Does Anyone Else Still Use Lard? : LUSENET : Cooking & Crafts : One Thread |
Ok, I am convinced I must be the only one using lard to cook with now days. Every time I meantion lard to someone you would think I said I was cooking with hemlock! Now mind you, I don't deep fry with it or use it for butter on toast... but I just don't think there is any shortening type product out there that beats lard in biscuits and pie crust.Whenever I meantion lard people either just go "ohhh yuckkk!!" or act like it is a sin -- "haven't you ever heard of cholestrol". But then again...they go home and smoke cigarettes, eat processed food, and breath dirty city air, so go figure???? Even my country friends always say "you still use that stuff"? So is it me or does pork fat still rule in the country kitchens?
-- Karen (, February 17, 2002
I use lard only in the masa for tamales.
-- Rose (, February 17, 2002.
I use to use Lard all the time for pie crusts etc/etc/etc/----but have changed my lifestyle due to health reasons & I am now a vegetarain---so no more lard in this household!! We eat & think healthier now a days---sometimes it takes AGE & looseing your health to understand that!!!
-- Sonda in Ks. (, February 17, 2002.
I once tried to buy lard when I needed solid shortening, because I figured it couldn't be worse for me than hydrogenated shortening, and would possibly be kinder to my system. WRONG! They HYDROGENATED the LARD!!!!!! Really, solid white shortening is at least as bad for you as lard!
-- Terri (, February 17, 2002.
You can't beat the flavor of "lard" in cooking, however, since it is a saturated fat and bad for our health I do not use it anymore and use very little of other solid or semi-solid fats. Use extra virgin olive oil and very little of that.To answer your question, yes, "lard" is the king of "country" kitchens. My parents used it for most of their life, and they are now 91 & 96 years old. Hard farm work, sunshine, etc. apparently played a part in keeping them healthy inspite of the lard.
-- Marie (, February 17, 2002.
My DMIL tells me that her family used to eat lard sandwiches - lard spread on bread, sometimes sprinkled with sugar if they had it! DMIL and her 4 sisters are in their late 70's to mid 80's and still going strong! They also ate lots of root vegetables and greens which probably counteracted all that lard. Sounds yummy, doesn't it - lard sandwiches? No thanks!
-- Jean (, February 18, 2002.
I'm a lard user too!! We process our own pork and render down the lard. I couldn't do without it! I use it for cooking and soap making. Best wishes!
-- cowgirlone in OK (, February 18, 2002.
I keep a small container of it around, no its probably not good for you but lots of things arn't. I use it for pie crust and potpies (crust)
-- Kelly (KY) (, February 19, 2002.
karen,I only use lard when making pie crusts. I used to use a shortening called Fluffo, but can't find it anymore. Fluffo was a solid shortening that was yellow colored (not butter flavor) and the crusts would always turn a nice golden color. Our local large grocery store won't carry lard, but I found it at the corner mom & pop store.
My grampa used to eat bacon grease sandwiches. Gramma always kept the grease can sitting on the stove and he'd dip in a knife and spread it on a slice of bread and fold it in half and eat it for lunch. He's been gone for over 20 years, and I still think of him everytime I make bacon.
-- Charleen in WNY (, February 21, 2002.
I onced deep fried a whole turkey in lard, boy was it GOOD!!!
-- Mark in N.C. Fla. (, March 09, 2002.
Sure do! I make it whenever we butcher a hog and use it for biscuits and pie crust. I don't believe all that stuff about cholesterol being ad for you. Mine is 161
-- Gayle in KY (, March 27, 2002.
The new optimum goal for cholesterol is now "100". Mine was 179 until my fingers found their way into the nuts too many times every day for months. Caught up with me and zoom went the cholesterol to 193. Working on getting it back down.Remember, the body produces cholesterol and we do not need to eat foods to add cholesterol. Some people mfgr. more than others and that is why some people have to watch their level and others can eat as they please.
-- Marie (, March 30, 2002.
I have been under the impression that Fluffo shortening has been discontinued, but to my surprise, I found some today in an IGA store in Ontario, Canada.
-- Sherrin Palmateer (, February 23, 2005.