Cellulose for baked goods to reduce calories......greenspun.com : LUSENET : Cooking & Crafts : One Thread |
Alpha Cellulose is considered a dietary fiber and goes by the brand name of Solka-Floc. Is it healthy for you? I don't know what to say to that, if you consider that it reduces the carbs and therefore the calories in bread, then yes. But by it self, it cannot be digested by the human body and passes though. It is snow white in color and very light in weight, like feathers, a 25 pound bag is the same size as a 100 pound bag of flour and when used in cakes it gives more volume for the same scaling weight, but when I eat product made from it, to me it has a sandy feel in the mouth and I don't like that.The company that makes and sells it, is in Green Brook, NJ and goes by the name of Fiber Sales & Development Corp., phone 732-968-5064. You might want to call them to find out if anybody in your area sells or uses the product, so you could get some to try if you are still interested.
NOTE: Info from commercial baker helping me to find a way to make low carb bread. No, I never found a source to purchase and therefore have not tried using it. Now we know why bakery cakes are so light.
-- Marie (prettyhollow@yahoo.com), February 14, 2002