National Georgraphics Video: Braving Alaska (Land) : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
For those freind looking to move to Alaska, and get FREE LAND, I advise to watch the video entitled Braving ALaska, From the National Georgrafic series, I changed my mind after I Watched. Ralph.
-- Ralph (, February 16, 2002
Now Ralph............I thought that video was wonderful. If we were young we would go in a heartbeat!!! All in what you want I guess. :>)
-- diane (, February 16, 2002.
What video....and where do i get it.... WE would love to live there. I mean reallllyyyy love it. We have family there too.
-- Kristean Thompson (, February 16, 2002.
I'd like to see that video too....I heard that you couldn't get free land in Alaska any more. Can you?
-- Marilyn (, February 16, 2002.
From a 45 year resident of Alaska: THERE AIN'T NO FREE LAND IN ALASKA. The days of the homestead act are long gone. For more information see the responses to queries on Alaska in the previous "anyone from"
-- David (, February 17, 2002.
And, there's no free land in the lower 48 either!
-- al (, February 17, 2002.
I found the video on ebay & at the public library, since the lirary was closer & cheaper( they had 5 copies) I watched it, loved it. I was planning on going to Alaska before I saw it but I felt the urgency after watching it. I have found land made an offer and now it looks like I am going to Alaska this summer I am looking for someone there or who wants to move there who can come help me to build a home. Please contact me thru I may have an extra 1 acre lot in the wilderness to trade if person is interested in trading work for land.
-- Gilinda Rogers (, February 18, 2002.
Gilinda, I just reread your previous post under another thread and need to give you additional info. If the land you are acquiring is in the MatSu bourough, think it over more closely. All the reasons you are giving for wanting to move up here will be void in this bourough when the zoning laws go through. They are now attempting to ram them down our throats based on the desires of a few individuals in an organization calling themselves the Friends of MatSu, (FOMS). I like to think of them as FOAMS, Friends of Anchorage Matsu as many of them have moved to MatSu from Anchorage for the country lifestyle, but then want to restrict everyone elses lifestyle.At one point in the planning, zoning would have required getting a permit to have a greenhouse, garden or 4-H project in the areas designated residential, which was a major portion of the socalled core area. Many folks with the same lifestyle you seem to crave got up in arms over it and at least that was changed.
The core area comprises a small portion of the bourough and there are those in the extremes that seem to think this will not affect them. They had better do their protesting now, because once the zoning starts, it will eventually encompass the entire bourough.
If you are not buying in one of the organized bouroughs then the lifestyle you want is fully attainable. Good luck.
-- David (, February 18, 2002.
Will Wasilla and Willow be affected by this zoning change?
-- al (, February 18, 2002.
Al, Wasilla will be affected immediately when the zoning becomes law as it is in the "core"area. Willow is not in the core area, but there is no doubt in my mind that within a short time, the zoning will be extended to include Willow, and Talkeetna, and Skwentna and Trappers creek , etc.
-- David (, February 19, 2002.
Damn, that makes me mad!
-- al (, February 19, 2002.