buying silkie hens : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I am from MA and wondered were I could get just 2-4 silkie chicks or juviniles or adaults that were hens?

-- Heather DesRochers (, February 17, 2002


Heather,if you have a farmers co-op check there. Most at least have a posting for buy or sell livestock.Our local radio stations saturday morning swap-shop is also a good place to find birds in that number. If all else fails,find someone to share an order with you from a hatchery.Good Luck!

-- Tim (, February 17, 2002.

If you would be interested in incubating eggs, check Lots of silkie eggs for sale there.

-- Paula (, February 17, 2002.

Try www.eggbay .com It is a poultry live stock auction. I have bought silikes off of eggbay. Never had a problem. You might have to wait till the weather warms up.

-- tracy (, February 17, 2002.

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