Countryside needs new Administrator : LUSENET : Cooking & Crafts : One Thread

Karen, Are you interested? The Countryside forum needs a new leader!!

-- cowgirlone in OK (, February 17, 2002


I have already applied! I would love to do it! Thanks!

-- Karen (, February 17, 2002.

Karen, I think you would be perfect for the job. You have my support!

-- Jo in Pa (, February 17, 2002.

I got a email from Ken that Dave is making the decision. Let's hope he approves. Thanks for the support!

-- Karen (, February 17, 2002.

You were my first thought as a replacement too. May the Lord bless you.

-- charlie (, February 17, 2002.

I'm glad. You were my first thought for a replacement. God bless you

-- charlie (, February 17, 2002.

Whoops! It said the first one didn't post.

-- charlie (, February 17, 2002.

Dave couldn't have picked a better adminstrator over at Countryside! I am so very happy for Chuck (see the new thread on welcoming him)!

-- Karen (, February 19, 2002.

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