Keith Code California Superbike School Tuition for sale!!! : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread |
I am selling a Keith Code California Superbike School Tuition open for any track or any date. This course came with my MV Agusta F4S Neiman Marcus edition, but it is difficult for me to attend the school. Therefore, this is your opportunity to save $$$ if you are planning to take this course. The tuition certificate is for $595.00 USD which is for the course and track time with the use of their bike (much better in my opinion so that you don't have to prep your bike, bring it to the track and risk it. I'll take $450.00. Save $145.00!!!. The same course and track time with YOUR BIKE is $395!!! so this is a good deal. I will do all the legwork in terms of getting a certificate issued in your name and mailed to your address, or just register you to the class of your choice once payment is made. Please Email questions to details on the course go to Thanks
-- Carlos Garcini (, February 13, 2002
The certificate has been sold. Sorry... Thanks
-- Carlos (, March 13, 2002.