need source of wholesale flower & garden : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I would like to find source of bedding plants.Vegetables and flowers. Searched the net could not find what I was looking for . Most of the sites I found did not include price listing . Indiana Country friend Jack Bunyard
-- Jack Bunyard (, February 15, 2002
Contact the chamber of commerse for Apopka Fla, there are thousands of nurseries there.
-- mitch hearn (, February 15, 2002.
Jack: Check out I don't think they actually sell the stuff you're looking for but I suspect they can point you in the right direction. Good luck!
-- john (, February 15, 2002.
If at all possible, it's best to buy locally. Not only will you be helping neighbors, but the plants won't have to be shipped -- or at least, not as far. Your local or state extension office is a good place to start enquiries for local greenhouses and growers, as are phone books. Most states also have some sort of growers' association and would be glad to hook you up with someone. And you might try greenhouse suppliers in your area; they can tell you who's growing.
-- Marcia Bundi (, February 17, 2002.
If they're grown locally, then they grow locally - that's a good thing to know. Also means you won't be importing any problems you don't already have - like that new daylily rust that's going to wipe out all current strains of daylilies in the USA.
-- Don Armstrong (from Australia) (, February 17, 2002.