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how much space should be used for each chick.
-- drew (, February 16, 2002
Drew, I start out with(for ducklings)1 1/2 ft per baby.And adjust frequently as they grow and they grow fast!!! Don't like to put them in a really large area at first, don't want any of them to get too far from the heat lamp, just enough room where they can move away from it if they want. Hope this helps some. LQ
-- Little Quacker (, February 16, 2002.
They just need enough space for all of them to be able to huddle under the heat lamp and move away from it enough to cool off. I'd say no more than a dozen chicks in a beer box with the lamp at one end of the box so they can retreat to the other end. Good luck!
-- Wingnut (, February 16, 2002.
The question is not how many you need for the "new" is how much room do you need for them at up to 5-6 weeks before they go into the coop...LOL!You will be amazed at how fast they grow! You will need 3/4 to 1 sq. ft. per bird. You are far better off starting them in the same place you will finish them. Chickens are creatures of habit and they don't like to relocate. Oh they will get use to it, but they don't like it! The other advantages of starting them with this much space is that they have enough room to excersise and will reduce the chance of cannabalism. Once they start pecking each other you can't stop them. Chicks are VERY active. Also if the heat lamp gets too hot it gives them enough room to move away from it. Another thing is that your brooder will stay cleaner and less change of the little guys getting sick. Not only will you be amazed at how fast they grow, you will be stunned at how messy and how much chicken doo doo they produce! No matter what you decide keeping the brooder clean is the number one thing! Just as important as food and water.
Best of luck!
-- Karen (, February 17, 2002.
I am not an expert(last year was my 1st time) We put 62 day olds in a home made brooder 3ft x 5ft for the 1st week. Agressive chicks were moved to duplicate brooder on week 2. The barn was home on week 4. Each brooder had a red heat lamp, to reduce pecking. Most important, we gave chicks small diversions. One day was hanging threads, then small budgie mirror etc. Every day we gave them "treats". One day would be small (size of dime) pieces of lettuce, next a tablespoon of corn meal They were happy,& not one was lost! Good luck Yvette
-- yvette (, February 17, 2002.