Nomination Process : LUSENET : Provender Nom Com : One Thread

Kirk asked about the Nomination Process, and said he was unclear.

So am I.

What I'm proposing is that we go ahead and each generate at least three names like Roxx suggested, but that we don't contact anyone, or qualify them in any way until we've had a chance to consider this seriously.

I think we should give some serious thought to the people we suggest, and imagine them in the role, and think about whether or not we think they would be strong in the position.

I also think that the Board's (still pending!) decision about Slate vs. individuals (or whatever we're calling it) dictates a lot about what we will end up with, so best to just start tossing names into the hat, IMO, and see what we get at the end of a couple of weeks

-- Anonymous, February 17, 2002

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