this forum, there is just too much good information here to dump it into recycle bin. As Ken stated the name will need to be changed due to copyright laws; I nonimate: Our Country Forum.
-- mitch hearn (, February 17, 2002
Yes, please everyone suggest a new name. However, test drive it first to make sure there isn't already a .com or .net associated with it. For example, one person has suggested Country Life. There is already a It is a similar forum which belongs to Lehman's Hardware.
-- Ken S. in WC TN (, February 17, 2002.
How about "The Homestead Journal"? I figure whoever takes over will eventually want it to be more than just a message forum.
-- Nik Nikkila (, February 17, 2002.
Our Country Forum comes up clean in .com, .net, .org, via google. What other area needs to be searched?
-- mitch hearn (, February 17, 2002.
I think you should keep "Country" in it. Can you do "Our Countryside Forum" or will it have to have no countryside in it?
-- Dee (, February 17, 2002.
Ooops, nevermind. Still think it should have country in it.
-- Dee (, February 17, 2002.
Ken, could it be called Country Side (2 words)?
-- Karen (, February 17, 2002.
I feel bad jumping right into this,but if the name needs to be changed, and someone else is going to take over (please, won't someone take over) then I believe it would help us all if we could get as close to countryside as possible, since this is the name we all recognize, and since most of us cosider each other as family, I came up with country pride family.
-- george nh (, February 17, 2002.
"Our Country Forum" sounds good to me. I think the word "Country" should be kept in the new name. Best wishes!
-- cowgirlone in OK (, February 17, 2002.
What about ...Taste of Country or Country Homesteaders
-- Lisa (, February 17, 2002.
-- DW (, February 17, 2002.
There's a new website that also has a forum that looks interesting and also needs more imput,
-- bruce (, February 17, 2002.
Does it have to be a name that can be registered, like a domain name?So, do all the suggestions have to be run through one of the domain granting services?
-- BC (, February 17, 2002.
Hummm, Lusenet seems to have eaten my last post.To me Our Country Forum implies something dealing with patriotism - not homesteading. "This is Our Courty, land that I..." A derivitive of Countryside (Country Side or Countrysides)would also be out. Name should immediately indicate what it is about.
-- Ken S. in WC TN (, February 17, 2002.
-- a.eadie (, February 17, 2002.
Ok. Ken; how about Our Country Homestead Forum, your exiting, why does this matter to you?
-- mitch hearn (, February 17, 2002.
Domain names in the .com, .net, and .org domains can now be registered with many different competing registrars. Go to for detailed information.No match for domain "COUNTRYSIDEFORUM.COM".
>>> Last update of whois database: Sun, 17 Feb 2002 17:13:57 EST <<<
-- BC (, February 17, 2002.
He's exiting as moderator, not as a participant I hope.
-- john (, February 17, 2002.
Mitch, I'd imagine if you'd put as much blood, sweat and tears into something as Ken has this forum, you'd be at least a bit interested in the the future outcome, whether you're a part of it or not! Just my $.02 worth!Thanks, Ken, for EVERYTHING! Wish you the best in your future endeavors - don't forget us (though sometimes I'm sure you wish you could
-- Phil in KS (, February 17, 2002.
Yeah, Mitch. I guess it really doesn't matter that much. Dave and any new administrator get to make the final choice. Just looking for suggestions.People get sued all the time for domain infringements. One guy resistered a .com for all major country music star. All who have sued him have won.
-- Ken S. in WC TN (, February 17, 2002.
Countrysiders ?
-- B. Lackie - Zone3 (, February 17, 2002.
As I suggested in the other post we already have many forum participants over at MSN communities, think its countryside friends, might even be countryside. Patty in Ny started it.
-- Bernice (, February 17, 2002.
Something with the word "Homestead" in it seems like it would be appropriate, at least to me. "Our Homestead Forum" might work?
-- Debbie in MO (, February 17, 2002.
Country Talk:No match for domain "COUNTRYTALK.NET".
>>> Last update of whois database: Sun, 17 Feb 2002 17:13:57 EST <<<
-- BC (, February 17, 2002.
Homestead Heartbeat??
-- diane (, February 17, 2002.
Seems reasonable to me to let the new moderator and the past one work that out.
-- charlie (, February 17, 2002.
Phil, how many quarts/ liters are we talking about? maybe 6 to 10? And sweat or tears? This is an example of testatrone I have condemed at another forum for a bunch of times; Ken has deleted 13 threads of mine in the last 2 and 1/2 years, I feel victomized repeately by a "my dog is bigger than your dog" mentality for too long. I rescently posted a post stating "MIZ CLeo" bites the dust; statingthat she is charged with fraud, a relief to us all who use electricity and tv on our homesteads, it got dumped, but donut making stayed, a lap dog thread stayed, where is the balance?????Ken, go take an earned rest, it is called combat fatigue, and it sneaks up on you; the battlefield does not relax, that is why there is R & R within our ranks. I have no personal malice with you; it is the position you fill that needs changing. Have I not flagger you when there was trollsor nasty posters on this forum? I suggest an alternative name, you put water onthe campfire. Thanx guy.....
-- mitch hearn (, February 17, 2002.
Just reading this thread, can you wonder why not many people might be willing to do the job?? Whoever ends up taking the job, and I am certain that someone will, will become the instant target of a lot of snipers. Comes with the territory I guess. Ken and I have had our differences about deletions etc. but I must say he has, almost without fail, been a gentleman and a servant of the people here.I would hope Mitch, that Ken's opinion and advise would be recognized as knowlegible, and that we could have a peaceful transition.
-- diane (, February 17, 2002.
Countrysider Forum?
-- Jay Blair in N. AL (, February 17, 2002.
How about Countrystyle Homesteading? Has a little of both without being too closely associated with "Countryside" doesn't it? Whatchya think folks?
-- Phil in KS (, February 17, 2002.
Here is URL for msn communities:
-- Bernice (, February 17, 2002.
Country Style sounds good to me, except, it kind of implies country decorating...Country Folk? I think it should have Country in it, and preferably the first word should be Country. That way, when people scroll down the list on Lusenet, the forum will be in about the same place and easy to find.
-- Rebekah (, February 17, 2002.
I like the sound of "The Country Homestead" but that's my opinion. I do have a question though-if someone can be found to take over your position Ken, would the name even have to be changed?
-- Terri Bennett (, February 18, 2002.
If a new name is approved, how will we be notified? Please don't let the forum die! We love the great information and don't mind the good natured ribbine; we can take it if you can.
-- Hank (, February 18, 2002.
I like it to have homestead in it, we can leave country, countryside or any derivative of it out. My 2 cents.I liked Homestead Journal.
-- laura (, February 18, 2002.
How about simply "Homesteaders Forum". I can't imagine this place not here, I've been here 2 years. It should have "Homestead" in the name I would think, with the way we all strive to live. I've been getting Countryside magazine for 12 years or so, and it has had a big impact on the way we choose to live. There is so much "Country" this and that all over the web. Homesteaders are different, set apart in our thinking, even if it's wanna-be homesteaders.Keep the forum, the archives, just change the name. I would volunteer to be a moderator if there are several other moderators also, so no one would have to do it alone. It's too big a job for even 2 people to do, I don't know how Ken managed to keep up. The forum has grown so fast in the last year, it's mind boggling. Hopefully, Dave will be able to have some links to Homesteading forums in the magazine, and new subscribers will still find it.
-- Cindy in KY (, February 18, 2002.
Countryside II ?
-- Shannon at Grateful Acres Animal Sanctuary (, February 18, 2002.
I'm kinda liking Homesteader Forum. Maybe with that name we would be able to stay on track with questions more in the homesteading line. I've really enjoyed the other forums that have spun off from this site but will miss the folks here if it goes down. The information available from people who have tried and learned is invaluable. If someone has a question that would have an answer here what "word" or "phrase" would they be likely to put in a search? It would be nice to continue the Countryside name to honor the magazine that started it, but I do understand about the name being copyrighted. Keep making suggestions, the new manager will have lots of choices.
-- Betsy from Michigan (, February 18, 2002.
My, the things that do go on when one takes a weekend OFF from the computer!Well, the situation seems irreconcialable so lets make the best of it.
I like Ken's earlier suggestion in the other thread best.
Internet discussion forums by their very nature are about what is happening right NOW which makes us and all other such forums the leading edge of what is happening in the homesteading movement.
If it's being discussed, used and done here in this forum then it IS the state of Homesteading Today.
-- Alan (, February 18, 2002.
i second,uh third 'Homesteading Today'
-- bj pepper in C. MS. (, February 18, 2002.
I like "homesteading Today "What about " Rural Roots " Would readers outside USA & Canada get the pun ?
-- Deborah Hardy (, February 19, 2002.
How about "Open Country"? Has a nice double meaning to it. :)
-- Jennifer L. (Northern NYS) (, February 19, 2002.
Homestead Country
-- daffodyllady (, February 19, 2002.
Whoops I did it again I didn't see this thread before I posted another thread with the same topic. Ken is it people like me that turn your hair gray then leaves a shinney scalp? Thank you Ken and Dave for thier work on this forum.
-- gail missouri ozarks (, February 19, 2002.
kountryside kountryside homestead ....
-- steve (, February 19, 2002.
"My Country, Right or Wrong"? Nah, that sounds kind of weird, I guess.Oh well, a rose by another name, etc....whatever you call it, best of luck!
-- sheepish (WA) (, February 19, 2002.