Telephoto for Fuji STX-2 : LUSENET : Camera Equipment : One Thread

I have an old Fuji STX-2 that I absolutely love but have recently had my telephoto stolen. I have not been able to find a replacement anywhere. I am wondering what adapter is out there that will allow me to purchase another make lens?

-- Matthew Watkins (, February 13, 2002


Matthew, I'm not 100% sure but doesn't the STX2 have a Pentax PK mount? I think so, and if it does there's a wide choice of lenses out there. In fact PK mount used to be the most popular in the industry being used by various manufacturers like Ricoh, Chinon and Fuji. If not then you're best bet are Tamron lenses. Manual focus ones have an 'Adaptall 2' mount that allows mounts for various different cameras to be put on. They will certainly do one to fit your Fujica. Many stores have 2nd hand ones in their cupboards. Depending on what you're after they do things like 135mm, 300mm f2.8 and 500mm mirror lenses as well as many others+telezooms.

Hope this helps. Steve

-- Steve Phillipps (, February 13, 2002.

Your Fujica has a (drum roll, please) Fujica mount. Tamron is your only hope in terms of new lenses, as pointed out above. Look on ebay for the fujinon(fujica) lenses. If you don't find it there, good luck. Fujica cameras can be hard to find lenses for, as there weren't a whole lot to begin with, and the creamy(good) stuff is snapped up. Pentax K or Nikon F mounts are much more common, take (generally)better lenses, and were much more comprehensive systems from the get-go. Not dogging your fuji, but there are lots of walls I see you running into. Good luck.

-- Mike DeVoue (, February 13, 2002.

Sorry- forgot to add-

I wouldn't get your hopes up thinking there's an adapter- if there is, it probably involves an optical conversion, and probably won't be nearly as convienient as the fuijcas. There are a handful of adapters I think are worthy (no optics, lenses hit infinity), but none involve the Fujica mount.

-- Mike DeVoue (, February 13, 2002.

Check out this site, it seems to have some good info on Fujis. Steve

-- Steve Phillipps (, February 14, 2002.

I was recently at a used camera store and found a adaptor for fuji to tamron lense. The store I vivited was called the camera exchange If you require more info e-mail me Alan

-- alanlawrie (, May 08, 2002.

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